









汉语拼音:shén qiāng shǒu






  1. 射击非常准确的人。

    李延年 《游击队》诗:“严寒不能把英雄们吓倒,千万个神枪手挥动着步枪。” 碧野 《大巴山人》:“车上的人听见传来的是女人的尖厉的叱喝声,就不由得胆战心惊地说:‘坏啦,准是碰上了那个女神枪手!’”



  1. He said the hostage-taker was killed with a sniper shot to the head after he wounded a police sharpshooter.


  2. But his sister's letter was as unnecessary for me as expert marksmanship to bring down a bird which cannot fly.


  3. He does not carry his own gun, though he shoots like an ace.


  4. "There's no need to worry. This is no night for sharp-shooters or crack shots, " he cautioned, "Just look at it. "


  5. They said their ancestor was a famous hunter and a crack hunter.


  6. By the mid-19th century American rifleman, whether hidden or not, were internationally famed as crack shots.


  7. Marksmen were placed at strategic points along the president's route.


  8. Sharpshooter and will have a noble gentleman of the Gothic Suite, elegant style is bound to lead to a scream!


  9. I was a top chemist and a natural marksman, probably the best in my group.


  1. 他以神枪手著称。

    He is noted as a marksman.

  2. 这有一个神枪手

    if I ever saw one.

  3. 侦探先生,我可是神枪手。

    Detectives, I'm an expert marksman.

  4. 侦探先生,我可是神枪手。

    Detectives, I'm an expert marksman.

  5. 神枪手一流的网球运动员

    A crack shot a crack tennis player.

  6. 我愿成为一名神枪手。

    Id love to be a sharpshooter.

  7. 我父亲曾是个神枪手。

    My father was an expert marksman.

  8. 我以为你是个神枪手。

    I thought you were a true marksman.

  9. 我以为你是个神枪手。

    I thought you were a true marksman.

  10. 警察中的神枪手开了火。

    Police marksmen opened fire.

  11. 最好的神枪手是个独眼龙。

    The best shot had but one eye.

  12. 一位神枪手/ 不高明的射手

    a good/ poor shot

  13. 他就是那位著名的神枪手。

    He was the legendary sharpshooter.

  14. 他似神枪手你的精度瞄准。

    He aimed with accuracy of a sharpshooter.

  15. 他们是步兵班里的神枪手。

    They are the precision shooting asset of a squad.

  16. 这位警察素有神枪手之称。

    This policeman has the reputation of a dead shot.

  17. 在特定位置射人的神枪手。

    A marksman who shoots at people from a concealed place.

  18. 为我们提供了十二个神枪手

    To supply us with a dozen of their finest sharpshooters

  19. 塔上的神枪手有十五秒的空档

    There is a 13second window where the sharpshooters on the tower.

  20. 虽然他是个神枪手,他却不带枪。

    He does not carry his own gun, though he shoots like an ace.

  21. 我不知道你的父亲还是位神枪手。

    I didnt know your father was a sharpshooter.

  22. 不到16岁的德克是一名神枪手。

    Dirk, nearly sixteen, is a crack shot.

  23. 不到16岁的德克是一名神枪手。

    Dirk, nearly sixteen, is a crack shot.

  24. 神枪手无一能及奥斯华那么准绳。

    Not one sharpshooter could match oswald's performance.

  25. 例如,演奏管弦乐时,我就是一名神枪手。

    Playing orchestral music, for example, I become a sharpshooter.

  26. 带步枪的警察神枪手被派守在屋顶。

    Police marksmen with rifles were stationed on the rooftops.

  27. 然后,一名神枪手用麻醉飞镖射击大猫。

    A marksman then shoots the cat with a dart full of anesthetic.

  28. 上边还有铁丝刺网,穿过八个神枪手

    topped with razor wire, gotten past eight sharpshooters.

  29. 陶璐娜以世界最准确的神枪手之一而成名。

    Tao Luna has become famous as one of the world's most precise sharpshooters.

  30. 陶璐娜以世界最准确得神枪手之一而成名。

    Tao Luna has become famous as one of the world's most precise sharpshooters.


  1. 问:神枪手拼音怎么拼?神枪手的读音是什么?神枪手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神枪手的读音是shénqiāngshǒu,神枪手翻译成英文是 crack shot; expert marksman

  2. 问:神枪手认证徽章拼音怎么拼?神枪手认证徽章的读音是什么?神枪手认证徽章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神枪手认证徽章的读音是shén qiāng shǒu rèn zhèng huī zhāng,神枪手认证徽章翻译成英文是 Sharpshooter Qualification Badge

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