




1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:kǎo dǎ







  1. 用竹木杖敲击。多指严刑逼供。

    《元典章新集·刑部·详谳》:“擅用讯杖木棍拷打,逼令妄指平民。”《水浒传》第三二回:“那厮把我酒肉都吃了,却大醉倒在门前溪里,因此捉拿在这里,细细的拷打。” 巴金 《家》三一:“在我们家里总不会有人用私刑拷打我。”



  1. "They didn't treat me badly, " she said. "If I had been put in prison and tortured, perhaps I would have feelings of vengeance and hatred. "


  2. In spite of torture by the enemy, she faced death with a strong sense of righteousness.


  3. They were all alive when they went into prison, but we received 13 bodies back this week and all had been tortured.


  4. Torture was formerly used to make people give evidence about crimes, or to make them confess.


  5. Former detainees say that torture is routine, and that medical attention is often denied even when prisoners fall gravely ill.


  6. And then out of the superiority , such a human gives themselves permission to use, prostitute, abuse, starve, torture or war upon another.


  7. Torture her as they did, the enemy got nothing out of her.


  8. Jesus was brutally tortured and then hung by his hands, which were nailed to a horizontal wooden beam (cross).


  9. Certainly it is hard to see how their books would have made it into print without the threat of torture.


  1. 拷打的目的是拷打。

    The object of torture is torture.

  2. 她被严刑拷打。

    She was cruelly tortured.

  3. 对某人严刑拷打

    use torture on sb.

  4. 他们停止了拷打。

    They stopped flogging.

  5. 她受严刑拷打致死。

    She died under torture.

  6. 他受到了严刑拷打。

    He was subjected to torture.

  7. 拷打将置于酷刑之下

    To subjectto torture.

  8. 犯人在受严刑拷打。

    The criminal is undergoing torture.

  9. 决不准许严刑拷打。

    Torture should never be sanctioned.

  10. 警察拷打他, 逼他招供。

    The police tortured him to confess his crime.

  11. 他们将犯人拷打致死。

    They tortured the prisoner to death.

  12. 人民遭到拘留和拷打。

    People have been detained and tortured.

  13. 严刑拷打使他招供了。

    The torture made him confess.

  14. 严刑拷打未使她屈服。

    Torture failed to make her submit.

  15. 我知道你善于严刑拷打。

    I know that you're good at torture.

  16. 几百个被拷打的犯人。

    Hundreds of tortured prisoners.

  17. 无尽拷打没有立场的灵魂。

    Endlessly torturing the souls without stand.

  18. 警察拷打他,逼他承认罪行。

    The police tortured him to make him admit to the crime.

  19. 那个人被拷打得遍体鳞伤。

    The man was beaten until he was black and blue.

  20. 他们会对我严刑拷打吗?

    Will they use torture on me?

  21. 那个在台北拷打我的人?

    The guy who had me tortured in taipei?

  22. 只有严刑拷打才能使真相大白。

    Only torture will bring out the truth.

  23. 只有严刑拷打才能使真相大白。

    Only torture will bring out the truth.

  24. 在伊拉克,是我的拷打?

    In Iraq, Was I a Torturer

  25. 笞责用笞杖来击打或拷打。

    To hit or beat with a rod.

  26. 他们会拷打囚犯,以讯问口供。

    They would rack the prisoners for answers.

  27. 在他死前,我们对他严刑拷打。

    Before he died, we tortured him.

  28. 敌人严刑拷打,他仍凛然而立。

    The man remained on his feet in spited of the enemy's cruel torture.

  29. 法国警方确信她是被拷打致死。

    French police are convinced that she was tortured and killed.

  30. 他们可以通过讯问,可以通过拷打弄清楚。

    They could be tracked down by enquiry, they could be squeezed out of you by torture.


  1. 问:拷打拼音怎么拼?拷打的读音是什么?拷打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拷打的读音是kǎodǎ,拷打翻译成英文是 torture



拷打 政治犯被用烙铁kǎo dǎ [beat;torture] 指审问时为了强逼犯人招供而采用残酷的暴力手段折磨犯人,用残酷的刑罚。 明 方孝孺 《书汉三王策文后》:“ 武帝 穷侈极欲,以处其身,而严刑重敛以困天下,其本固已悖矣。” 《元典章新集·刑部·详谳》:“擅用讯杖木棍拷打,逼令妄指平民。” 《水浒传》第三二回:“那厮把我酒肉都吃了,却大醉倒在门前溪里,因此捉拿在这里,细细的拷打。” 明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第七十二回:“再说楚将蒍越,欲将皇甫讷绑缚拷打,责令供状,解去郢都。” 巴金 《家》三一:“在我们家里总不会有人用私刑拷打我。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第三章:“敌人把她严刑拷打之后,丢到一个干涸的池塘里。”

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