




本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……




用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……



汉语拼音:sān zì yī bāo






  1. 缩略语。自留地、自由市场、自负盈亏和包产到户的合称。



  1. na.
  2. more plots for private use, more free markets, more enterprises with sole responsibility for their own profit or loss, and fixing output quotas on a household basis

  1. 是一包香烟。

    It is a package of cigarettes.

  2. 一包冷藏豌豆。

    a packet of frozen peas

  3. 一包巧克力饼干

    a packet of chocolate biscuits

  4. 一包打开的香烟

    an open packet of cigarettes

  5. 我要一包香烟。

    I would like to have a pack of cigarettes.

  6. 一包雪茄多少钱?

    How much is a pack of cigars?

  7. 她打开一包衣服。

    He opened a parcel of clothes.

  8. 它们是一美元一包。

    They're on sale for a dollar a package.

  9. 她一天抽一包烟。

    She smokes a packet of cigarettes a day.

  10. 他给我一包茶叶。

    He gave me a packet of tea.

  11. 请给我一包吸管。

    A packet of straws, please.

  12. 他买了一包香烟。

    He bought a packet of cigarettes.

  13. 我得买一包香烟。

    I must buy a packet of cigarettes.

  14. 那一包电池在哪里?

    Where's the package of batteries ?

  15. 你是绣花枕头一包草。

    You're a beauty without brains.

  16. 他给了我一包烟。

    He gave me a packet of fags.

  17. 一包绿茶和一些香蕉。

    A package of green tea and some bananas.

  18. 他给我包好一包书。

    He made up a parcel of books for me.

  19. 警察发现了一包白粉。

    The police found a package with white powder.

  20. 警察发现了一包白粉。

    The police found a package with white powder.

  21. 一包很重的小东西。

    Sack of something heavy.

  22. 一包五百张的纸。

    Ream Five hundred sheets of paper in a pack.

  23. 从架子上取下一包。

    Take a packet off the shelf.

  24. 棉花被压成一包一包的。

    Cotton is compressed into bales.

  25. 棉花被压成一包一包得。

    Cotton is compressed into bales.

  26. 信外随带书籍一包。

    Accompanying the letter is a parcel of books.

  27. 一包巧克力粗面饼干

    a packet of chocolate digestives

  28. 一包照片邮寄来了。

    A packet of photographs arrived with the mail.

  29. 她寄给她兄弟一包书。

    She sent a parcel of books to her brother.

  30. 她腋下夹着一包书。

    She was carrying a parcel of books under her arm.

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