


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng zé






  1. 犹上策。

    汉 扬雄 《剧秦美新》:“荷天衢,提地釐。斯天下之上则已,庶可试哉!”



  1. Markets may be efficient in a narrow sense but not in the sense of allocating capital to its most productive use.


  2. With that, Cinderella's rags were transformed into a lovely blue dress and on her feet were a pair of delicate glass slippers.


  3. A leopard seal swims in turquoise waters just below the surface as a jagged Antarctic ice floe looms in the background.


  4. In principle to produce a problem, be firm as a rock; in the interest issue, should conform to the trend.


  5. Reporters are shepherded into a wood-panelled conference room with soft armchairs, a long table and a wall-mounted screen.


  6. But there was a significant difference between the amount of HE the Soviets and US estimated it took to defeat or kill armored targets.


  7. Works extolling the late Chinese leader, damning capitalism and attacking globalisation are laid out on shelves.


  8. Stone lions roar is carved on the door, wall of the dragon temple in gorgeous, as the essence of architecture.


  9. A long thin table against the front wall was covered with gorgeous jewelry.


  1. 另一些岛上则有人

    and a few inhabited islands.

  2. 而在原子规模上则恰恰相反。

    On an atomic scale, however, the reverse is true.

  3. 然而在私仇底报复上则不如斯。

    But in private revenges it is not so.

  4. 在华平号上则没发现任何人。

    No one was found on the Hua Ping.

  5. 而另一边的岛上则什么也没有。

    But on the other side of the island, there was nothing.

  6. 而另一边得岛上则什么也没有。

    But on the other side of the island, there was nothing.

  7. 幸存者的皮肤上则会留下可怖的伤痕。

    Survivors are left with horrificlooking welts on their skin.

  8. 凤冠上则镶嵌着罕见的翠鸟羽毛

    The empress crown is inlaid with kingfisher feathers.

  9. 山顶上则种植了梨子树和桃子树。

    The mountain peaks are planted with pear trees and peach trees.

  10. 头盔上则往往装饰着风格奇异的角。

    Headgear is likely to be adorned with grotesque horns.

  11. 锋线上则让赫莱布和博扬搭档。

    In the frontal line lets Leib and raises the partner abundantly.

  12. 头顶上则是飘着白云的蔚蓝的天空。

    Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds.

  13. 而肤电反应在性别上则无差异存在。

    No sex difference was found in physiological reaction.

  14. 他们看起来很像,但本质上则是风马牛不相及。

    They look alike but they're as different as chalk and cheese.

  15. 他们看起来很像,但本质上则是风马牛不相及。

    They look alike but they're as different as chalk and cheese.

  16. 实际上在一个深入的和狭窄的方位上则会不足。

    There actually could be a deficiency in a deep and narrow orientation.

  17. 投入是一回事,到底投在什么项目上则是另一回事。

    It's one thing to spend, the second thing is what you spend on.

  18. 在立法权力的划分上则适用先占原则和附属原则。

    The principle of preemption and subsidiarity are adopted in the division of legislation.

  19. 客观条件上则无欲简朴, 不致对任何人造成压力。

    In the viewpoint of the objective conditions, he is simple as to give other no pressure.

  20. 其它报道白水事件的媒体在这个问题上则保持沉默。

    The rest of the Whitewater media was silent on the subject.

  21. 瑞秋西蒙在美国石板杂志上则发表了不同看法。

    In Slate magazine, Rachel Simmons has the opposite view.

  22. 在钢笔失去一些正电之后, 丝绸上则产生了一些多余的正电。

    The silk, having lost some electrons, has a surplus of positive electricity.

  23. 如果采用接线头电缆,在夹具上则可以安装匹配插座。

    If massterminated cables are used, mating receptacles can be mounted at the test fixture.

  24. 而在丧礼上则穿黑色的礼服以表达对死者的哀悼。

    But on the funeral service the demitoilet that then wear the black with express the banister toward the dead.

  25. 至于在集体即兴创作方法的使用上则存在着微妙的变化。

    But the method of collective improvisation is changing.

  26. 不成熟的人或许在事业上有很大的成就,在婚姻上则不然。

    An immature person may achieve great success in a carreer but never in a marriage.

  27. 燕子在很大程度上则兼具这两类鸟的全部优点。

    The swallow shares the virtues of both schools in highest measure.

  28. 屋顶以海青色的瓷瓦铺就,飞檐上则悬着小小的铃铛。

    The tiled roof was of seagreen porcelain, and the jutting eaves were festooned with little bells.

  29. 它在实体上虽然依附于正刑但在程序上则是完全独立的。

    It is independent in procedure, though dependent on punishment in substance.

  30. 在贵州,低凹地带种植水稻和小麦,高坡上则出产玉米和油菜。

    In Guizhou, rice and wheat are grown in the lowlands, while corn and rapeseed are produced in the uplands.

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