


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……





汉语拼音:shuō táng






  1. He said Mr. Tang had never managed to fire his weapon, which in a police photo appeared to have been soldered together.


  2. "Don, " I said, "just to get the facts straight, you guys are famous for farming so far out to sea, you don't pollute. "


  3. And Don, as I said, he's now, he's crazy. In a wonderful complimentary way.


  4. McConnell spokesman Don Stewart said the Republican Senate leader is amenable to a two-year extension.


  5. If the story of Don Quixote means anything, it means that the spirit of life is just as important as its substance.


  6. As the words the curator Kalong Wong stated "Tong's works have been recognized as an important part of Macao contemporary arts" .


  7. Don't say that, Don! Drinking does not make winter sports better. If anything, it makes them more dangerous.


  8. "They figure out that this is among the very few jobs that they can find employment in, " says Thang.


  9. "We have heard from self-appointed messengers that Henry Tang is Beijing's choice, " said Christine Loh, a former legislator.


  1. 说着, 奇怪唐小姐可以不甚理会。

    As he spoke he wondered why Miss T'ang was not paying much attention.

  2. 说唐小说玄武门之变考论

    On Mutiny of Xuanwu Gate in Pertaining Tang's Novels

  3. 冀先生说是他推荐的唐女士。

    Mr. Ji said he had recommended Ms. Tang, who had been a family friend in New York.

  4. 唐告诉该报说自此她从未参加过类似事件。

    Tang told the newspaper that she had never taken part in a similar event since.

  5. 自汉至唐海南岛历史地理略说

    A Glance at the History and Geography of Hainan Island from Han Dynasty to Tang Dynasty

  6. 后天去看唐小姐,女用人说她不在家。

    The day after when he went to see her, the maid said she was not in.

  7. 唐宋变革说

    reforms in Tang and Song Dynasties.

  8. 唐世说新语

    Tang Shi Shuo Xin Yu.

  9. 唐参军戏补说

    The Epexegesis about the Drama of CanJun in Tang

  10. 唐代史馆略说

    The Survey of Shi Guan in Tang Dynasty.

  11. 唐写文说文木部

    Shuowen Jiezi Section Mu of Tang Version

  12. 唐朝中叶的文人经说

    The Literati Classics in the Middle Tang Dynasty

  13. 西藏证券分析师唐勇说。

    Tibet securities analyst, said Tang Yong.

  14. 浅说唐代人的经营理念

    Humans On the Management Ideas in the Tang Dynasty.

  15. 你口口声声说你不是唐伯虎。

    You said you were not Tong Pak Fu.

  16. 你们没听见唐纳德说嘛

    I mean,didn't you hear Donald?

  17. 你们没听见唐纳德说嘛?

    I mean, didn't you hear Donald?

  18. 小唐, 昨天说的话我愿意收回。

    Xiao Tang, I should like to take back what I said yesterday.

  19. 说不清。也许是米老鼠和唐老鸭。

    I'm not sure. Maybe Micky Mouse and Donald Duck.

  20. 初盛唐是否存在守选制说

    On the Civil Examination System and the Office Promotion of Early Tang Dynasty

  21. 唐娜威胁说要离开,而且说着说着就了。

    Donna threatened to leave and then walked out in the same breath.

  22. 冤枉呀!我说过我不是唐伯虎嘛。

    I am framed, I am not Tong Pak Fu.

  23. 唐纳德,有些事还是不说为好。

    Some things, Donald, are better left unsaid.

  24. 说罢, 唐僧告了个罪, 一溜烟跑了。

    Shuiba, Tang Seng has been a crime, fell ran.

  25. 杰瑞唐娜,说真的,你别太小题大做了。

    Jerry Donna, really, youre making too much of this.

  26. 她跟她朋友唐娜走在一块儿说遣笑

    She was walking and talking with her friend, Donna.

  27. 据昆廷说,唐纳休想把你搞垮。

    According to Quentin, Donahue wants your scalp.

  28. 这时候唐朝小朋友一脸讨好地说

    If each of the student got a piece of cake, and here are more. Then you can get one more piece of cake.

  29. 我听唐纳先生说你做爸爸了,恭喜了。

    I heard from Mr. Donaldson that you are now a father. Congratulations.

  30. 他好像听到有个声音在对他说,吴唐!

    He seemed to hear a voice telling him, Wu Tang!

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