






1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:dài mào zi






  1. 见“ 戴帽 ”。



  1. By the same token, if I'm going to the bank to talk with someone about a loan, I don't wear shorts and a cap.


  2. She was just like a child. I had to tell her when to brush her teeth and how to put her, hat on.


  3. And the wind said he was stronger than the sun. Just then they saw a man walking down below, with a hat and a coat on.


  4. His head was bare. He appeared to have grown thin and pale.


  5. On the boat, stay out of the wind, bundle up and wear a hat.


  6. She was hatless and white faced and her long grey hair streamed down her back as she lashed the horse like a Fury.


  7. He led a very simple sort of life , went around in old clothes that needed pressing , seldom wore a hat .


  8. April: No, we're too far from the field and everybody is wearing a cap and gown. It's hard to see who's who.


  9. Wearing a hat will help prevent heat loss, so your circulatory system will have more heat to distribute to the rest of the body.


  1. 戴帽子并报告。

    Put on head covering and report.

  2. 不要歪戴帽子。

    Don't tilt your hat sideways.

  3. 戴帽子的猫

    The Cat in the Hat.

  4. 他没戴帽子。

    His hat is off.

  5. 你没戴帽子

    You're not wearing a cap.

  6. 戴帽子的男子

    the man in the hat.

  7. 姐戴帽子挡酷寒。

    I wear knit hats when it's cold out.

  8. 她适合戴帽子。

    She wears hat well.

  9. 她戴帽子的方式

    the set of her cap.

  10. 戴帽子的农民像

    Head of a Peasant with Cap

  11. 戴帽子的农妇像

    Head of a Peasant Woman with Dark Cap

  12. 戴帽子的农民头像

    Head of a Peasant with Hat

  13. 戴帽子的男子肖像

    Portrait of a Man with a Skull Cap

  14. 戴帽子可以遮阳光。

    Wear a hat to guard your face against the sun.

  15. 戴帽子的那个男孩

    The boy in a hat

  16. 出门总忘不了戴帽子。

    Papa never worked outside without a hat.

  17. 他来时没有戴帽子。

    He came minus his hat.

  18. 上课时不准戴帽子。

    Don't keep your hat on in class.

  19. 我不知道该不该戴帽子。

    I wonder if I should wear a hat.

  20. 好吧,我坦白,我戴帽子。

    Okay, fine. I wear the derby.

  21. 给孩子戴帽子的母亲

    a mother bonneting her children

  22. 厨师戴帽子和穿围裙。

    Cooks wear hats and aprons.

  23. 在室内不必戴帽子了。

    You dont need to keep your hat on indoors.

  24. 幸亏我当时没戴帽子。

    Fortunately, I wasn't wearing it at the time.

  25. 他老是得意洋洋地歪戴帽子。

    He always wear his hat at a jaunty angle.

  26. 戴帽子得那个女在树下。

    The girl in a hat is under the tree.

  27. 她戴帽子遮阳, 保护眼睛。

    She wearsa hat to keep the sun out of her eyes.

  28. 看!一只戴帽子的蚂蚁。

    Look! An ant has a hat

  29. 在学校你们能戴帽子吗

    Can you cap at school.

  30. 他没有戴帽子就出去了。

    He went out without a hat.


  1. 问:戴帽子拼音怎么拼?戴帽子的读音是什么?戴帽子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:戴帽子的读音是dàimàozi,戴帽子翻译成英文是 to wear a hat; wear one's hat

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