


1. 阿 [ā]2. 阿 [ē]阿 [ā]加在称呼上的词头:~大。~爷。~爹。~罗汉。~毛。~婆。~弟。~姊。阿 [ē]迎合,偏袒:~附。~其所好。~谀逢迎。凹曲处:山~。……





汉语拼音:à ge







  1. 哥哥。

    《宣和遗事》后集:“如今阿哥被 灵州 同知使往 燕京 下文字,不久亦须此来。”《官场现形记》第八回:“难末,倪又勿懂哉。倪格娘有个过房儿子,算倪的阿哥,从前也勒一爿洋行里做买办格。”

  2. 对年纪跟自己相近的男子表示亲热的称呼。

    《水浒传》第三回:“ 鲁提辖 道:‘阿哥,你莫不是 史家村 甚么 九纹龙 史大郎 ?’”《白雪遗音·八角鼓·酒鬼》:“我将阿哥送到府上,反惹的大嫂子出来数落了我一场。”《中篇小说选刊》1983年第2期:“一个小伙子奔过去趁机找便宜:‘叫我一声阿哥,我教你们踏黄鱼车。’”

  3. 满 俗。同辈彼此间的互称。

    清 吴振臣 《宁古塔纪略》:“各村庄 满洲 居者多, 汉 人居者少……等辈彼此称呼曰阿哥,有呼名者。”

  4. 为父母对儿子的称呼。


  5. 为对皇子的通称。

    清 梁章鉅 《称谓录·皇诸子》:“诸皇子亦有称阿哥者,知阿哥当为皇子之通称。” 清 陈康祺 《燕下乡脞录》卷一:“ 乾隆 初元, 寧化 雷公 ,以庶吉士蒙特召,侍阿哥书房讲读。”



  1. is really angry, his mother was able to resurrect five elder brother! Five brother pity.


  2. Glen Johnson could be in line for a first-team return against Napoli on Thursday - though Dirk Kuyt, Daniel Agger and Joe Cole are all out.


  3. Many smaller Greek states, moreover, took the side of the Persians, especially Thessaly, Thebes and Argos .


  4. Lan Hui secretly white eye, actually want to vibrate four the elder brother's neckband howl for a while: Who Be getting more scared?


  5. Agger injured his knee in the defeat at West Brom on Saturday and Johnson his hamstring and the Reds fear they could be out for some weeks.


  6. Angry at his ignorance, his friend proclaimed that Nureyev was a genius and the reason they were both there.


  7. Just as Satan is "a murderer . . . And the father of lies" (John 8: 44), Antiochus was a deceiver and destroyer.


  8. Qingchuan qiao tongue to the spring, was from the clutches of two-time prince, entanglement AGe appear less, eight, to avoid the riverside.


  9. She blocks to beat with the body of breeze, see to four elder brother there of progress.


  1. 阿哥抬爱,这么过奖。

    Agu gosime uttu dabali maktambi.

  2. 三阿哥真是生龙活虎!

    What vim and vigor Third Elder Brother have!

  3. 三阿哥真是生龙活虎!

    What vim and vigor Third Elder Brother have!

  4. 三阿哥给师傅请安

    Third Elder Brother pays respect to Master

  5. 阿哥赶马过山来

    My Lover Rides A Horse Over The Hills

  6. 大阿哥喺度望紧你?

    The Big Brother is Watching You!

  7. 阿妹就是月亮,挂在阿哥心上。

    The younger sister is the moon, hangs on the elder brother heart.

  8. 安提阿哥是象征将来的敌基督。

    Antiochus was a preview of AntiChrist.

  9. 阿哥你这话有点不对了吧。

    AAgu sini ere gisun, majige taxarabuhakv semeo.

  10. 诏三阿哥玄烨太子少保魏承谟接旨

    Third Elder Brother XuanYue, Young Protector Wei Cheng Mo take the order

  11. 皇上在文华殿亲试众阿哥学业。

    The emperor will test the school work of all the brothers himself.

  12. 几番斗争之后,四阿哥登基了,八阿哥被贬了。

    How many times after AGe was four struggle, eight AGe be demoted.

  13. 真是气愤, 五阿哥他娘居然能复活!五阿哥真可怜。

    I think it a pity that I shall never have chance to see her.

  14. 而安提阿哥则在之后不久莫名其妙地死去。

    Antiochus died soon afterward of an unseen, unknown cause.

  15. 她用身子挡掉吹来的风,看向四阿哥那边的进度来。

    She blocks to beat with the body of breeze, see to four elder brother there of progress.

  16. 澜惠见怪鱼进水后也慢悠悠得返回了四阿哥那。

    The Lan Hui was alsooffended fish to after entering water also slowly and longly return four elder brother that.

  17. 澜惠见怪鱼进水后也慢悠悠的返回了四阿哥那。

    The Lan Hui was alsooffended fish to after entering water also slowly and longly return four elder brother that.

  18. 叫四阿哥只吃澜惠做的就好,别让雅静进门了。

    Call four elder brother dine Lan Hui to do of nice, don't let friendship quiet come in.

  19. 于是四阿哥也不管喉结那的疼痛,紧跟着就追了上去。

    Hence four the elder brother also ignore Adam apple that of rankle, Doudoune Moncler Femme, close behind made trace for up.

  20. 第一站是'阿哥柔喷射艇',它是'阿哥柔穹顶综合游乐场'新近增加的活动项目。

    First stop was Agrojet, a recent addition to the activities near the Agrodome Complex.

  21. 不会是佟佳氏这么猛红杏出墙叫四阿哥带绿帽子了吧?

    Can't be a so fierce and ruddy good Tong surname almond wall to call four the elder brother took a cuckold husband?


  1. 问:阿哥拉拼音怎么拼?阿哥拉的读音是什么?阿哥拉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿哥拉的读音是,阿哥拉翻译成英文是 Agora

  2. 问:阿哥斯拼音怎么拼?阿哥斯的读音是什么?阿哥斯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿哥斯的读音是,阿哥斯翻译成英文是 Argos

  3. 问:阿哥哥舞拼音怎么拼?阿哥哥舞的读音是什么?阿哥哥舞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿哥哥舞的读音是,阿哥哥舞翻译成英文是 a-go-go

  4. 问:阿哥拉沙门菌拼音怎么拼?阿哥拉沙门菌的读音是什么?阿哥拉沙门菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿哥拉沙门菌的读音是ā gē lā shā mén jūn,阿哥拉沙门菌翻译成英文是 Salmonella agona

  5. 问:阿哥墨特E聚合树脂拼音怎么拼?阿哥墨特E聚合树脂的读音是什么?阿哥墨特E聚合树脂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阿哥墨特E聚合树脂的读音是ā gē mò tèE jù hé shù zhī,阿哥墨特E聚合树脂翻译成英文是 Agomet E poiymer resin



1.ā ɡē 对兄长的称呼。[elder brother]2.ā ɡē 对年纪跟自己相近的男子表示亲热的称呼——尤其是某些少数民族地区年轻未婚女子对自己异性朋友的称呼。[brother]

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