


储存:~存。~藏(cáng )。~积。……


1. 藏 [cáng]2. 藏 [zàng]藏 [cáng]隐避起来:埋~。包~。~奸。~匿。隐~。蕴~。~污纳垢。收存起来:收~。~品。~书。储~。藏 [zàng]储放东西的地方:~府。宝~。道教、佛教经典的总称:道~。大~经。三~(佛教……



汉语拼音:zhù cáng








  1. 储藏。

    宋 苏舜钦 《火疏》:“天下富庶,帑府流衍,无所贮藏,乃作斯宫。”

  2. 指储藏物。

    张天翼 《大林和小林·我真想吃》:“ 唧唧 就一点也不客气,尽量吃一个饱,把蜜蜂所有的贮藏吃掉了三分之一,把蚂蚁所有的贮藏吃掉了一半。”



  1. We do not know of any effective way . . .


  2. They reassured him countless times; but he could not believe them, and pried cunningly about the lazarette to see with his own eyes.


  3. The storing temperature and length of time (14 days) has no apparent influence on the TSS ; however, the level of TA tends to be reduced.


  4. If the growth of adipose tissue (the body cells in which fat is stored) were directly harmful, that would not be the case.


  5. After a few days he took it away, to an obscure refuge he had under the stairs, full of mops and buckets.


  6. The length of the storage period, the storage container material of good or not, and liquor store after the quality closely related.


  7. The multipurpose bed provided by the utility model is composed of a bed head with a storage box, a bracket and a bed plate.


  8. The frozen juice concentrate is placed in storage and is maintained in the frozen state until the consumer is prepared to use the product.


  9. It would take years for the SDR to be widely accepted as a means of exchange and a store of value.


  1. 贮藏纤维素

    reserve cellulose.

  2. 贮藏库, 贮藏箱

    a storage bunker

  3. 贮藏生理学

    storage physiology.

  4. 贮藏罐头食品

    stock up on canned goods.

  5. 贮藏小气候

    microclimate of storage.

  6. 果品, 蔬菜贮藏

    fruit and vegetable storage

  7. 广口贮藏瓶

    a storage jar.

  8. 地下石油贮藏捅

    ground oil storage tank

  9. 蚕茧干燥和贮藏

    cocoon drying and storage

  10. 把货物贮藏起来

    place the goods in storage

  11. 番茄的贮藏保鲜

    The Storing and Fresh keeping of Tomatoes

  12. 萝卜的贮藏保鲜

    The Preservation and Fresh Keeping of Turnip

  13. 支付手段和贮藏手段

    Means of Payment and Means of Hoard

  14. 韭薹贮藏保鲜技术

    Study on Technology of Leek Fruit Storage

  15. 贮藏碳水化物

    storage carbohydrate

  16. 板栗贮藏保鲜技术

    Technique of storage in Chinese chestnut

  17. 半品脱贮藏啤酒

    a half of lager

  18. 柿饼贮藏工艺研究

    Study on the Storage Technology of Dried Persimmon

  19. 马铃薯安全贮藏方法

    The Sate Method of Storing Potato.

  20. 贮藏煤以备过冬

    lay in stores of coal for winter

  21. 用容器或空间贮藏

    To place or store in a bin.

  22. 亚硝酸盐蔬菜贮藏

    Keywords nitriteveg etablestore

  23. 而且耐贮藏, 易携带。

    And resistant storage and easy to carry.

  24. 而且耐贮藏,易携带。

    And resistant storage and easy to carry .

  25. 鲜木瓜的贮藏试验

    The experiments on the storing of the fresh Chinese Quince

  26. 红星苹果贮藏的研究

    Studies on the storage of Starking Apple.

  27. 松鼠为过冬贮藏坚果。

    A squirrel hoards nuts for the winter.

  28. 把谷物贮藏在仓里

    to bin the grain

  29. 脐橙简易贮藏的研究

    Research that the navel orange is simply stored up

  30. 冰糖橙贮藏保鲜试验

    A storage and refreshment experiment of sweet orange.


  1. 问:贮藏拼音怎么拼?贮藏的读音是什么?贮藏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏的读音是zhùcáng,贮藏翻译成英文是 store

  2. 问:贮藏叶拼音怎么拼?贮藏叶的读音是什么?贮藏叶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏叶的读音是zhù cáng yè,贮藏叶翻译成英文是 storage leaf

  3. 问:贮藏处拼音怎么拼?贮藏处的读音是什么?贮藏处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏处的读音是,贮藏处翻译成英文是 repository

  4. 问:贮藏室拼音怎么拼?贮藏室的读音是什么?贮藏室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏室的读音是zhù cáng shì,贮藏室翻译成英文是 representation module

  5. 问:贮藏库拼音怎么拼?贮藏库的读音是什么?贮藏库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏库的读音是zhù cáng kù,贮藏库翻译成英文是 storage magazine

  6. 问:贮藏所拼音怎么拼?贮藏所的读音是什么?贮藏所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏所的读音是,贮藏所翻译成英文是 cache

  7. 问:贮藏根拼音怎么拼?贮藏根的读音是什么?贮藏根翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏根的读音是zhù zàng gēn,贮藏根翻译成英文是 storage root

  8. 问:贮藏箱拼音怎么拼?贮藏箱的读音是什么?贮藏箱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏箱的读音是,贮藏箱翻译成英文是 hutch

  9. 问:贮藏粒拼音怎么拼?贮藏粒的读音是什么?贮藏粒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏粒的读音是zhù zàng lì,贮藏粒翻译成英文是 storage granule

  10. 问:贮藏者拼音怎么拼?贮藏者的读音是什么?贮藏者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏者的读音是,贮藏者翻译成英文是 hoarder

  11. 问:贮藏仓库拼音怎么拼?贮藏仓库的读音是什么?贮藏仓库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏仓库的读音是zhù cáng cāng kù,贮藏仓库翻译成英文是 storage reservoir

  12. 问:贮藏器官拼音怎么拼?贮藏器官的读音是什么?贮藏器官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏器官的读音是zhù cáng qì guān,贮藏器官翻译成英文是 storage organ

  13. 问:贮藏效果拼音怎么拼?贮藏效果的读音是什么?贮藏效果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏效果的读音是zhù cáng xiào guǒ,贮藏效果翻译成英文是 hoarding effect

  14. 问:贮藏方法拼音怎么拼?贮藏方法的读音是什么?贮藏方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏方法的读音是zhù cáng fāng fǎ,贮藏方法翻译成英文是 storage practice

  15. 问:贮藏用房拼音怎么拼?贮藏用房的读音是什么?贮藏用房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏用房的读音是zhù cáng yòng fáng,贮藏用房翻译成英文是 storage occupancy

  16. 问:贮藏管胞拼音怎么拼?贮藏管胞的读音是什么?贮藏管胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏管胞的读音是zhù cáng guǎn bāo,贮藏管胞翻译成英文是 storage tracheid

  17. 问:贮藏组织拼音怎么拼?贮藏组织的读音是什么?贮藏组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏组织的读音是zhù zàng zǔ zhī,贮藏组织翻译成英文是 storage tissue

  18. 问:贮藏细胞拼音怎么拼?贮藏细胞的读音是什么?贮藏细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏细胞的读音是zhù cáng xì bāo,贮藏细胞翻译成英文是 storage cell

  19. 问:贮藏蛋白拼音怎么拼?贮藏蛋白的读音是什么?贮藏蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏蛋白的读音是zhù zàng dàn bái,贮藏蛋白翻译成英文是 storage protein

  20. 问:贮藏货币拼音怎么拼?贮藏货币的读音是什么?贮藏货币翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贮藏货币的读音是zhù cáng huò bì,贮藏货币翻译成英文是 hoarding of money



读音: zhù cáng 简拼: zc 意思与

解释: 1.储藏 。 2.指储藏物 。 3.有计划的保存物品。 zhù cáng ㄓㄨˋ ㄘㄤˊ 贮藏(贮藏) (1).储藏。 宋苏舜钦《火疏》:“天下富庶,帑府流衍,无所贮藏,乃作斯宫。” (2).指储藏物。张天翼《大林和小林·我真想吃》:“ 唧唧 就一点也不客气,尽量吃一个饱,把蜜蜂所有的贮藏吃掉了三分之一,把蚂蚁所有的贮藏吃掉了一半。”

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