




1. 底 [dǐ]2. 底 [de]底 [dǐ]最下面的部分:~层。~座。~下(a.下面;b.以后)。海~。~肥。末了:年~。月~。到~。根基,基础,留作根据:刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。图案的基层:白~蓝花的瓶子。何,什么:~事伤感。古同……





汉语拼音:sī dǐ xià






  1. 犹私下。




  1. During the early years of his presidency, Reagan privately sought to open dialogue with the leaders of the U. S. S. R. but made no headway.


  2. They may not even want to confront those weaknesses in private (though this motive is often less acknowledged).


  3. Vatican official, who was not authorized to speak on the record, said the man was being held for questioning by Vatican police.


  4. If he really wants to be useful to his party, France or Europe, then it should be in private.


  5. In private they functioned like a married couple, sharing a bed, meals, movie nights and vacations with the children.


  6. But, beneath the surface, there is intense debate and a broad range of views about what China should do about its currency.


  7. You know , what does Tony Blair get up to in private with his fashion guru ?


  8. Your boss; happens to be female, and occasionally you informally socialize with her outside of the workplace.


  9. Pierre said he wanted to grieve for his children privately, rather than at the open service that was planned.


  1. 私底下却很残忍

    secretly cruel?

  2. 这是咱私底下说说。

    This is between you and me.

  3. 但是私底下和你说

    But, uh, between you and me.

  4. 这些话是私底下说的。

    These remarks are off the record.

  5. 这些话是私底下说得。

    These remarks are off the record.

  6. 私底下,我暗暗与她较劲。

    Secretly, I emulated her.

  7. 私底下, 我决定给他时间。

    Privately, I decided to give him time.

  8. 让我私底下告诉你这事。

    Let me tell you this in privacy.

  9. 私底下,我总是希望加倍努力。

    Part of me always wants to do twice as much.

  10. 私底下你的理想典型是什么?

    What are your personal ideals?

  11. 但在私底下, 它们却表示担忧。

    But privately there are concerns.

  12. 如果你私底下向我透露细节。

    If you were prepared to disclose the detalls to me in private.

  13. 他私底下告诉我,他明年打算辞职。

    He told me in private that he was going to resign next year.

  14. 他私底下详细地告诉我他的理由。

    He told me his reasons in strict privacy.

  15. 你是否和你的上司有私底下的交往?

    Do you informally socialize with your boss

  16. 但我还有一个私底下的目的。

    But I had an ulterior motive.

  17. 我觉得我们应该私底下向他道歉。

    I feel like we should personally apologize to the man.

  18. 你私底下还是因为那个事故责怪我。

    You secretiy biame me for the accident.

  19. 私底下说,我不敢肯定他们明白了。

    Confidentially, I am not sure that it wasn't above their heads.

  20. 你私底下不想要这样的关注吗?

    And you don't secretly want the attention?

  21. 他私底下喜欢跳扭断脚趾的舞。

    He prefers to do the stubbed toe dance in private.

  22. 听着, 我要跟我的客户私底下谈话。

    Look, I need a privileged conversation with my client.

  23. 我私底下再告诉你。不要泄露出去。

    I'll tell you in private. Don't let it out.

  24. 你也可以私底下为你看护的人祷告。

    You can also pray privately for someone in your care.

  25. 私底下跟你说,我恨死我们老板了。

    Off the record, I hate our boss' s guts.

  26. 听众中的一位批评人士私底下暗自嘲笑。

    Privately, one critic in the audience quietly scoffed.

  27. 他声称告诉我的一些事是私底下说的。

    He claims he told me certain things off the record.

  28. 如果你要斥责一个学生, 在私底下解决。

    When you need to reprimand a student, do it quietly and privately.

  29. 至于私底下告诉我的任何事情,我会守口如瓶的。

    As for anything told to me in confidence, well, my lips are sealed.

  30. 他们甚至私底下都不愿承认自己的缺点。

    They may not even want to confront those weaknesses in private.



sī dǐ xià ㄙㄧ ㄉㄧˇ ㄒㄧㄚˋ 私底下  犹私下。《官场现形记》第三七回:“总而言之,我们私底下见面,总还是把兄弟。”《官场现形记》第二五回:“你先拿话笼住他,私底下我再同他替你讲盘子。”

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