









汉语拼音:sì rén bāng






  1. 指 王洪文 、 张春桥 、 江青 、 姚文元 四人帮反党集团。这是一个以夺取党和国家最高权力为目的而进行阴谋活动的反革命集团。他们是在“文化大革命”动乱中进行反革命犯罪活动的。前后共达十年之久,殃及全国各个地区各个领域,使我国人民民主专政制度和社会主义的社会秩序受到严重危害,使国民经济和其他各项事业遭到极其严重的破坏,给各族人民带来极大的灾难。参阅《中华人民共和国最高人民法院特别法庭判决书(特法字第一号)》。



  1. Since the downfall of the Gang of Four, we too have made it a state policy to oppose superpower hegemony and keep world peace.

  2. So perhaps Mr Rangel's departure as head of the Ways and Means Committee is not the beginning of the end, but the end itself.

  3. The question of exposing and criticizing the Gang of Four and consolidating the leading bodies.

  4. Shortly afterward, the leaders of the movement, known as the Gang of Four and including Mao's widow Jiang Qing, were arrested.

  5. In contrast to the polished Ivy League law-school types that sit on the court today, Roosevelt's quadrumvirate was a varied lot.

  6. News: Everybody was overjoyed at the news that the "gang of four" had been overthrown.

  7. After the falling of "Gang of Four" , he was set free a little bit, so he asked for a leave to go home.

  8. The "Gang of four" culture " to implement all-round dictatorship " , is imprisoned many books, has been unable to calculate.

  9. But I think the Gang of Four book put a very strong piece in the early chapters about what it means to program to an interface.


  1. 四人帮伤害了成千上万的人。

    They brought harm to millions upon millions of people.

  2. 四人帮利用红卫兵来挑战权威。

    The Gang of Four used Red Guards to challenge authority.

  3. 不久,我又被四人帮打倒了。

    Before long I was again toppled by the gang of four.

  4. 四人帮那时很厉害,要打倒新的领导。

    They were rampant at that time, trying to overthrow the new leadership.

  5. 关于揭批四人帮和整顿领导班子的问题。

    The question of exposing and criticizing the Gang of Four and consolidating the leading bodies.

  6. 林彪、四人帮把这种社会风气彻底破坏了。

    However, Lin Biao and the Gang of Four completely corrupted this good social conduct.

  7. 军队的揭批四人帮运动,总的情况是好的。

    On the whole, the movement to expose and criticize the Gang of Four is proceeding well in the army.

  8. 这是被四人帮搞乱了的一个重大问题。

    This was one of the big issues about which the Gang of Four spread utter confusion.

  9. 四人帮这些谬论的流毒,现在仍然需要大力肃清。

    Even today, much effort is still needed to eliminate the pernicious influence of these absurdities spread the gang.

  10. 特别是林彪、四人帮的破坏,耽误了我们很多时间。

    In particular, we have lost a lot of time as a result of the sabotage by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four.

  11. 粉碎四人帮后,还把个人崇拜的一套搬了一段时间。

    After the smashing of the Gang of Four, the personality cult continued for a period of time.

  12. 对四人帮的死党中死不改悔的人,毫无疑问要坚决打击。

    Beyond all doubt, we must crack down resolutely on the unrepentant diehards among the sworn followers of the Gang of Four.

  13. 揭批林彪、四人帮,必须联系实际,搞好各方面的整顿。

    The exposure and criticism of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four must be related to realities, and things must be straightened out in every field.

  14. 随着1976年毛的去世,四人帮被逮捕,从权力的顶峰跌落并被废黜。

    On Maos death, in 1974, the Gang of Fours already waning primacy ended with arrest and disgrace.

  15. 也许他可以派点人帮你看看你四周。

    Perhaps he could get some of the chaps to take a look around for you.

  16. 四人有舵手

    four oars with coxswain.

  17. 每四人一组!

    Group together in fours!

  18. 除非有人帮我

    unless I'm not.

  19. 四人双桨项目

    quadruple sculls.

  20. 四人玩的游戏

    a game for four players.

  21. 三人帮共同纲领

    The Creed Of Gang Of

  22. 四人并肩而行。

    The four of them walked abreast.

  23. 她终生为人帮佣。

    She was in service all her life.

  24. 来人,来人啊,来人帮帮忙

    Help!Yeah, help!We need some help over here!

  25. 母亲还需要人帮厨。

    Mother needs additional help in the kitchen.

  26. 女子500米四人皮艇

    500m kayak four women

  27. 男子1000米四人皮艇

    1,000m kayak four men

  28. 四人双桨赛艇比赛

    guadruple sculls

  29. 他还人帮人做会计。

    He did some accounting on the side.

  30. 四人一排并肩行进

    to march four abreast


  1. 问:四人帮拼音怎么拼?四人帮的读音是什么?四人帮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四人帮的读音是sìrénbāng,四人帮翻译成英文是 Gang of Four

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