


求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……


与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……



汉语拼音:qǐng wài






  1. 谓请求外放作地方官。

    宋 曾巩 《送郑州邵资政》诗:“避荣言屡切,请外志难回。”



  1. Wang Anshi political views and not to oppose the implementation of the new law, since, as requested, a Hangzhou-for-.


  2. Involve your external auditor upfront in the process.


  1. 如果你需要了解更多的情况,请外找我。

    If you need any more information, come and see me.

  2. 外请知名节目主持人, 中外礼仪模特。

    Invite famous M. C. and Chinese and Foreign Ritual Model.

  3. 如果你要开快车, 请用外车道。

    If you want to drive fast, use the outside lane.

  4. 请来点外卖的。

    To go, please.

  5. 这张请不要站外转载。


  6. 请别再外呆很晚, 好吗?

    Could you please not stay out late ?

  7. 尊敬的顾客,为保护你我的隐私,请在诊室外等候。

    Dear clients, so as to protect your and my secrets, please wait outside the consulting room.

  8. 采检前请先将外阴部用消毒水或肥皂清洗之后擦拭清洁。

    Please wipe and clean the vulva with disinfectant or soap.

  9. 除以上得工作坊外, 请建议其他资讯科技工作坊内容。

    Apart from the workshops above, please suggest other IT workshops you are interested in.

  10. 除以上的工作坊外,请建议其他资讯科技工作坊内容。

    Apart from the workshops above, please suggest other IT workshops you are interested in.

  11. 进坞前,除日用油柜外,请将全部燃料油柜空出。

    Please empty all the fuel oil tanks except the daily service tank before docking.

  12. 除对这项产品予以报盘外,请再寄其他产品的货样。

    Apart from offering this item, please send us samples of other products.

  13. 除课程中所使用的阅读资料外, 请见下列之每周书目。

    In addition to the bibliography of readings used in the course, see the readings by week below.

  14. 请提供境内、外工资证明。

    Please submit domestic and foreign work permits.

  15. 从头开始请外审审计师参与。

    Involve your external auditor upfront in the process.

  16. 火车即将进站。请退到安全线外。

    The rain is drawing into the station. please step back behind the safety line.

  17. 如果贵公司不生产此产品, 请外购给我们供货。

    In case you don't produce this item, you can source it and then supply to me.

  18. 标准粒度外其他粒度请指明订购。

    GrIt'size in the below table is standard, others available upon requests.

  19. 请别从窗子往外跳。

    Please don't jump out the window.

  20. 拎着中餐外卖不请自来的计划了

    to show up tonight unannounced with takeout Chinese?

  21. 请不要扯到题外去了!

    Don't get away from the point, please!

  22. 除了普通得装运单据外, 也请提交每批货物得产地证书。

    In addition to the ordinary shipping documents, please also submit Certificate of Origin for each shipment.

  23. 除了普通的装运单据外,也请提交每批货物的产地证书。

    In addition to the ordinary shipping documents, please also submit Certificate of Origin for each shipment.

  24. 暗之圣母啊, 请为我等人外住民祈祷。

    Our lady of Darkness, pray for us, Nephilim.

  25. 一名海关官员要艾凡停车并且请他走出车外。

    A customs officer stops Evan's car and asks him to step out.

  26. 如果那就是你要去做的事,那么请把我排除在外。

    If that's what you're going to do, you can count me out.

  27. 请不要在游线范围外没有防护设施的地方停留、照明。

    Please don't stay or take pictures at the places without protective facilities outside the limit of the touring routes.

  28. 请勿尿出槽外,便后请冲水。

    Please urinate in the trough, please flush after defecating.

  29. 除贵重物品外,其他物品请在寄存处存放。

    Please leave your belongings to the cloakroom.

  30. 因为门往外开, 所以请站到左边去好吗?

    Could you step to the left as the door opens outwards.

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