




1. 背 [bèi]2. 背 [bēi]背 [bèi]人体后面从肩到腰的部分:~脊。~包。~影。物体的后面或反面:~面。刀~。~后。~景。用背部对着,与“向”相对:~光。人心向~。向相反的方向:~地性(植物向上生长的性质)。~道而驰。避开,……



汉语拼音:shǒu bèi






  1. 手掌的反面。

    《宋史·仁宗纪三》:“﹝ 庆历 二年﹞二月乙未,詔: 河北 强壮刺手背为义勇军。” 元 乔吉 《扬州梦》第二折:“手背上掐着疼,脚面上踏着痛。” 茹志鹃 《剪辑错了的故事》一:“他还在用手背拍着支书的胸,顺便又做了一个不大明确的‘八’字。”



  1. The kohl around your eyes and the faded henna designs on the back of your hands, they make you look like you never take a bath.


  2. He took his arm from Sonny's shoulder and slapped him, lightly, affectionately, with the back of his hand.


  3. Do not know when, a drop of water falls into the back of the hand.


  4. He knew what he was doing because he laid on the ground, put his hands behind his back and turned his head away from security.


  5. He sat back removed his glasses rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands.


  6. And he puffed, and the smoke got in his eyes, and he wiped them with the back of his big hand.


  7. Threw his wife startled a moment, tears flow down her cheek on the back of me.


  8. The woman sat up, puzzled, rubbed her eyes with the back of her reddened hands, and yawned profusely.


  9. Grandma said, "shut up, you! " , and leaned forward promptly to chastise me with one of her casual, back-handed slaps on my mouth.


  1. 手背,手表

    dorsum of hand.

  2. 手背静脉弓

    dorsal venous arch of hand.

  3. 手背静脉丛

    venous plexus of hand, dorsal.

  4. 手背静脉图像

    hand vein image.

  5. 手背浅静脉

    Superficial vein in the back of hand.

  6. 手背静脉识别

    hand vein recognition.

  7. 手背定位夹板

    dorsal positioning splint.

  8. 手背一度烧伤

    First degree burn of back of hand.

  9. 手背疤痕挛缩

    cicatricial contracture on dorsum of hand.

  10. 手背侧筋膜

    Dorsal fascia of hand.

  11. 手背软组织缺损

    Soft tissue defect of hand back

  12. 手背灼红斑

    Burn erythema of back of hand.

  13. 手背三度烧伤

    Third degree burn of back of hand.

  14. 手背二度烧伤

    Second degree burn of back of hand.

  15. 他用手背抹抹嘴。

    He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  16. 手背皮下组织

    Subcutaneous tissue of dorsum of hand.

  17. 前手背书人

    prior endorser.

  18. 手发背, 手背发, 手背毒

    carbuncle on the dorsum of the hand

  19. 手背深三度烧伤

    Deep third degree burn of back of hand

  20. 手背上长了疹子。

    I have a rash on the back of my hand.

  21. 悄悄轻抚手背啦

    The subtle hand brush.

  22. 手背侧骨间肌

    Dorsal interosseous muscles of hand.

  23. 手背及手指软组织缺损

    Defect of soft tissue of dorsal and finger

  24. 手背静脉的应用解剖

    Clinical anatomy of subcutaneous veins in the dorsum of the hand

  25. 手背静脉穿刺技术进展

    Progress on back of hand venepuncture technique

  26. 温情连颈手背铐

    Leather Neck Collar Wrist Restraints handcuffs

  27. 条纹布手背和袖口

    Stripe cotton back and cuff

  28. 他不断用手背擦眼睛。

    He kept on wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

  29. 她的手背上露着青筋。

    The veins stand out on the back of her hands.

  30. 他手背上刺有花纹。

    He have a tattoo on the back of his hand.


  1. 问:手背拼音怎么拼?手背的读音是什么?手背翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手背的读音是shǒubèi,手背翻译成英文是 the back of a hand

  2. 问:手背区拼音怎么拼?手背区的读音是什么?手背区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手背区的读音是shǒu bèi qū,手背区翻译成英文是 regio dorsalis manus

  3. 问:手背筋膜拼音怎么拼?手背筋膜的读音是什么?手背筋膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手背筋膜的读音是shǒu bèi jīn mó,手背筋膜翻译成英文是 dorsal fascia of hand

  4. 问:手背桡侧的拼音怎么拼?手背桡侧的的读音是什么?手背桡侧的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手背桡侧的的读音是shǒu bèi ráo cè de,手背桡侧的翻译成英文是 dorsoradial

  5. 问:手背静脉网拼音怎么拼?手背静脉网的读音是什么?手背静脉网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手背静脉网的读音是shǒu bèi jìng mài wǎng,手背静脉网翻译成英文是 dorsal venous rete of hand

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