




1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……



汉语拼音:shī tǐ






  1. 诗的样式和风格。

    南朝 梁 锺嵘 《<诗品>序》:“虽诗体未全,然是五言之滥觴也。” 宋 杨万里 《诚斋诗话》:“又:‘相随遥遥访 赤城 ,三十六曲水回縈。一溪初入千花明,万壑度尽松风声。’此 李太白 诗体也。”《元史·余阙传》:“诗体尚 江 左,高视 鲍 谢 , 徐 庾 以下不论也。” 朱东润 《杜甫叙论》第十章:“从诗体的各方面看,今体乐府、五言长律、七绝语体、七律拗体、七言拗体长律、七律组诗、五言长篇叙事诗, 杜甫 在哪方面没有创造,在哪方面没有独特的成就?”



  1. The last two years of his life were those of a dying man. He wrote more poems, and a religious tone, albeit Laurentian , dominates many.


  2. McHugh sent letters out to doctors -- written in verse, of course -- so they could come look at him.


  3. The British and American imagist poetry and Free Verse Revolution have exerted great influences on the early style of Chinese new poetry.


  4. "Ke Zhi" , a popular oral literature in poetic form among the Yi ethnic people, is the Yi's cultural heritage with a long tradition.


  5. Li Yi is one of the famous poets of early Mid-Tang Dynasty. In many Poetic Style, he was expert at seven words quatrains.


  6. So, little girl baby in a blog published doggerel creation is new, but the verse of the history or the long-standing.


  7. It is rich in content and its language, though poetic and artistic, is easy to understand and recite.


  8. The elaborate building of long sentences and its ingenious, vivid short sentences in poetic novel entitled Eugene One.


  9. The verse consists of rhythms and linguistic orders, and special attention should be paid to the poetic forms in construction of verse.


  1. 诗体学格律

    prosodic meter.

  2. 诗体盛极难继

    the unsurpassed prosperity of poetry.

  3. 论东汉诗体的流变

    On Changes in the Poetic Form in the Eastern Han Dynasty

  4. 她以无韵诗体作诗。

    It was in blank verse that she sang.

  5. 就诗体而论,有点古怪。

    The prosody is erratic.

  6. 形式, 诗体与新诗的繁荣

    The Poetic Form, Style and the Flourishing of Modern Chinese Free Verse

  7. 诗体学诗歌的韵律结构的研究。

    The study of the metrical structure of verse.

  8. 这个剧本是用诗体写成的。

    This play was written in verse.

  9. 初盛唐诗体概念考辨

    A criticism on the concept of poetic style in The Early and High Tang

  10. 胡适译诗与新诗体的建构

    Hu Shi's Translated Verses and Construction of New Poetic Forms.

  11. 品达体的有品达诗体特征的或相关的

    Relating to or characteristic of the poetic style of Pindar.

  12. 赠答诗是一种很重要的诗体。

    The presentable poem is one kind of very important poem styles.

  13. 莎士比亚的剧本是用无韵诗体写的。

    Shakespeare's plays are written in blank verse.

  14. 古代汉诗诗体的演变轨迹及生成特点

    Develop locus and growth characteristics of the poetic style of chinese poem

  15. 词是诗的别体,是一种独立的汉语诗体。

    Abtract The lyric is a complicated variant of the poem, and a kind of independent Chinese poem body.

  16. 自由诗体表示文字并不遵循一定的格式。

    Free verse means that the lines do not follow any set form.

  17. 贝奥武甫的诗体采用头韵而不用尾韵。

    The prosody of Beowulf is based on alliteration, not end rhymes.

  18. 他多变的格律, 口语化诗体使人耳目一新。

    His various rhythms and colloquial speech make people refreshing.

  19. 自由诗体是无韵律的诗,总的来说是另一种诗体。

    Free verse is nonmetrical poetry, another thing altogether.

  20. 第一章第一节先探讨诗体的研究范畴。

    The first section in Chapter One discusses the category of Poetic Styles.

  21. 论词与曲作为格律诗的辅助诗体的作用

    Discussion on the Function of Ci and Qu as an Auxiliary Poetry Style of Metrical Poem

  22. 拉长的相当长的停顿。用于重音节诗体中的音节

    Being of relatively great duration.Used of a syllable in quantitative prosody.

  23. 惠特曼被认为是欧美自由诗体的开创者。

    Hui Teman is considered as the inaugurator of Euramerican and free verse.

  24. 论新诗诗形建设及诗体建设的重要性和迫切性

    Importance and Urgency of Construction in Forms and Verses of New Poetry

  25. 用什么诗体作诗主要取决于要表达得内容。

    It mainly depends on the poem's content when deciding which poetic style to use.

  26. 用什么诗体作诗主要取决于要表达的内容。

    It mainly depends on the poem's content when deciding which poetic style to use.

  27. 用什么诗体作诗主要取决于要表达的内容。

    It mainly depends on the poem's content when deciding which poetic style to use.

  28. 自由诗体是无韵律得诗, 总得来说是另一种诗体。

    Free verse is nonmetrical poetry, another thing altogether.

  29. 宋词在诗体形式,风格,情趣都有很高造诣。

    Song Lyrics all have very high attainments in the body form of the poem, style, temperament and interest.

  30. 在好女人的故事中他又使用了英雄偶句诗体。

    In The Legend of Good Women, he used for the first time in English heroic couplet.


  1. 问:诗体拼音怎么拼?诗体的读音是什么?诗体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诗体的读音是shītǐ,诗体翻译成英文是 A genre and style of poem.

  2. 问:诗体学者拼音怎么拼?诗体学者的读音是什么?诗体学者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:诗体学者的读音是,诗体学者翻译成英文是 prosodist

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