


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……





汉语拼音:shuō xià







  1. 说出。

    宋 朱熹 《读诸经法》:“《易》中説理,是豫先説下未曾有底事,故乍看甚难。”

  2. 说定;讲好。《儒林外史》第二五回:“ 鲍文卿 回来和浑家説下,把乐器都揩抹净了,搬出来摆在客座里。”《红楼梦》第四一回:“可有一句话先説下:这木头的可比不得磁的,那都是一套,定要吃遍一套才算呢。”



  1. "If it was to be secret, " said Jane, "say not another word on the subject. You may depend upon my seeking no further. "

  2. I thought if I walked fast, maybe I could escape. I never would've imagined that it would come so quickly.

  3. Place with the lyrics again, the men said, the next time she does that again, I put her tied to a bed, burned the house.

  4. "Come around, " he said, "the first of next week. I may make some changes then. "

  5. She said there would be an exciting football match on TV the next month.

  6. After a few messages his walkie-talkie crackled again and they released me, with a warning that next time I would not be so lucky.

  7. He said the meeting on Thursday was an opportunity "not only to repair the system today, but reform it for the future" .

  8. If you were respond to a call for recruits also to be possible own situation saying that the broadcasting station gave you to broadcast.

  9. She said that they were to see their English teacher the next week.


  1. 我想说下再见。

    I wanted to say goodbye.

  2. 顺便说下,希勒。

    Oh,by the way,Heath.

  3. 顺便说下,希勒。

    Oh, by the way, Heath.

  4. 他经常说下流话。

    He always speaks lewd remarks.

  5. 莱西,说下你的情况

    Lexie, run it down for me.

  6. 说下你的工作经历。

    Tell me your work experience.

  7. 运用俚语或说下流话。

    use slang or vulgar language.

  8. 玛丽,请说下一题。

    And the next one, please, Mary.

  9. 修鞋匠说下周才能取

    the repair guy told me it was gonna take till next week.

  10. 你能说下这个菜吗?

    Could you describe this dish?

  11. 它们是真的,顺便说下

    They're real,by the way.

  12. 它们是真的,顺便说下。

    They're real, by the way.

  13. 和你的经理说下情况。

    Talk to your manager about the situation.

  14. 理发师说下一个给我理。

    The barber said he'd do me next.

  15. 但是你说下周要去见她。

    But you said you were going to see her next week.

  16. 哎,你再听我说下一句。

    He, ich weiss noch etwas anderes.

  17. 我能和你说下前面的剧情

    I can fill you in on what you have missed.

  18. 不要废话,快说下一个任务!

    Do not nonsense, fast, said the next task!

  19. 好了,说下那位无名氏的方案

    All right, here is the plan for our john doe.

  20. 我会和她说下馅料的事

    You think she could handle a deep fried turkey?

  21. 问题解决了,现在说下我的病人

    Problem solved. Now for my patient.

  22. 她说下个月她要去美国深造。

    She said that she would go to USA for a further education next month.

  23. 顺便说下,就当给你提个醒。

    By the way, let this be a lesson to you.

  24. 她一直抱怨说下腹部感觉很沉。

    She'd been complaining about heaviness in her lower abdomen.

  25. 说下周天气好的预报是不正确的。

    The weather forecast that it will be fine next week is inaccurate.

  26. 您能不能跟我说下工资的情况?

    Could you pls tell me sth about the wages?

  27. 我不能确切地说下周我在什么地方。

    I can't say with any certainty where I shall be next week.

  28. 他说下周他将举办一个钢琴演奏会。

    He said that he was going to give a piano concert next week.

  29. 顺便说下,感谢我的咆哮,我确实需要它。

    Thanks for the rant, btw, i really needed that.

  30. 莪寻医?谁是学医的请说下,庸医爬!

    Does E find cure? Who is those who learn cure say please, quack climb!?


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    答:说下流话的人的读音是,说下流话的人翻译成英文是 ribald

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