


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng zhuāng







  1. 出嫁前新娘梳洗打扮。


  2. 演员于演出前进行化妆。

    徐迟 《牡丹》三:“平素她化妆很耗费时间,这夜晚她匆匆上妆就登了台。”



  1. Winter, then to use that section of Guerlain Moisturizing Gel 24K gold backing, easy to use ~ super-moisturizing, spent a good makeup.


  2. Let's be clear about this: I love dressing up, putting make-up on and prancing about with a sword in my hand.


  3. Tips: different brushing techniques can be applied to correct different facial contours.


  4. The color of an actor's makeup and the style of his or her costume shows what each character is like.


  5. Arrive naturally washed-up, the gladdest go up particularly easily namely makeup.


  6. Do not use as far as possible before above makeup too lacteal frost like powder of nutrition.


  7. Skin moisturizers are advertised as part of morning beauty rituals, slipped in between hair brushing and putting on makeup.


  8. At night, then hurriedly will spider silk frame up, again for responsible for scary actresses makeup.


  9. Always pay it, buy Avene spray, often Pen Pen, dry skin jumbled from the skin, you'd better touch, or bad makeup.


  1. 修色唇蜜用法唇部上妆前,取适量涂于唇部。

    Before making up on the lip, fetch and scribble it in right amount on the lip.

  2. 最好是先用湿的卸妆面巾清洁皮肤, 然后再上妆。

    It is better to invest in matte cosmetic tissues that would cleanse your skin and matt at the same time.

  3. 所以他们来了带着没梳过的秀发未上妆的脸颊。

    And so they came, with their uncombed hair And their unmade faces.

  4. 你的妆上得有点儿浓, 是吧?

    Your makeup's a little heavy, is not it ?

  5. 还有点时间,来给你上点妆。

    Still have time so let's practice with cosmetics.

  6. 上了妆的女人会看起来更有自信。

    Women who wear tastefully applied makeup appear more confident.

  7. 在画完妆, 穿上戏袍之后, 马克完全融入了他所表演的人物中。

    After applying makeup and putting on his clown costume, Mark on the spirit of his character.

  8. 他们还认为在餐桌上剔牙和上妆很不雅。

    They also consider picking one's teeth and putting on makeup at the table no nos.

  9. 这一封来函,一封去信,轮流地在他桌上妆点着。

    These two pieces of incoming and outgoing mail alternately adorned his desk.

  10. 日常上妆粉底特别贴, 而且还减淡眼部得幼纹!

    It even helps my makeup last longer!

  11. 日常上妆粉底特别贴,而且还减淡眼部的幼纹!

    It even helps my makeup last longer!

  12. 把脸上的妆弄得乱七八糟。

    and I streak my makeup.

  13. 你脸上的妆有点掉了。

    You have a little Mascara right there.

  14. 她的妆也无法掩饰她脸上的泪痕。

    Her make-up couldn't conceal the tearstains on her face.

  15. 她脸上已化过妆,头发也梳理过了。

    She had made up her face, rearranged her hair.

  16. 首先,她在脸上画了妆,染白了她的头发。

    First, she painted her face, and whitened her hair.

  17. 她与她们相拥,泪水差点冲坏了脸上的妆。

    She embraces them, trying not to muss her makeup with her own tears.

  18. 为谁上好今夜的晚妆?

    Tonight whom did I prink the late dressing for

  19. 此刻, 我看著妆台上你首饰盒旁得结婚照。

    I'm looking at our wedding photo now dressing table, next to your jewellery box.

  20. 此刻,我看著妆台上你首饰盒旁的结婚照。

    I'm looking at our wedding photo now dressing table, next to your jewellery box.

  21. 使用步骤上完底妆后,以笔刷沾取适量眼线胶。

    Use professional eyeliner brush to dip the eyeliner gel.

  22. 唇用红梅彩妆两用笔划上唇部轮廓后再填满双唇。

    Nails Apply Base Coat, followed with Exquisite Nail Colour. Top with Chiffon Nail Colour.

  23. 先用蓓蕾彩妆两用笔划上唇线及将双唇填满口红。

    Line lips in Siren LipCheek Pencil. Fill in entire lip with Siren.

  24. 另外,在鞋子上镶上一团毛茸茸的小球也是很时髦的妆扮哟。

    Additional, set on shoe on the spherule of posse shagginess also is very modern dress up oh.

  25. 你还没有在发缝中涂上鲜红的吉祥点,你还没有理过晚妆么?

    Have you not put the red lucky mark at the parting of your hair, and done your toilet for the night?

  26. 当优雅走到极致,截然相反的元素也能在单一妆容上并存。

    Walk along acme when grace, the element of polarity also can be in onefold coexist on makeup look.

  27. 画完眼妆后, 在眉骨的地方涂上高光色, 使眼睛明亮。

    After applying all your eye makeup, finish with a highlighter shade on the brow bone for a brighteyed effect.

  28. 她在脸上施妆,将自己扮成一个叫卖的老妇,就出发了。

    She painted her face, disguised herself as an old peddler woman, and set out.

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