











汉语拼音:sì shì sān gōng






  1. 东汉 袁绍 ,自其高祖至父辈,四代皆有居三公位者,时称“四世三公”。

    《三国志·魏志·袁绍传》:“高祖父 安 为 汉 司徒。自 安 以下四世居三公位,由是势倾天下。” 裴松之 注引 晋 华峤 《后汉书》曰:“ 安 字 邵公 …… 章帝 时至司徒,生 蜀郡 太守 京 。 京 弟 敞 为司空。 京 子 汤 ,太尉。 汤 四子:长子 平 , 平 弟 成 ,左中郎将,并早卒; 成 弟 逢 , 逢 弟 隗 ,皆为公。”《三国演义》第五回:“ 操 曰:‘ 袁本初 四世三公,门多故吏, 汉 朝名相之裔,可为盟主。’”




  1. 建设工程招标投标中三公原则的实践环节

    Practical Links of Three Opens Principle in Inviting Bids and Entering Bids in Construction Projects

  2. 三公消费长期以来被批评为腐败和浪费的根源。

    The three public consumptions have long been criticized as sources of corruption and waste.

  3. 三公消费的规范性决定了这部分资金到底该如何使用。

    The specification of Three public consumptions determine this part of the funds in the end how to use.

  4. 是啊, 我打了三只公的和两只母的。

    Yes, I killed three males and two females, he replied.

  5. 一只三年的母山羊, 一只三年的公

    Three years old, and a she goat of three years

  6. 你在关着门的斗室间里面, 这里有三只山公。

    You are in a little room with a closed door. There are three monkeys here.

  7. 三公九卿制

    san gong jiu qing system.

  8. 漂坛三公是每位新移民心目中奋斗的指标。

    Floating altar three is every new immigrant's struggle index.

  9. 晋景公三年,大夫屠岸贾要诛杀赵氏家族。

    Chun King public three years, the doctor Tuan Gu Zhu Sha Zhao family.

  10. 庐山三大公建

    three Public Buildings in the Lushan Mountain.

  11. 三只公山羊吃起了草。

    The three Billygoats eat a bunch of grass.

  12. 谢谢舅公得另外三个兄弟。

    Thank the other three brothers of their father's mother's brother's side.

  13. 谢谢舅公的另外三个兄弟。

    Thank the other three brothers of their father's mother's brother's side.

  14. 二次剪毛至第三次剪毛前公羊

    two shear ram

  15. 二次剪毛至第三次剪毛之前公羊

    two shear tup

  16. 我弄来一只公鸭和三只母鸭。

    I brought in one drake and three ducks.

  17. 这只公老虎和母虎生了三只小虎。

    The tiger and his mate had three cubs.

  18. 香港有三分一的人口居于公屋。

    We also provide affordable quality public housing for one third of our population.

  19. 三位主人公赋予了影片无数的悬念。

    The three main characters give the story lots of suspense.

  20. 皇甫公窟三壁龛像及礼佛图考释

    Notes On Images in The Three Niches of HuangPu Grotto and Its Painting of Worshipping of the Buddha

  21. 公司是由三家小公司合并组成的。

    The company was formed by merging three smaller firms.

  22. 是啊,我打了三只公得和两只母得。

    Yes, I killed three males and two females, he replied.

  23. 这湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里。

    The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers.

  24. 一头公狮子和三头母狮子正躺在荫凉处。

    A male and three females lie in the shade.

  25. 三个两两相外切圆的内公切圆与外公切圆

    Internal and External Common Tangent Circles of Three Circles Which Are Externally Tangent Each Other

  26. 公麋党是美国历史上的一个第三党派。

    The Bull Moose Party was a third parties in American history.

  27. 这条湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里。

    The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers.

  28. 每月应交的数量不得少于三十公吨。

    The quantity to delivered each month must not be less than 30 metric tons.

  29. 每月应交得数量不得少于三十公吨。

    The quantity to delivered each month must not be less than 28 metric tons.

  30. 公因子聚类分析可将6份苦瓜材料分为三类。

    Factor cluster analysis showed that six varieties belongs to three clusters.


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