


1. 翘 [qiáo]2. 翘 [qiào]翘 [qiáo]举起,抬起,向上:~首。~望。~企(殷切企望)。~足引领。特出:~才(高才)。~楚(喻杰出的人才)。翘 [qiào]一头向上仰起:~尾巴。~辫子(死)。……


1. 翘 [qiáo]2. 翘 [qiào]翘 [qiáo]举起,抬起,向上:~首。~望。~企(殷切企望)。~足引领。特出:~才(高才)。~楚(喻杰出的人才)。翘 [qiào]一头向上仰起:~尾巴。~辫子(死)。……



汉语拼音:qiào qiào








5.众多貌。 6.企盼貌。



  1. 出群貌。

    晋 潘岳 《关中诗》:“翘翘 赵王 ,请徒三万。朝议惟疑,未逞斯愿。” 唐 刘禹锡 《吕君集纪》:“然煌煌翘翘,出乎其类,终为伟人者,几希矣。” 明 宋濂 《东溟日公碑铭》:“翘翘苍松,挺出于荆榛之上者,非其类也耶?”参见“ 翘楚 ”。

  2. 高而危殆貌。

    《诗·豳风·鸱鸮》:“予室翘翘,风雨所飘摇。” 毛 传:“翘翘,危也。”

  3. 引申为惶恐谨慎貌。

    汉 张衡 《东巡诰》:“帝曰:咨。予不材,为天地主,慄慄翘翘,百僚万几,心不谓矣。” 汉 张衡 《东京赋》:“常翘翘以危惧,若乘奔而无轡。”

  4. 上举貌。

    唐 李德裕 《孔雀尾赋》:“况復德輶如毛而轻举,福轻乎羽而莫载,何必负斯尾之翘翘,冒长途而效爱。” 宋 程大昌 《演繁露·幞头垂脚不垂脚》:“此郎乃垂下翘翘之尾,果获抚接。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·莲香》:“赠绣履一鉤……受而视之,翘翘如解结锥。心甚爱悦。”

  5. 众多貌。

    《诗·周南·汉广》:“翘翘错薪,言刈其楚。” 王引之 《经义述闻·毛诗上》:“翘翘为众多之貌。”《左传·庄公二十二年》:“翘翘车乘,招我以弓。” 晋 刘琨 《答卢谌》诗之八:“旍弓騂騂,舆马翘翘。”

  6. 企盼貌。

    南朝 梁 陶弘景 《冥通记》卷二:“有缘自然会,不待心翘翘。”《旧唐书·薛登传》:“希润身之小计,忘臣子之大猷,非所以报国求贤,副陛下翘翘之望者也。” 宋 苏舜钦 《上杜侍郎启》:“日希明府一言一顾,以为光价,有未获者,盖翘翘焉。” 明 高启 《风树操》:“朝风之飘飘兮,维树之摇摇兮,吾思亲之翘翘兮。”



  1. He died before I could get it out of him.


  2. Nothing can be more annoying than having that odd sprig of hair sticking up in the front.


  3. The drake was a-swimming with his curly tail; The little man made it his mark, mark, mark.


  4. ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?


  5. Blindman's bluff being courtship, and the rhythmic rocking of the seesaw would clearly be a metaphor for the act of lovemaking itself.


  6. In small quantities, these ions are needed for energy metabolism. Too many, though, act as a narcotic that eventually kills the animal.


  7. Call that paranoia, but it's rational enough, considering how many people in high places in Washington would dearly love to see him dead.


  8. Like the turkey, Ross is done!


  9. Jack calls out to Ellis, but Ellis is dead.


  1. 兔子数量增,狐狸繁殖多。狐狸繁殖多,兔子死翘翘。

    But when there are no hares, the foxes starve.

  2. 最后一洞定乾坤的时候要死翘翘了

    Hole No. 18 Mickelsons tee shot hits fence and Woods must take a drop.

  3. 我是说,再来一记死光,我就死翘翘了。

    I mean, one more jolt of this death ray and I'm an epitaph.

  4. 没有, 在我挖出答案之前他就死翘翘了。

    He died before I could get it out of him.

  5. 如果晚上听到猫头鹰的声音,朋友会死翘翘。

    If you hear an owl singing in the night, a friend will die.

  6. 我们还想去救希德可自己却先死翘翘了!

    We're trying to save Sid and now weall gonna die!

  7. 但是如果你缺乏1998或1999年那样的才智,你就死翘翘了。

    But if you shorted on that wisdom in 1998 or 1999, you got killed.

  8. 说完,我翘了翘大拇指。

    Korean football is the best in Aisa.

  9. 那只动物问道,兴奋地翘了翘他得那对触须。

    Abe, is that you the creature asked, his antennae perking up.

  10. 那只动物问道,兴奋地翘了翘他的那对触须。

    Abe, is that you? the creature asked, his antennae perking up.

  11. 母亲训斥道。约翰朝我翘了翘眼眉, 我假装没看见。

    Katherine, you needn't be so loud, My mother criticized. I pretended not to notice John cocking his eyebrow.

  12. 你还可以用零角碎料,制作低矮的翘翘板。

    You can also have low, padded and carpeted seesaws.

  13. 她耸起她那个翘翘的鼻子,扭摆着要下地来。

    She wrinkled her small upturned nose and wriggled to get down from his arms.

  14. 如果他还没有死翘翘,他很可能在卖他的蜥蜴串。

    Hell probably be selling those Iguana Bits of his till he keels over dead.

  15. 没有什么比长着一卷奇怪的翘翘卷发更让人心烦的了。

    Nothing can be more annoying than having that odd sprig of hair sticking up in the front.

  16. 木板翘了。

    The board has warped.

  17. 湖北小连翘

    Hypericum hubeiense.

  18. 他翘首星空。

    He raised his head and looked up into the starry sky.

  19. 想不想翘课

    Do you wanna blow off class.

  20. 翘嘴红自白

    Topmouth culter.

  21. 特征翘曲度

    feature warpage.

  22. 板子翘棱了

    the board become warped.

  23. 门已经翘了。

    The door has sprung.

  24. 翘嘴红鱼白

    Erythroculter illshaeformis.

  25. 你想翘课吗?

    Do you want to play hooky?

  26. 兴凯湖翘嘴鲴

    Erythrocuffer ilichafformis

  27. 让我翘课出来

    to get me out of school.

  28. 他的鼻尖上翘。

    His nose is tiptilted.

  29. 船头微微翘起。

    The bow was raised slightly.

  30. 台风西行北翘

    north turning of westward moving typhoon

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