




1. 令 [líng]2. 令 [lǐng]3. 令 [lìng]令 [líng]〔~狐〕a.古地名,在今山西省临猗县一带;b.复姓。令 [lǐng]量词,印刷用的原张平版纸五百张为一令。令 [lìng]上级对下级的指示:命~。法~。朝(z……



汉语拼音:sòng lìng






  1. 谓输送贡物及传递文书。

    《周礼·地官·司关》:“有内外送令,则以节传出内之。” 郑玄 注:“有送令,谓奉贡献及文书,以常事往来。”




  1. 一名士兵, 霍华德, 受令送一份急件到前线去。

    A soldier Howard, was asked to send a dispatch to the front line.

  2. 新型火箭可以将宇航员送到令人激动得地方。

    The new rockets could take astronauts to some thrilling places.

  3. 新型火箭可以将宇航员送到令人激动的地方。

    The new rockets could take astronauts to some thrilling places.

  4. 国王即令人送一包米给他。

    Kingly even person sends a packet rice to him.

  5. 从吊顶送风的效果令人满意。

    The effect of supplying air from the ceiling is satisfactory.

  6. 送葬者泪如雨下,令人心碎。

    The mourner's profuse tears at the burial were heartbreaking.

  7. 哦, 糟糕, 要送他回家, 真令人讨厌!

    Oh, no!Taking him home's going to be a real drag!

  8. 他们就这么白白地送了命,真令人难以置信。

    It is hard to believe that they died for nothing.

  9. 清晨送到我手里的报告委实令人惊恐。

    The report that reached me in the early hours of the morning was most alarming.

  10. 清晨送到我手里得报告委实令人惊恐。

    The report that reached me in the early hours of the morning was most alarming.

  11. 但我在二月送出的每份报纸都令我不寒而栗

    But February made me shiver with every paper Id deliver.

  12. 但是二月份中我每送出的一份报纸都令我发抖。

    But February made me shiver, With every paper Id deliver.

  13. 她的女儿没有送她一件八十寿辰的礼物, 真是令她大失所望。

    To her great disappointment, her daughter didn't send her a present for her eighty birthday.

  14. 送信人坐下来休息,气喘吁吁地说出了令人伤心得消息

    The messenger sit down to rest and pant out the sad news.

  15. 送信人坐下来休息, 气喘吁吁地说出了令人伤心的消息。

    The messenger sat down to rest and panted out the sad news.

  16. 令我感到难过的是我听到了送信人带来的一些坏消息。

    Which is why it pains me to be the bearer of such bad news.

  17. 入境事务处负责处理有关递解离境令和遣送离境令的事宜。

    The department processes deportation and removal orders.

  18. 他给那个流浪汉一些吃的,一个先令,然后送走了他。

    He packed some food for the tramp and giving him a shilling, set him on his way.

  19. 听法国电台播送的流行音乐是一种令人愉快的消遣。

    The pop music that came over the air from France was a pleasant distraction.

  20. 目送老妇人扛着一大包衣服蹒跚而去,实在令人心酸。

    It was sad to watch the old woman stagger out with the big bundle and disappear.


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