







汉语拼音:wén yú







  1. 鲤鱼。一说为有翅能飞的鱼。

    《楚辞·九歌·河伯》:“乘白黿兮逐文鱼,与女游兮 河 之渚。” 王逸 注:“言 河伯 游戯,远出乘龙,近出乘黿,又从鲤鱼也。” 洪兴祖 补注:“ 陶隐居 云:鲤鱼形既可爱,又能神变,乃至飞越山湖,所以 琴高 乘之。”《文选·曹植<洛神赋>》:“腾文鱼以警乘,鸣玉鸞以偕逝。” 李善 注:“文鱼有翅,能飞。” 前蜀 花蕊夫人 《宫词》之一二一:“嫩荷香扑钓鱼亭,水面文鱼作队行。” 明 刘基 《兰陵王》词:“文鱼翼短沉书扎,泪滴在衣袂,尽成清血。”

  2. 有斑彩的鱼;金鱼。

    《山海经·中山经》:“ 荆山 之首曰 景山 …… 雎水 山焉,东南流注于 江 ,其中多丹粟,多文鱼。” 郭璞 注:“有斑采也。” 元 张可久 《红绣鞋·茅山疎翁索赋》曲:“红云翔綵凤,丹井养文鱼。”文鱼,一本作“ 金鱼 ”。 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·新城北录上》:“柳下置砂缸蓄鱼,有文鱼、蛋鱼、睡鱼、蝴蝶鱼、水晶鱼诸类。《梦香词》云‘小队文鱼圆似蛋,一缸新水翠於螺’,谓此。上等选充金鱼贡。” 清 赵翼 《漫兴》诗之四:“缸养文鱼圆似卵,盆栽小竹瘦於针。”



  1. How much you need: Eat atleast two servings of a fatty fish like salmon a week, the American HeartAssociation recommends.


  2. applying the mixed juice squeezed in wild salmon piled next to the bottom, sprinkle cooked sesame seeds, then decorate the small tomatoes.


  3. Heat frying pan with some oil, fry the salmon patties until golden brown on both sides, turn off the heat and add lime juice; Serve hot.


  4. Gilbard, a self-proclaimed "junk food king" years ago, now eats salmon five days a week and sprinkles flaxseed oil on his salads.


  5. You'd be better off with the Strange Taste Horse-beans, and a Broiled Salmon Leg, or two.


  6. Marinate salmon with a little salt and pepper for at least 2 hours.


  7. Salmon likes to say that I am about one's appearance, but also right, and her dress kind of like the girls, I may be heterogeneous.


  8. At Big Falls, a natural 12ft-high barrier, salmon were gathered in their thousands, leaping a dozen at a time to get over the obstacle.


  9. Roll out the puff pastry and scoop half of the cream sauce in the middle. Place the salmon on top then pour on the rest of the cream sauce.


  1. 奶烤三文鱼

    Creamed salmon.

  2. 奶油三文鱼炒饭

    Fried Rice With Cream Salmon

  3. 西柠三文鱼排

    Grilled Salmon Steak with Lemon.

  4. 意式扒三文鱼

    veal enderloin Italian style grilled

  5. 熏三文鱼配芦笋

    Green asparagus with smoked salmon

  6. 烤三文鱼排意大利

    Roasted Salmon Steak in Tagliatelle and Saffron

  7. 没什么,三文鱼非常好

    Nothing, the salmon's great.

  8. 扒挪威三文鱼排

    Grilled Norwegian Salmon Filet

  9. 三文鱼皮革开发研究

    Development and Research in Salmon Leather

  10. 日式烧三文鱼头

    Grilled salmon head Japanese style

  11. 三文鱼它它伴烟蚝

    Salmon Tartare with Smoked Oyster

  12. 煮三文鱼配荷兰汁

    poached salmon fillet with Hollandaise sauce

  13. 烟挪威三文鱼及。

    Smoked Norwegian Salmon and Gravlax with Mustard Dill Dressing.

  14. 酸奶三文鱼配洋芋饼

    Smoked Salmon on Potato Pancake with Sour Cream

  15. 你的三文鱼要吃吗

    You going to eat that salmon?

  16. 三文鱼,吞拿鱼,鲭鱼和鲑鱼。

    Some of these include salmon, tuna, mackerel and trout.

  17. 三文鱼红鱼子寿司饭

    Salmon roe with salmon on rice

  18. 三文鱼扒配青柠黄油

    Grilled Salmon with Lime and Butter

  19. 挪威进口烟熏三文鱼

    Norway smoked salmon toasts with Dill cream

  20. 意式烟熏三文鱼三明治

    smoked salmon sandwich with focaccia

  21. 橙丁茴香莎莎酱烤三文鱼

    Slow Roasted Salmon With Fennel Orange Salsa.

  22. 煎三文鱼配奶油菠菜汁

    Fried Salmon with Cream and Spinach Sauce

  23. 三文鱼排配水瓜柳汁

    Salmon fillet with caper sauce

  24. 三文鱼都要变沙门菌了

    the salmon is turning into Salmonella.

  25. 三文鱼都要变沙门菌了。

    The salmon is turning into Salmonella.

  26. 烟熏三文鱼配芥末时萝

    Smoked Salmon with Dill Mustard and Condiments

  27. 烤三文鱼配红白土豆泥

    Grilled Salmon with Red and White Mashed Potato

  28. 熏三文鱼携其鱼子酱粉墨登场

    Smoked salmon with egg caviar

  29. 今天晚上我准备做熏三文鱼。

    I am going to serve the smoked salmon tonight.

  30. 今天晚上我准备做熏三文鱼。

    I am going to serve the smoked salmon tonight.

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