




1. 藏 [cáng]2. 藏 [zàng]藏 [cáng]隐避起来:埋~。包~。~奸。~匿。隐~。蕴~。~污纳垢。收存起来:收~。~品。~书。储~。藏 [zàng]储放东西的地方:~府。宝~。道教、佛教经典的总称:道~。大~经。三~(佛教……



汉语拼音:zhēn cáng









  1. 珍贵的收藏物。

    汉 班固 《西都赋》:“陆海珍藏, 蓝田 美玉。” 宋 陈鹄 《耆旧续闻》卷三:“后有内府印标题品,次皆宸翰也。舍此褾轴,悉非珍藏。” 元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷一:“工於尺牘,辞简而甚文,朋友得之,輒以为珍藏。” 徐迟 《火中的凤凰》:“书市活跃,国家珍藏陆续出现。”

  2. 珍视并收藏。

    宋 苏轼 《答吴子野书》:“扶劣膏不识其为何物,但珍藏之,莫测所用,因书幸详以示諭也。” 明 王鏊 《震泽长语·仙释》:“此卷迺 至元 六年五月五日为余作也,吾珍藏之。” 清 郑燮 《四子书真迹序》:“ 黄涪翁 有 杜 诗抄本, 赵松雪 有《左传》抄本,皆为当时欣慕,后人珍藏,至有争之而致讼者。” 罗广斌 《在烈火中得到永生》:“有一些文件太宝贵了,谁也舍不得烧毁,人们冒着危险,把它珍藏下来。”

  3. 收藏宝物的府库。

    南朝 宋 范晔 《宦者传论》:“南金、和宝、冰紈、雾縠之积,盈牣珍藏;嬙媛、侍儿、歌童、舞女之玩,充备綺室。”



  1. Acquisition of the four seasons garden, more petals, just a touch of your fingertips, will have more love and fall, precipitation.


  2. Hou Yi, however, hated to part with his wife. So he gave the elixir to Chang E to treasure for the time being.


  3. But a person to leave, and not the love away, but stay forever in another person's heart, keep, keep, until another person to leave.


  4. This week was an opportunity for her to showcase a project dear to her heart.


  5. he stayed over a weekend which is usually quiet , so he was able to see the vineyard and the cellars , where the wine is aged.


  6. She tucked away the memory of her brief visit with Ed along with her other memories of him.


  7. We are committed to working closely with you, for you and your LOVER design a worthy of collection, integration of their style of wedding.


  8. Beyond all this, the best part of my MBA was the human experience and the poignant memories that I will for ever treasure.


  9. I still have a cherished photo of him in his apron, standing over the grill, spatula in hand, smiling.


  1. 珍藏纪念首日封

    collecting and memorial first day cover

  2. 胸中珍藏的微光

    A glimmer you have kept inside

  3. 私家珍藏重金属材料。

    Good information source for dirty vegas lyric.

  4. 华夏集邮珍藏礼品行

    Huaxia Philately Museum Piece Firm

  5. 用桑皮纸珍藏新疆。

    TO treasure up Xinjiang with mulberry bark paper.

  6. 贵重的珍藏物

    Trove a collection of valuable items discovered or found a treasuretrove

  7. 珍藏吧,她对他说。

    The collection, she said to him.

  8. 为台北故宫博物院珍藏。

    For Taipei Palace Museum collection.

  9. 一批珍藏的青铜艺术品

    a fine collection of bronzes

  10. 那都是我的珍藏啊!

    That's from my best collections.

  11. 那都是我的珍藏啊。

    That's from my best collections.

  12. 他把他的珍藏借给你。

    He lends you his most precious possessions.

  13. 海外藏家珍藏瓷器工艺品

    Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art from Foreign Collector

  14. 韩剧及影艺人珍藏纪念品

    Memorable TV Drama Artist Gifts

  15. 这记忆珍藏在人们心中。

    The memory is enshrined in the people's minds.

  16. 我会一直珍藏我们的爱。

    I shall always treasure the memories of our love.

  17. 我会一直珍藏我们的爱。

    I shall always treasure the memories of our love.

  18. 母亲珍藏着她的最好的瓷器。

    Mother prizes her best china.

  19. 创建您自己的特别珍藏的光碟。

    Create your own special features collection disc.

  20. 龙徽怀来珍藏干红葡萄酒

    Dragon Seal Huailai Dry Red Reserve

  21. 她珍藏着一颗浑圆的珍珠。

    She has a perfectly round pearl.

  22. 我会永远珍藏这段记忆的。

    Aw. I will treasure this memory always.

  23. 我会永远珍藏这段记忆的。

    Aw. I will treasure this memory always.

  24. 我愿意把他珍藏在我的心坎。

    I will wear him in my heart's core.

  25. 珍藏的过去的景象会在某时。

    The vision to see the treasured past comes

  26. 我依旧珍藏着那鲜红的围巾

    Still i treasure up that ponceau scarf

  27. 我已将甜美的回忆珍藏心底。

    I treasure Sweet memories of You in my heart.

  28. 我们在心底里珍藏着这些记忆。

    We carry these memories inside of us.

  29. 我们在心底里珍藏着这些记忆。

    We carry these memories inside of us.

  30. 这个三脚架是翠西珍藏的宝贝。

    This tripod is a treasure Trish cherishes.


  1. 问:珍藏拼音怎么拼?珍藏的读音是什么?珍藏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:珍藏的读音是zhēncáng,珍藏翻译成英文是 collect



珍藏, [动词]认为有价值而妥善地收藏。藏:收存,储藏 [名词]珍贵的收藏物,罕见的收藏物。

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