







汉语拼音:huàn xǐng









  1. 叫醒。常用作比喻,有使之觉醒意。

    宋 苏轼 《东坡志林·梦中作祭春牛文》:“吏微笑曰:‘此两句復当有怒者。’旁一吏云:‘不妨,此是唤醒他。’” 宋 真山民 《春游和胡叔芳韵》:“棠醉风扶起,柳眠鶯唤醒。” 元 杨维桢 《明皇按乐图》诗:“海棠花妖睡初著,唤醒一声红芍药。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·佟觭角》:“谁能唤醒其良心。”《老残游记》第一回:“今日被先生唤醒,我们实在惭愧,感激的很。” 陶行知 《第二年的晓庄》:“我们深信戏剧有唤醒农民的力量。”



  1. I was a student in the '60s, a time of social upheaval and questioning, and on a personal level, an awakening sense of idealism.


  2. It was then that he realized what had sneaked through the shield of his slumbers. It was the sense of falling snow.


  3. Women link many feelings of sexuality, love, and trust with the sensations that are aroused in them when a man puts his hands on her.


  4. Only the layers of ripples are still flowing at the bottom of my heart, awakened the dust thousands of lost dreams.


  5. Teachers have come to awaken humanity to this knowledge but until it was ready, there was no energy available for becoming.


  6. I should behold with awe the magnificent panorama of light with which the sun awakens the sleeping earth.


  7. Far from trying to rouse us from slumber, its role is now to offer us a cup of warm milk before bed.


  8. He woke them both up getting to bed, but when they tried to wake him up afterwards they might as well have tried to wake the dead.


  9. He though he should wake up his colleague Bulganin, so he knocked the door of one of the bedrooms which he thought to be Bulganin's.


  1. 电磁波唤醒

    wake on radio.

  2. 海马唤醒波

    hippocampal arousal wave.

  3. 远程唤醒技术

    remote wake up technology

  4. 局域网安全唤醒

    SWL Secure Wake up on LAN

  5. 谁唤醒了你?

    Who wakes you up?

  6. 从睡眠中唤醒唤醒

    To rouse from sleep waken.

  7. 唤醒从睡眠中唤醒唤醒

    To rouse from sleepwaken.

  8. 心理唤醒量表

    mental arousal scale.

  9. 洧爱财能唤醒爱!

    Love alone could waken love!

  10. 唤醒她的人性

    coax out her human side.

  11. 正向心理唤醒

    positive language arousal

  12. 负向语言唤醒

    negative language arousal.

  13. 洧爱财能唤醒爱!

    Love alone could waken love !

  14. 唯有爱能唤醒爱

    Love alone can waken love

  15. 醒来,唤醒寂静。

    wake up, wake the stillness.

  16. 过去回忆的唤醒

    A blast from the past

  17. 她将妹妹唤醒。

    She raised her sister out of sleep.

  18. 唤醒神圣的遭遇

    To rouse a sacred confrontation

  19. 只有爱才气唤醒爱!

    Love alone could waken love !

  20. 只有爱才气唤醒爱!

    Love alone could waken love !

  21. 唤醒深睡的梦

    Roust up the dead sleep dream

  22. 请于7点唤醒我。

    Please awaken me at seven.

  23. 他低喃着要唤醒?

    Waking up the? He says waking up the?

  24. 你打算唤醒她吗?

    Are you going to awaken her?

  25. 唤醒某人使觉悟到

    wake sb. to sth.

  26. 只需爱才略唤醒爱!

    Love alone could waken love!

  27. 只有爱才能唤醒爱!

    Love alone could waken love!

  28. 你不是给唤醒的麽?

    Did you not wake up on being called?

  29. 从沉睡中唤醒某人

    to arouse one from a deep sleep

  30. 死亡军团被唤醒了!

    The army of the dead awoke!


  1. 问:唤醒拼音怎么拼?唤醒的读音是什么?唤醒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒的读音是huànxǐng,唤醒翻译成英文是 wake up; awaken

  2. 问:唤醒说拼音怎么拼?唤醒说的读音是什么?唤醒说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒说的读音是huàn xǐng shuō,唤醒说翻译成英文是 arousal theory

  3. 问:唤醒阈拼音怎么拼?唤醒阈的读音是什么?唤醒阈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒阈的读音是huàn xǐng yù,唤醒阈翻译成英文是 arousal threshold

  4. 问:唤醒不足拼音怎么拼?唤醒不足的读音是什么?唤醒不足翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒不足的读音是huàn xǐng bù zú,唤醒不足翻译成英文是 underarousal

  5. 问:唤醒原理拼音怎么拼?唤醒原理的读音是什么?唤醒原理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒原理的读音是huàn xǐng yuán lǐ,唤醒原理翻译成英文是 arousal postulate

  6. 问:唤醒原语拼音怎么拼?唤醒原语的读音是什么?唤醒原语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒原语的读音是huàn xǐng yuán yǔ,唤醒原语翻译成英文是 wake-up primitive

  7. 问:唤醒增强拼音怎么拼?唤醒增强的读音是什么?唤醒增强翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒增强的读音是huàn xǐng zēng qiáng,唤醒增强翻译成英文是 arousal enhancement

  8. 问:唤醒字符拼音怎么拼?唤醒字符的读音是什么?唤醒字符翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒字符的读音是huàn xǐng zì fú,唤醒字符翻译成英文是 wake-up character

  9. 问:唤醒效果拼音怎么拼?唤醒效果的读音是什么?唤醒效果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒效果的读音是huàn xǐng xiào guǒ,唤醒效果翻译成英文是 arousal effect

  10. 问:唤醒水平拼音怎么拼?唤醒水平的读音是什么?唤醒水平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒水平的读音是huàn xǐng shuǐ píng,唤醒水平翻译成英文是 arousal level

  11. 问:唤醒状态拼音怎么拼?唤醒状态的读音是什么?唤醒状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒状态的读音是huàn xǐng zhuàng tài,唤醒状态翻译成英文是 arousal state

  12. 问:唤醒理论拼音怎么拼?唤醒理论的读音是什么?唤醒理论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒理论的读音是huàn xǐng lǐ lùn,唤醒理论翻译成英文是 arousal theory

  13. 问:唤醒等待拼音怎么拼?唤醒等待的读音是什么?唤醒等待翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒等待的读音是huàn xǐng děng dài,唤醒等待翻译成英文是 wake-up waiting

  14. 问:唤醒系统拼音怎么拼?唤醒系统的读音是什么?唤醒系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒系统的读音是huàn xǐng xì tǒng,唤醒系统翻译成英文是 arousal system

  15. 问:唤醒降低拼音怎么拼?唤醒降低的读音是什么?唤醒降低翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒降低的读音是huàn xǐng jiàng dī,唤醒降低翻译成英文是 arousal reduction

  16. 问:唤醒降低技术拼音怎么拼?唤醒降低技术的读音是什么?唤醒降低技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:唤醒降低技术的读音是huàn xǐng jiàng dī jì shù,唤醒降低技术翻译成英文是 arousal reduction technique




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