




1. 闷 [mèn]2. 闷 [mēn]闷 [mèn]心烦,不舒畅:愁~。沉~。郁~。~懑。~~不乐。密闭,不透气:~子车。闷 [mēn]因空气不流通而引起的感觉:~气。~热。密闭,使不透气:茶刚沏上,~会儿再喝。不吭声,不声张:他只是~头……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……


1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:tiě mèn zǐ chē






  1. 有铁棚的火车。没有窗户,多为载货之用。

    杨朔 《乱人坑》:“这些人不是抓来就是掳来的,锁在铁闷子车里,吃喝不管。”亦称“ 铁闷车 ”。 茅盾 《苏嘉路上》一:“这天是阴天,一列铁闷车又紧挨着月台。”




  1. 油罐车内梯支撑铁

    manhole ladder brace

  2. 这车就是陀烂铁

    This thing is a piece of crap.

  3. 煤水车后端定位铁

    tender back lug

  4. 煤水车水箱前定位铁

    tender front tank lug

  5. 咱明白点说,你的车就是破铜烂铁。

    Just to be clear, your car a P. O. S.

  6. 铁管拦架床车

    stretcher with tubular box frame

  7. 车顶丁字接铁

    roof sheet splice tee

  8. 欧铁优惠乘车证

    Eurail Pass

  9. 欧铁廉价乘车证

    Eurail Saver Pass

  10. 混铁车结盖分析

    Analysis on the Build Up of Molten Iron in Torpedo Car

  11. 车贷险遭遇滑铁卢

    Automobile Credit Insurance Encounter Waterloo

  12. 混铁炉式铁水罐车

    mixer type iron ladle car

  13. 奥迪车比雪铁龙车要贵。

    An Audi is more expensive than a Citroen.

  14. 耐热铁块专用平车的开发

    Development of the dedicated flat car for hot iron block

  15. 搭乘电铁,然后在第3站换车。

    Take the subway and make a change at the third station.

  16. 宝钢混铁车的内衬检修管理

    Management for Lining Repair of Torpedo Cars at Baosteel

  17. 铁合金电炉布料车驱动装置的改进

    Improvement of drive for distributer in ferroalloy furnace

  18. 奥贝球铁车削加工性能的研究

    Study on the Turning Properties of ADI

  19. 数控换向器铁芯外园精车机

    Digital commuter iron core outer cycle precise lathe

  20. 减震垫铁在普通车床上的使用效果分析

    Analysis about Behavior of Engine Lathe with Damping Cushions

  21. 你会生气吗 你会否猛击车上的铁炼?

    Do you lose your temper Pound on the steering wheel

  22. 适用电机铁芯外园,换向器外园精度车削。

    Be suitable for electromotor iron core and commutator outer cycle precious lathing.

  23. 我能看出来他是铁了心要开那辆车。

    I could tell he was dying to drive that car.

  24. 地下铁车资将会从一九九九年四月一日起涨价。

    Subway fares will be raised as of April 1 st, 1999.

  25. 铁的来自一个联络谁不愿透露姓名抛弃盗版车。

    The Ironclad came from a bootleg cart dumped by a contact who wishes to remain anonymous.

  26. 车主从从车里抽出一根紧固螺丝的粗铁棒。

    Owners out of a fastening screw from the Cong Juli thick iron bar.

  27. 车主从从车里抽出一根紧固螺丝得粗铁棒。

    Owners out of a fastening screw from the Cong Juli thick iron bar.

  28. 马宏用铁管打碎了车窗,从车里跳出逃走。

    Mahone smashes the car window with the pipe and he escapes from Wheeler and Lang.

  29. 同时,降低混铁车的重心,使其运行及倾动平稳。

    In addition, the utility model reduces the barycenter of the torpedo hot metal mixer car, and makes the running steadiness during moving.

  30. 异型配重铁曲轴连杆颈车削夹具的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Crankpin Turning Fixture of special Balancing Crankshaft


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