


1. 接 [jiē]接 [jiē]连成一体:~合。~骨。~壤。衔~。继续,连续:~力。~替。~班。~二连三。再~再厉。靠近,挨上:~近。邻~。~吻。承受,收取:~受。~收。~纳。~管。迎:~风。~生。~待。姓。……







汉语拼音:jiē lì bàng






  1. 接力赛跑时使用的短棒,用木料或金属制成。

  2. 喻指前人留下的任务。

    宋庆龄 《把培养革命后代的责任担当起来》:“现在革命的道路还很长,建设的任务还很重,这就要求我们的下一代继承艰苦奋斗的革命传统,准备把革命的接力棒接过来,奔向胜利的终点。” 陈原 《社会语言学》5.6:“这时, 美国 另一个人类学语言学家 沃尔夫 ,接过了 萨丕尔 的接力棒。”



  1. Now, he said, it would fall to the Senate "to take the baton and bring this effort to the finish line on behalf of the American people. "


  2. As New York hands over the fashion baton to London this week, there will no doubt be plenty of talk about recession chic.


  3. We use all the means. half-way. the baton in a high out of the hands of the students go. but we did not blame him. to continue to sprint.


  4. The Delegation disagreed with that and added that it was more akin to passing the baton in a relay race.


  5. And now, with Paul's death, this gospel torch was passed onto the next generation of believers to carry it to other parts of the world.


  6. The baton handoff must take place in a 20-meter take-over zone, with the starting line in the middle zone.


  7. The moment has come for emerging powers to seize the baton and assume our legitimate share of international responsibilities.


  8. As a result, the world is going to see a passing of the demand baton from the US and, so, benign adjustment of "global imbalances" .


  9. And the third was an image of his life as a baton, passed on every time anyone heard or read his testimony.


  1. 他们同时传了接力棒。

    They passed on the sticks at the same time.

  2. 抓过接力棒他奋力向终点跑去。

    Grabbing the relay baton, he darted off towards the finishing point.

  3. 抓过接力棒他奋力向终点跑去。

    Grabbing the relay baton, he darted off towards the finishing point.

  4. 他们俩都同时把接力棒传了过去。

    They both passed on their sticks at the same time.

  5. 二班的运动员把接力棒掉在了地上。

    The Class Two runner dropped his stick on the ground.

  6. 李磊很快地把接力棒传给了吉姆。

    Li let quickly passed the stick on to jim.

  7. 第三个运动员把接力棒传给了第四个运动员。

    The third runner passed on stick to the fourth one.

  8. 在接力赛中,选手们快速地传递接力棒。

    In the relay race, the runners passed on the sticks quickly.

  9. 递棒将接力棒从一名运动员传给下一名。

    Changeover The passing of the baton from one runner to the next.

  10. 每个赛跑选手都把接力棒传给下一个人。

    Each runner passes the baton to the next.

  11. 而10年后,孙正义将把接力棒交给下一代接班人。

    And 10, Son will relay baton to the next generation of successors.

  12. 可是你招他们进来就是为了把接力棒交到他们手里。

    But the reason you're hiring them is because you're going to give them the reins.

  13. 幸亏德国接力队掉了接力棒, 我们才把分数拉平。

    When the German relay team dropped their baton, we were lucky to be able to even the score up.

  14. 在第一圈结束时,李雷迅速把接力棒递给了吉姆。

    At the end of first lap, Li Lei quickly passed the stick on to Jim.

  15. 在第一圈末,李雷很快地把接力棒传给了吉姆。

    Li Lei quickly passed the stick on to Jim.

  16. 费罗财富互助机构的互助模式是壹种接力棒似的发展模式。

    He's mutual assistance agency wealth is one kind of pattern as the baton development pattern.

  17. 已经起跑的第二棒运动员,抓起接力棒继续往前跑。

    The second runners, already moving, grabbed the sticks and raced.

  18. 然后他们将接力棒交给了你主席先生,靠你冲刺到达终点。

    They then handed the baton to you, Mr. President, for the sprint to the finish.

  19. 今天,我们将手中的接力棒传递给尊敬的塞内加尔同事。

    Today we are handing the baton on to our distinguished colleagues from Senegal.

  20. 用这种方法,信号就像赛跑中的接力棒一样,传递到大脑各处。

    In this way, the signal gets passed around the brain like a baton in a footrace.

  21. 握着接力棒的人跑得慢了点,但她们交接棒更快。

    Those who carry the baton are slower, but their baton is faster.

  22. 已经起跑的第二棒运动员一把接过了接力棒, 继续向前飞奔。

    The second runners, already moving, grabbed the sticks and raced on.

  23. 但是她的队员已经掉了, 威尔玛不得不停下来抓住接力棒。

    But her teammate almost dropped it. Wilma had to stop to get a good hold on the stick.


  1. 问:接力棒拼音怎么拼?接力棒的读音是什么?接力棒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:接力棒的读音是jiēlìbàng,接力棒翻译成英文是 a short stick which athletes exchange during a r...




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