


1. 参 [cān]2. 参 [shēn]3. 参 [cēn]4. 参 [sān]参 [cān]加入在内:~加。~与。~政。~赛。~议。相间,夹杂:~杂。~半。检验,用其他有关材料来研究,考证某事物:~考。~照。~省(xǐng)(检验省察)……





汉语拼音:cān zàn






  1. 协助谋划。

    《晋书·姚泓载记》:“君等参赞朝化,弘昭政轨。” 宋 欧阳修 《谢赐飞白并赐宴诗状》:“臣本出寒儒,遭逢盛旦,误被奬擢,参赞钧衡。”《红楼梦》第五三回:“ 贾雨村 补授了大司马,协理军机,参赞朝政。”

  2. 清 代於 蒙古 、 新疆 等地置参赞大臣,协助将军办理军务。

    清 末于东三省总督、 西藏 办事大臣下均设参赞。 清 俞正燮 《癸巳类稿·驻札大臣原始》:“治 喀尔喀 者, 乌里雅苏臺 将军一人,参赞大臣一人。”

  3. 使馆中仅次于使馆首长并协助其工作的外交官员。使馆首长不在时,一般都由参赞以临时代办名义暂时代理使馆事务。

    郑观应 《盛世危言·通使》:“盖参赞为使臣之副。凡交涉大事……皆赖参赞为使臣商定而行。”



  1. Back in the early part of the last century, there was a man called Li Shizeng, the son of a counsellor to the Chinese emperor.

  2. As we were leaving the Embassy a US aide told me that he enjoyed my plays . I did not reply .

  3. Teacher Wang: Let me introduce you. This is the Ambassy Cultural Counsellor Mr. Li and his wife. This is Mr Brown and Mrs Brown.

  4. we learn from the commercial counselor of your embassy in Beijing that you are the importer of the light industry product .

  5. We have come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.

  6. Embassy in Beijing for China's commercial counselor Department, you know the name and address.

  7. About 10 minutes later, Counsellor at the Embassy, accompanied by secretary came up to me.

  8. We learned your name and address through the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Embassy of the United States.

  9. "At that time, a lot of Chinese were ready to leave, " says Wang You, economic counsellor at the Chinese embassy in Lusaka.


  1. 新闻文化参赞

    Press and Cultural Counselor.

  2. 美国大使馆文化参赞

    the cultural attaché to the American embassy

  3. 我们从商参赞获得的。

    We learned from the commercial counselor's office.

  4. 学生代表发言参赞致辞

    Remarks by Representative of students from the Beijng Royal School

  5. 基因参赞处见面时

    at the genetic counselor's office.

  6. 招待会由李碧建参赞主持。

    The reception was chaired by Mr. Li Bijian, Counsellor of the Embassy.

  7. 博茨瓦纳共和国驻华使馆参赞

    Gobe Pitso, Counselor of the Republic of Botswana to China

  8. 奥地利驻沪总领事馆商务参赞。

    Consul Commercial Affairs of Austria Mr.

  9. 您好!我是商务参赞处的。

    Hello! I'm from commercial counsellor's office.

  10. 访罗马尼亚大使馆经济参赞伊利叶先生

    Nterview to Mr. Ilie Stanic, Economic Counsellor of Romanian Embassy

  11. 访津巴布韦大使馆参赞依曼努欧

    Interview the commercial counselor Mr. Emmanuel zinyuke of Zimbabwe Embassy

  12. 使馆参赞尧文良和领事李壮等在座。

    Counselor Yao Wenliang and Consul Li Zhuang from the Chinese Consulate General were present.

  13. 访智利大使馆商务贸易参赞门多萨先生

    Interview to Chilean Trade and Commercial Mr.Sergio F. Toro

  14. 隆兴元年,为礼部侍郎参赞督府军事。

    Longxing first year assistant minister for theof Rites Counselor Bishops House military.

  15. 访厄瓜多尔大使馆商务参赞罗司南先生

    Interview with Commercial Counsellor Mr. Rojias of Ecuador Embassy

  16. 土耳其商务参赞率领其贸易代表团拜访本会

    Courtesy visit from Turkish Business Delegation

  17. 德意志联邦共和国大使馆经济合作处主任,参赞

    Counselor and Head, Department of Economic Cooperation and Development, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

  18. 赛明葛欧盟驻华代表团经济和商务参赞

    Miguel Ceballos, Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Delegation of the European Commission to China

  19. 谢尔曼被参赞国务院和特别顾问的前总统。

    Sherman was counselor for the State Department and special adviser to the former president.

  20. 古巴常驻日内瓦代表团的公使衔参赞是女性。

    The Minister Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of Cuba in Geneva is a woman.

  21. 我们从我方驻你国大使馆商务参赞处获悉。

    We learn from the Commercial Counsellor's Office of our Embassy in your country.

  22. 她们担任的职务是公使衔参赞、秘书、礼宾官和会计。

    They have positions such as Minister Counselor, Secretary, Protocol Officer and Accountant.

  23. 成都将军玉昆见其才艺超群,聘至幕府,参赞戎机。

    Chengdu Talent Generalyu kun see Chaoqun, appointed to the shogunate, Counselor Rong machine.

  24. 这表明大多数妇女是在参赞一级结束她们的外交使命的。

    This indicates that the majority of women finish their diplomatic career at the level of Counselor.

  25. 中华人民共和国驻尼泊尔王国大使馆经济商务参赞处

    The Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Kingdom of Nepal

  26. 小企业的融资机会 访奥地利驻华大使馆商务参赞龙伟

    Financing Opportunities for Small Enterprises

  27. 经我方驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处的介绍, 特致函你方。

    We are writing to you at the suggesting of our Commercial Counselor's Office of the Embassy in your country.

  28. 为方便起见, 可请径与我国驻贵国的商务参赞处联系。

    For the sake of convenience, you may contact our Commercial Counsellors'Office in your country for this matter.

  29. 他曾任协办参赞大臣,为南疆政局的安定作出了重要的贡献。

    He was posted as coordinating official and made outstanding contribution to stabilizing the political situation in South Xinjiang.

  30. 从设立时起,就有一名妇女被任命为驻华盛顿大使馆参赞。

    From its inception, a woman was appointed to the rank of Counsellor at that Embassy in Washington.


  1. 问:参赞拼音怎么拼?参赞的读音是什么?参赞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:参赞的读音是cānzàn,参赞翻译成英文是 attaché




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