







汉语拼音:jiào huan








  1. 叫;呼唤。

    《宋书·庐陵王义真传》:“ 义真 与左右相失,独逃草中,中兵参军 段宏 单骑追寻,缘道叫唤。”《古今小说·葛令公生遣弄珠儿》:“ 葛令公 看见 申徒泰 目不转睛,已知其意,笑了一笑,便教撤了筵席,也不叫唤他,也不説破他出来。” 陈残云 《山谷风烟》第一章:“听 徐文书 叫唤,叫到谁的名字,谁就站出来。”

  2. 招呼;照顾。

    宋 无名氏 《张协状元》戏文第十二出:“奴家在此庙中,将傍六七年,不得公公叫唤,谁来管你!”

  3. 动物鸣叫。

    艾青 《布谷鸟》诗:“年年春天,布谷鸟在叫唤。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第二十章:“﹝大羊小羊﹞咩咩地叫唤。”

  4. 佛教语。八大地狱之一。




  1. Lincoln takes the IV needle out his arm and calls Michael's name into the grate, Michael excitedly knocks back against the new metal plate.


  2. A boy was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess. "


  3. And when I heard its piercing cry, it was like a terrible cry from the heart; or perhaps it was calling for its mate amid the darkness.


  4. They often call it out as if it is both an alert to others and a back-handed greeting to us.


  5. The shouting boy did not hear his mother call him.


  6. He stepped forward, and called him by name, and touched his shoulder; but he would not move, so he took the candle and looked at him.


  7. He shouted, struggled, pleaded with his neighbours to help him, but they looked on in a silent group outside the door.


  8. Dog at home, he would not let dog starve random, inexplicable will not let the dog bark.


  9. No, I wanted to review my Spanish because I had a test this morning; but my cat meowed constantly and went in and out of my room many times!


  1. 疼得直叫唤

    cry out with pain.

  2. 我喜欢叫唤的狗。

    I like dogs that bark.

  3. 你非得一直叫唤吗?

    Ohh!Do you have to keep doing that?

  4. 我的肚子都叫唤了。

    My stomach is calling out.

  5. 咬紧牙关,一声也不叫唤

    clench ones teeth and not utter a sound

  6. 不要叫唤了 又不疼

    Stop saying ow. It doesn't hurt.

  7. 你可听到那斑鸠的叫唤?

    Do you hear the cooing of the turtledove

  8. 驴叫声驴大声而刺耳的叫唤

    To utter the loud,harsh cry of a donkey.

  9. 她一叫唤, 孩子们就跑过来了。

    The children came running when she called them.

  10. 那个畜牲叫唤的声音变了性质了。

    The animal's note changed its quality.

  11. 那个畜牲叫唤得声音变了性质了。

    The animal's note changed its quality.

  12. 刚离开母亲的大声叫唤的小牛犊。

    A bawling calf just separated from its mother.

  13. 猪到处走动,嘴里咕噜咕噜叫唤着。

    The hogs loafed and grunted around everywheres.

  14. 海浪轻声低语,它们叹息、它们叫唤著。

    Waves are whispered, and they sigh, and they call.

  15. 婴儿只要听到妈妈叫唤就会转向妈妈。

    A child turns to its mother when it hears her call.

  16. 野驴有草岂能叫唤, 牛有料, 岂能吼叫。

    Does a wild donkey bray when it has grass, or an ox bellow when it has fodder

  17. 那家的狗晚上叫唤, 影响了左邻右舍。

    Their dog barks at night and disturb everyone in the neighborhood.

  18. 那家得狗晚上叫唤,影响了左邻右舍。

    Their dog barks at night and disturb everyone in the neighborhood.

  19. 我专心看书,没有听到你叫唤。

    I was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call.

  20. 男孩儿们对楼外,叫唤的猫很感兴趣。

    There is a cat outside the apartment building that starts to meow and the boys are interested in it.

  21. 而且, 他们只能象驴子一样叫唤。

    And they burst forth into loud donkey brays.

  22. 不要再这样叫唤了,怪让人害怕的。

    Don't groan so, tom, it's awful.

  23. 为了让咱们注意他, 他朝咱们又是叫唤又是挥手。

    In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.

  24. 野驴有草, 岂会叫唤?牛有料, 岂会吼叫?

    Doth the wild ass bray when he hath grass or loweth the ox over his fodder Meringkikkah keledai liar di tempat rumput muda, atau melenguhkah lembu dekat makanannya

  25. 我试图抬起她时, 她痛得直叫唤。

    She cried out in pain when I tried to lift her.

  26. 那么现在回家吧,我的肚子在叫唤了。

    So now away home, my inside cries cupboard.

  27. 雄鸟雌鸟都会叫唤,但通常只有雄鸟才唱歌。

    While both male and female songbirds can call, usually only the male sings.

  28. 乖乖, 看在上帝面上, 别再叫唤, 别嚷嚷了!

    Darling, for God's sake!Stop!Hush!Don't yell.

  29. 还不如说是一种动物式的叫唤。

    It's much more like an animal call than it is like speech.

  30. 大声叫嚷的孩子听不到妈妈的叫唤。

    The shouting boy did not hear his mother call him.


  1. 问:叫唤拼音怎么拼?叫唤的读音是什么?叫唤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叫唤的读音是jiàohuàn,叫唤翻译成英文是 cry out




【读音】jiào huan


【出处】《宋书·庐陵王义真传》:“ 义真与左右相失,独逃草中,中兵参军段宏单骑追寻,缘道叫唤。”宋·无名氏 《张协状元》戏文第十二出:“奴家在此庙中,将傍六七年,不得公公叫唤,谁来管你!”

【示例】陈残云 《山谷风烟》第一章:“听徐文书叫唤,叫到谁的名字,谁就站出来。”艾青 《布谷鸟》诗:“年年春天,布谷鸟在叫唤。”

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