







汉语拼音:xún fǔ






  1. 巡察安抚。

    汉 班固 《车骑将军窦北征颂》:“亲率戎士,巡抚疆城。”《北齐书·后主纪》:“是月,以水涝遣使巡抚流亡人户。”《明史·太祖纪三》:“乙丑,皇太子巡抚 陕西 。”

  2. 官名。

    明 洪熙 元年始设巡抚专职。 清 为省级地方政府长官,总揽全省军事、吏治、刑狱、民政等,职权甚重。《明史·宣宗纪》:“大理卿 胡概 、参政 叶春 巡抚南畿 浙江 ,设巡抚自此始。”《儿女英雄传》第十八回:“朝廷见他强干精明,材堪大用,便放了 四川 巡抚。”《清史稿·职官志三》:“巡抚,掌宣布德意,抚安齐民,修明政刑,兴革利弊,考覈羣吏,会总督以詔废置。”

  3. 指任巡抚之职。

    清 阮元 《小沧浪笔谈》卷三:“﹝ 乾隆 ﹞五十九年, 毕秋帆 先生奉命巡抚 山东 。”



  1. And he gave him no answer, not even to one word: insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly.


  2. The king rose, and with him the governor and Bernice and those sitting with them.


  3. The governor answered and said unto them , Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you ? They said, Barabbas .


  4. Now it was the governor's custom at the Feast to release a prisoner chosen by the crowd.


  5. For he knew it was out of envy that they had handed Jesus over to him.


  6. And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly.


  7. Pontius Pilate - He became governor of the Roman province of Judea after the banishment of Archelaus, son of Herod the Great.


  8. So Jesus had to be handed over to Pilate (the Roman governor) for execution.


  9. For his ersatz loyalty to Cixi, Yuan was named the governor of Shandong province, a region rife with restive groups of anti-foreign militia.


  1. 巡抚大人好坏不分, 不算清官。

    The imperial inspector cannot be called a good official because he cannot tell good from bad.

  2. 巡抚大人好坏不分,不算清官。

    The imperial inspector cannot be called a good official because he cannot tell good from bad.

  3. 众人上去求巡抚,照常例给他们办。

    The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did.

  4. 展览的这颗金印是清代的巡抚用过的。

    This gold seal belonged to a constable in the Qing Dynasty.

  5. 展览的这颗金印是清代的巡抚用过的。

    This gold seal belonged to a constable in the Qing Dynasty.

  6. 就把他捆绑解去交给巡抚彼拉多。

    They bound him, led him away and handed him over to Pilate, the governor.

  7. 每逢这节期巡抚必须释放一个囚犯给他们。

    For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.

  8. 江苏绅士会同巡抚为张之洞建专祠折抄件

    Copy of Memorial to the Throne by Jiangsu Gentiemen on Buildins a Temple in Honor of Zhang Zhidong

  9. 倘若这话被巡抚听见,有我们劝他,保你们无事。

    And if this comes to the ruler's ears, we will see that he does not make you responsible.

  10. 宣德五年升兵部右侍郎,巡抚山西,河南,整顿军备。

    The Xuande five years rise the Ministry of War right vice minister, governor Shanxi, Henan, reorganize the armament.

  11. 也要预备牲口叫保罗骑上, 护送到巡抚腓力斯那里去。

    Provide mounts for Paul so that he may be taken safely to Governor Felix.

  12. 巡抚对众人说,这两个人,你们要我释放那一个给你们呢。

    The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you?

  13. 也要豫备牲口叫保罗骑上,护送到巡抚腓力斯那里去。

    And provide them beasts, that they may set Paul on, and bring him safe unto Felix the governor.

  14. 巡抚的兵就把耶稣带进衙门,叫全营的兵都聚集在他那里。

    Then the governor's soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him.

  15. 太2727巡抚的兵就把耶稣带进衙门, 叫全营的兵都聚集在他那里。

    Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole Roman cohort around Him.

  16. 这是居里扭作叙利亚巡抚的时候,头一次行报名上册的事。

    This was the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria.

  17. 马兵来到凯撒利亚,把文书呈给巡抚,便叫保罗站在他面前。

    Who, when they came to Caesarea, and delivered the epistle to the governor, presented Paul also before him.

  18. 马兵来到该撒利亚,把文书呈给巡抚,便叫保罗站在他面前。

    When the cavalry arrived in Caesarea, they delivered the letter to the governor and handed Paul over to him.


  1. 问:巡抚拼音怎么拼?巡抚的读音是什么?巡抚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巡抚的读音是xúnfǔ,巡抚翻译成英文是 An imperial inspector in the Ming Dynasty, or the...




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