


1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……





汉语拼音:wéi xìng






  1. 指本性。

    《孔子家语·七十二弟子》:“ 牛 为性躁,好言语。” 唐 张鷟 《游仙窟》:“为性贪多,欲两华俱採。”



  1. The research will help scientists to understand how the brain conducts the symphony of activity that leads to sexual climax in a woman.


  2. To pay for sex is to strip away the veneer of artifice and civilisation and connect with the true animal nature of man.


  3. The Bonn government spends $116, 000 a year for a private security company to guard the area and to provide security for the sex workers.


  4. Where she remains impregnable, impregnable as a woman, is outside the system described as the sexual act.


  5. As a final argument, it could be argued that women would be presenting themselves as sexual objects by showing their breasts in public.


  6. Like their male counterparts, girls do at times serve as combatants, just as both genders are recruited for sexual enslavement.


  7. She continues to be a spokesperson for female sexuality, and an advocate for sex education.


  8. Dislike using himself was the main factor influencing condom using, and refusing of sexual partners comes next.


  9. CLARA: Let me check Appendix F for this year's updated protocol for sexting.


  1. 人为性紫癜

    Factitious purpura.

  2. 不,本人不为性花钱。

    No,Ed Ferrara doesn't pay for sex.

  3. 为性奴十二年用的。

    12 Years A Sex Slave.

  4. 这也可以表述为性善论。

    This can also be called the theory of good nature.

  5. 论言语行为的施为性意义

    On the Illocutionary meaning of Speech Act

  6. 视戴安全套为性爱过程的一部分

    Include Putting On The Condom into your sexual routine

  7. 诋毁妇女得实质就是视我们为性目标。

    The essence of the denigration of women is our definition as sex object.

  8. 诋毁妇女的实质就是视我们为性目标。

    The essence of the denigration of women is our definition as sex object.

  9. 第四节为性灵诗人黄立世的个案研究。

    The fourth section is a case study of Huang Lishi.

  10. 研究人员发现,鸭嘴兽有52条染色体,其中10条为性染色体。

    The researchers revealed the animal has 52 chromosomes,including 10 sex chromosomes.

  11. 注意到很多青少年仅仅定义性交为性很重要。

    It is important to note that many adolescents define sex as intercourse only.

  12. 人们承认这种方法带有人为性并且过分简单化。

    There is admittedly artificiality and oversimplification in this approach.

  13. 前密尔瓦基主教为性及金钱丑闻公开道歉

    Former Milwaukee Archbishop Offers Public Apology for Sex and Money Scandals

  14. 一对称为性染色体因为它包含决定性别的基因。

    One pair are called the sex chromosomes because they contain genes that determine sex.

  15. 有些男人自豪地宣称他们从没有为性付过钱。

    Some men proudly proclaim that they have never paid for it.

  16. 有些男人常骄傲地宣称他们从未为性买过单。

    Some men proudly proclaim that they have never paid for it.

  17. 她仍然是一个女性的性代言人, 为性教育的倡导者。

    She continues to be a spokesperson for female sexuality, and an advocate for sex education.

  18. 结果全部病例临床表现主要为性早熟和痴笑样癫痫。

    ResultsAll patients presented as precocious puberty or gelasmus epilepsy.

  19. 难民法律项目为性暴力和政治暴力的受害者提供咨询。

    The Refugee Law project provides counselling to victims of sexual and political violence.

  20. 在迈阿密,有一个 为性工作者而成立的小组

    There is a circle that's been started, for rescued sex workers in Miami.

  21. 这份发表在自然杂志上的被同领域者赞誉为性意义。

    The research, published in the journal Nature, was hailed as groundbreaking by fellow researchers.

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