




劳绩,成绩,与“过”相对:~勋。~绩。论~行赏。徒劳无~。~德无量(liàng )。~成不居(立了功而不把功劳归于自己)。成就,成效:成~。~能。~亏一篑。事半~倍。急~近利。物理学上指用力使物体移动的工作,等于力乘移动的距离:~率。本领,……


1. 能 [néng]2. 能 [nài]能 [néng]才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。应该:你不~这样……


1. 衰 [shuāi]2. 衰 [cuī]衰 [shuāi]事物发展转向微弱:~微。~弱。~老。盛(shèng )~。兴(xīng )~。衰 [cuī]等次,等级,等差:等~(等次)。同“缞”。……





汉语拼音:shèn gōng néng shuāi jié






  1. 网络
  2. renal failure;kidney failure;ARF

  1. 肾功能衰竭

    kidney failure.

  2. 快速进展性肾功能衰竭

    Rapidly progressive renal failue

  3. 肾功能衰竭是常任理事国?

    Is kidney failure permanent ?

  4. 亚砷酸致急性肾功能衰竭

    Acute renal failure in connection with arsenious acid

  5. 肾脏疾病能导致肾功能衰竭。

    Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure or endstage renal disease.

  6. 老年人急性肾功能衰竭的特点。

    The characteristics of Acute Renal Failure in the elderly.

  7. 淋病致急性肾功能衰竭一例

    A case report of acute renal failure caused by gonorrhea

  8. 腹膜后纤维化致急性肾功能衰竭

    Acute Renal Failure Caused by Retroperitoneal Fibrosis

  9. 恐怕你女儿有肾功能衰竭的迹象。

    I'm afraid your daughter shows signs of renal failure.

  10. 慢性肾功能衰竭也称为终末期肾病。

    Also called endstage renal disease or ESRD.

  11. 全部患者均无急性肾功能衰竭发生。

    There weren t acute renal failure happened in all patients.

  12. 老年肾功能衰竭患者骨代谢的变化

    Change of bong mineral metabolism in senile chronic renal failure.

  13. 肾的疾病包括肾功能衰竭、肾结石和肾炎。

    Disorders include kidney failure, kidney stones, and nephritis.

  14. 肾得疾病包括肾功能衰竭,肾结石和肾炎。

    Disorders include kidney failure, kidney stones, and nephritis.

  15. 药物致急性肾功能衰竭47例临床分析。

    Clinnical analysis of 47 cases with acute renal failure caused by medicine.

  16. 慢性肾功能衰竭患者性激素的临床意义

    Clinical observation of gonadal hormone of patients with chronic renal failure

  17. 为了不被用于急性肾功能衰竭的情况。

    Not to be used in case of acute renal failure.

  18. 尿酸是否在急性肾功能衰竭中发挥作用?

    Could Uric Acid Have a Role in Acute Renal Failure

  19. 阴虚证在慢性肾功能衰竭中的规律性探讨

    An Approach to Regularity of the Yin Deficiency Syndrome in Chronic Renal Failure

  20. 病毒侵入肾脏引起肾功能衰竭而导致死亡。

    Virus invades a kidney to cause kidney to the function fails and cause death.

  21. 疏利降浊汤治疗慢性肾功能衰竭30例

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of30 cases of Chronic Renal Failure with Shuli Jiangzhuo Decoction

  22. 慢性肾功能衰竭血脂质紊乱与肾虚的关系

    Relationship Between Lipid Metabolism Disorder and Deficiency of the Kidney in Chronic Renal Failure

  23. 肾衰冲剂对慢性肾功能衰竭细胞免疫的影响。

    Influence of Granule for Renal Failure on Cellular Immunity During Renal Failure.

  24. 此外,高血压也是慢性肾功能衰竭的罪魁祸首之一。

    In addition, hypertension is chronic renal failure, one of the culprit.

  25. 常有腹泻及呕吐,且可发展为肾功能衰竭。

    Diarrhoea and vomiting are common and renal failure may develop.

  26. 顾护胃气在慢性肾功能衰竭治疗中的作用

    Effects of Protecting Stomach Qi on Chronic Renal Failure

  27. 慢性肾功能衰竭从关格论治经验简析

    Experience in Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure basing on the Recognition of Vomiting with Anuria

  28. 肾功能衰竭通常需要用透析法或肾移植来治疗。

    Failure of Both usually requires dialysis or kidney transplant.

  29. 结果慢性肾功能衰竭组菌斑指数高于对照组。

    Results PlI of patients with CRF was higher and GI, PD was significantly lower than those of healthy persons.

  30. 益肾健脾泄浊法治疗慢性肾功能衰竭65例

    Tonifying the kidney and Invigorating the spleen treat chronic function of cystic kidney crock up 65 example


  1. 问:肾功能衰竭拼音怎么拼?肾功能衰竭的读音是什么?肾功能衰竭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肾功能衰竭的读音是,肾功能衰竭翻译成英文是 Renal failure

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