


中国周代诸侯国名,在今陕西省和甘肃省一带:朝(zhāo )~暮楚。~晋之好。~楼楚馆(旧时指妓院)。中国朝代名:~代。~镜高悬(喻法官判案的公正严明。亦称“明镜高悬”)。中国陕西省的别称。……


1. 观 [guān]2. 观 [guàn]观 [guān]看,察看:~看。~止(赞叹所看到的事物极端完美,无以复加)。~风(a.暗中察看动静,以定行止;b.观察民间风俗习惯,生活状态)。~阵。~赏。~察。~感。参~。看到的景象或样子:~瞻……



汉语拼音:qín guān






  1. Qin now finds himself in a similar situation.


  2. Qin Guan was an important excellent poet in Northern Song Dynasty, who made great contribution to the development and creation of vocable.


  3. Literary historians of past dynasties use "girly poems" as a general term to evaluate the aesthetic quality of Qin Guan's poems.


  4. His faith in Taoism supported him to live on indomitably.


  5. A statement to the repeated Gaoyou jinshi Qin Guan, Void rough idea on who the public is also.


  6. Looks outside time Qin Guanchuang "Chiangnan not all, chats presents as a gift a spring" .


  7. Contents and styles of the Cis by Qin and Huang after 1094 were changed.


  8. so it goes. after he pawned the phone, qin worked really hard teaching people how to dance and got his phone back.


  9. As part of the picture Chunhuaqiuyue, mood Gaokuang, language Nongli Painful, near Qin Guan, Similarities.


  1. 略论秦观的词

    On Qin Guan's Terms

  2. 秦观诗如词论

    On Qin Guan's Poems Being like Ci.

  3. 秦观对色彩的感觉极为敏锐。

    Qin Guan's feeling of color was very acute.

  4. 关于秦观及其后裔史料的补正

    Some Supplement and Amendments to the Historical Record about Qin Guan and His Descendants

  5. 这样的处境, 秦观目前深有同感。

    Qin now finds himself in a similar situation.

  6. 在比较的视域中看秦观的女郎诗

    Qin Guan's Girly Poems Examined in the Comparative Field of Vision

  7. 论秦观的政治态度和湖湘贬谪诗词

    Qin guan's political attitude and lyrics about being relegated to huxiang

  8. 秦观的个人气质有利于其诗风的形成。

    His personal temperament is good in forming up his poetic style.

  9. 秦观对道教的信念支撑着他顽强地生活。

    His faith in Taoism supported him to live on indomitably.

  10. 秦观是北宋时期新旧党争的牺牲品。

    Qin Guan was the victim of the struggles between the old and new parties in the Northern Song Dynasty.

  11. 秦观作为宋代著名词人,颇受后世词人群体的追捧。

    As a Song Dynasty famous poet, Qin Guan is sought after by groups of later.

  12. 两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。鹊桥仙秦观

    If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day.

  13. 望一次秦观窗外江南无所有,聊赠一支春。

    Looks outside time Qin Guanchuang Chiangnan not all, chats presents as a gift a spring.

  14. 无奈之下, 秦观决定向当铺求助, 自己来解决这个问题。

    So, he decided to solve the problem on his own by turning to a pawnshop, he explains.

  15. 首次典当成功后, 当铺就成了秦观眼中的自动取款机。

    After that first attempt proved a success, Qin saw the pawnshop as a good source of cash.

  16. 把手机当掉后,秦观努力打工,靠教人跳舞又把手机赎了回来。

    After he pawned the phone, Qin worked really hard teaching people how to dance and got his iPhone back.


  1. 问:秦观拼音怎么拼?秦观的读音是什么?秦观翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秦观的读音是,秦观翻译成英文是 Qin Guan

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