




1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……



汉语拼音:tuō kōng







  1. 丧葬所用或庙宇所供的偶像。因须脱出胎心,仅有中空的外壳,故名。

    宋 陶穀 《清异录·丧葬》:“ 长安 人物繁,习俗侈,丧葬陈拽寓象,其表以綾綃金银者曰大脱空,褚外而设色者曰小脱空。”《旧唐书·代宗纪》:“太僕寺佛堂有小脱空金刚。”

  2. 落空;没有着落;弄虚作假。

    宋 朱熹 《答刘定夫》:“下稍説得张皇,都无收拾,只是一场大脱空,直是可恶。” 宋 吕本中 《东莱吕紫微师友杂记》:“ 刘器之 尝论至诚之道,凡事据实而言,纔涉诈伪,后来忘了前话,便是脱空。”《儒林外史》第五四回:“连我的房钱都骗了!他自从 来宾楼 张 家的妖精缠昏了头,那一处不脱空!”



  1. The separation on the top of secondary liner is one of the common failures of tunnel.


  2. The numerical simulation calculation for the void evolution problem under a concrete slab is carried out in this paper. 2.


  3. Based on this, different cavity dimension, height, shape and areas beneath cement concrete slabs influence on deflection were analyzed.


  4. High-performance expansive concrete is filled in the steel tube to counteract the separation of tube and concrete.


  5. Considering plate outrunning at bridge head of Jingzhu expressway, sleeve valve pipe grouting technology is put forward.


  6. Reasons for Curved Ramp Bridge Bearing Hanging in the Air and Strengthening of It


  7. Application of Grouting at the Bottom Disjoint of Approach Slap


  8. Simulation of Ground Penetrating Radar Electromagnetic Wave Used in Cement Concrete Pavement Void Detection


  9. Influence of Overloading and Heavy Vehicles on the Service Life of Cement Concrete Pavement Slabs with Void Base


  1. 脱空修正系数

    modified coefficient to void

  2. 桥头搭板底脱空

    bottom disjoint of approach slap

  3. 轮胎胎肩脱空原因分析

    Analyzing the Reason of Tire Shoulder on an Aberrant Course

  4. 弹性地基接缝板声振法脱空判定

    Void identification of jointed slab on elastic foundation by acoustic vibration

  5. 钢管混凝土拱桥界面脱空光纤传感研究

    An investigation on Optical Fiber Sensing of Interface Disengaging of Steel Tube Confined Concrete in Arch Bridges

  6. 桥梁板式橡胶支座局部脱空设计成因分析

    Local disengaging design origins analysis in the plate rubber support of bridge

  7. 雷达新技术检测隧道二次衬砌背后脱空

    Radar inspection on contact condition between lining and surrounding rock

  8. 楔横轧模具脱空对轧制力影响规律研究

    Study on Influence of Die Void on Rolling Force During Cross Wedge Rolling

  9. 弹性地基接缝板模量反演和地基脱空判定

    Modulus back analysis and void identification of jointed slab on elastic foundation

  10. 灌浆技术处治桥头搭板脱空, 沉陷应用探讨

    Application of Injection Grouting Technique in Cavity and Sinking Treatment of Transition Slab at Bridge Head

  11. 曲线匝道桥支座脱空原因分析及加固处理

    Reasons for Curved Ramp Bridge Bearing Hanging in the Air and Strengthening of It

  12. 面板堆石坝中面板脱空的预测和防治

    Prediction and Prevention of Inconsonant Deformation between Face Slab and Body on the RCC Dam

  13. 基于光纤光栅的组合结构界面脱空变形检测

    Disengaging deformation detection of composite structure based on fiber Bragg grating

  14. 浅析桥头搭板及明涵台背板下脱空的处治

    Easy Unpack Either End of a Bridge is Build Plank and Light to Contain Back What Comes to Nothing Below the Plank Punishes

  15. 钢管混凝土拱肋泵送混凝土脱空成因分析与试验观察

    Analysis of causes on dislocation of pumping concrete in steel tubular arch rib and its experimental observation

  16. 注浆技术在处理桥头搭板底脱空问题上的应用

    Application of Grouting at the Bottom Disjoint of Approach Slap

  17. 因此,搭板脱空长度是影响搭板受力状态的主要因素。

    Therefore, the cavity length of the slab is a major factor of affecting the force status of the slab.

  18. 钩尾端面与从板间隙超差,从板与从板座脱空的控制

    Oversize of the coupler yoke end face and the follower, control of the follower and the detachment of the follower seat

  19. 对贝克曼梁经验判别法的脱空判别标准进行了分级。

    The cavity assessment criterion is garded in Benkelman Beam experience assessment method.

  20. 二次衬砌顶部脱空已成为比较严重的隧道质量通病。

    The separation on the top of secondary liner is one of the common failures of tunnel.

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