




用来记录语言的符号:文~。汉~。~符。~母。~典。~句。~里行(háng )间。~斟句酌。文字的不同形式,书法的派别:草~。篆~。颜~。柳~。欧~。赵~。书法的作品:~画。~幅。字的音:~正腔圆。人的别名,亦称“表~”,现多称“号”;商店的……



汉语拼音:sān zì








  1. 指古字、篆、隶三种字体。

    《北史·刘芳传》:“昔 汉 世造三字石经於太学,学者文字不正,多往质焉。”

  2. 知制诰的别称。

    宋 陈师道 《何郎中出示黄公草书》诗:“一官早要称三字,二鬢何须着两毛。” 宋 洪迈 《容斋四笔·官称别名》:“ 唐 人好以它名标榜官称……‘知制誥’为‘三字’。”

  3. 指“莫须有”三字。

    清 赵翼 《岳祠铜爵》诗:“狱冤虽已昭三字,家祭终非告两 河 。”参见“ 三字狱 ”。



  1. Do not cuss, holler, pee, or throw up in public places or otherwise call attention to yourself, as it will probably get you in trouble.


  2. We recommend you to the word, words, and four words were appropriate keywords to get the frequency spread in the body which.


  3. After perfect training, students are proposed to read aloud the whole part of the course without Chinese Pinyin.


  4. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?


  5. The intonation anomalous form's basic situation divides into the double word well distributed three tones.


  6. Each verse has three characters, and each character contains a radical, thereby sixty bound radicals are introduced.


  7. It has been known that the first three Khitan small scripts of " Lang Jun Xing Ji" refers to " Da Jin Guo" .


  8. It would be hard for them to imagine returning to the days when one's three-character name might easily consist of 50 strokes in all.


  9. Yan Fu proposed three-character criteria: "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance" in 1897.


  1. 每句三字,每个字包含一个部首,共介绍了六十个部首。

    Each verse has three characters, and each character contains a radical, thereby sixty bound radicals are introduced.

  2. 见晓组三等字

    words in the 3rd division of Jian and Xiao groups

  3. 三个字 臭,恶,俗。

    Three words stink,stank,stunk.

  4. 三个字 臭,恶,俗。

    Three words stink, stank, stunk.

  5. 这个词有三个字。

    A word with four syllables.

  6. 这次你可以说三个字

    This time you can have three words.

  7. 这三个字使他心花怒放。

    Those three words threw him into a tumult of joy.

  8. 那三个字,代表了太多?

    Those three words said too much.

  9. 陈木胜三个字非常有名!

    Benny Chan is famous three words!

  10. 但我很会说老婊子这三个字。

    I do speak old whore.

  11. 寺院墙壁上写着江心贼三个字。

    Temple walls with the words middle of the river thieves in the name.

  12. 简朴得三个字就能让她心花怒放?

    Those three words can make her heart jump for joy you know ?

  13. 简朴的三个字就能让她心花怒放?

    Those three words can make her heart jump for joy you know ?

  14. 那三个字在我脑海里萦绕不去。

    That three words went through my mind endlessly.

  15. 没有比这三个字更能充满你心

    To fill your heart like no three worlds could ever do.

  16. 他举起笔来挥洒自如的写了三个字。

    He lifted the brush pen, and wrote three words smoothly.

  17. 他举起笔来挥洒自如的写了三个字。

    He lifted the brush pen, and wrote three words smoothly.

  18. 他侧过身在我耳边说了三个字。

    He leaned over and whispered three words in my ear.

  19. 他侧过身在我耳边说了三个字。

    He leaned over and whispered three words in my ear.

  20. 世界上最简单的咒语,三个字我陪你。

    In the world the simple the incantation, three characters I accompany you.

  21. 我怎么也张不开嘴去说那三个字。

    My mouth refused to open and send forth those three words.

  22. 爱情多么诱人的俩个字,我爱你多么虚伪的三个字。

    Love how attractive the two words, I love you so hypocritical three words.

  23. 欧文对我说小心点,不错啊,三个字呢

    Owen just told me to take care now. Nice. it's three words.

  24. 只留下这三个字她就离开了机场就这么多

    Only those three words and she left the airport. That's it.

  25. 绝大部分急诊医生 都害怕听到的三个字。

    that are the three words that most emergency physicians I know dread.

  26. 在说完这三个字后, 她耗尽了全身的力气。

    After these three words, her strength seems to drain away.

  27. 心里的话多数人需要听到我爱你那三个字。

    Most people need to hear those three little words I love you.

  28. 语言并不是单纯的把一个两个三个字放在一起。

    Language isn't one, two or three words or letters put together.

  29. 就是三个字我讨厌好了我打算接管这个玩具业务。

    It's three words I hate. Okay, I'm gonna take over the Ston Toy company account.

  30. 托尼会记住这三个字 因为他立刻听到了响声

    And those three words, Tony's going to remember, because the next thing he knows, he hears the pop.


  1. 问:三字经拼音怎么拼?三字经的读音是什么?三字经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三字经的读音是Sānzìjīng,三字经翻译成英文是 An enlightening book for children during ancie...

  2. 问:三字母串拼音怎么拼?三字母串的读音是什么?三字母串翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三字母串的读音是sān zì mǔ chuàn,三字母串翻译成英文是 trigram

  3. 问:三字符串拼音怎么拼?三字符串的读音是什么?三字符串翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三字符串的读音是sān zì fú chuàn,三字符串翻译成英文是 three character string

  4. 问:三字母一音拼音怎么拼?三字母一音的读音是什么?三字母一音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三字母一音的读音是sān zì mǔ yì yīn,三字母一音翻译成英文是 trigraph

  5. 问:三字母密码拼音怎么拼?三字母密码的读音是什么?三字母密码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三字母密码的读音是sān zì mǔ mì mǎ,三字母密码翻译成英文是 three-letter code

  6. 问:三字母辅音拼音怎么拼?三字母辅音的读音是什么?三字母辅音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三字母辅音的读音是sān zì mǔ fǔ yīn,三字母辅音翻译成英文是 consonant trigram

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