







汉语拼音:mì lín






  1. 茂密的树林。

    南朝 宋 谢灵运 《游南亭》诗:“密林含餘清,远峯隐半规。” 唐 孟浩然 《游精思题观主山房》诗:“舞鹤过閒砌,飞猿啸密林。”《水浒传》第九六回:“猛听得鼓角齐鸣,前面密林后飞出一彪军来。” 管桦 《将军河》第一部第三六章:“这一带没有密林丛莽,不是野兽出没适合打猎的地方。”



  1. There was a thin ribbon of a trail that led through the forest here, or I wouldn't risk wandering on my own like this.


  2. Suppose as you were walking in a dense forest, you strayed off the path and lost your way.


  3. Once you are holding, through the streets, through alleys and covered the sun, through heavy rain, reached the sea, reached the forests.


  4. It was a long winter of the very year I was twelve, like an endless jungle path, walked endlessly.


  5. As the leopard's lack of running speed and endurance, therefore, it is always willing to stay in dense forest hunting.


  6. Really hope to travel in a deep forest with a tiger someday, maybe I could become the woods' overlord by right of the tiger's authority.


  7. a young clergyman, who had come from one of the great English universities, bringing all the learning of the age into our wild forest-land.


  8. A short way ahead of us is a long tunnel, and on the other side of that the line passes through a thick wood.


  9. The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dragon, saves the princess and makes love to her in an enchanted forest.


  1. 密林豪放女

    Attack of the Jungle Women.

  2. 在密林深处

    in the depths of the forest.

  3. 钻进密林深处

    go deep into a forest

  4. 穿过大树密林,

    Trough the trees deep and tall

  5. 我们奋力通过密林。

    We fought our way through dense forest.

  6. 被密林遮蔽的村庄

    a village overshadowed by dense forests

  7. 城堡隐藏在密林深处。

    The castle was buried in the forest.

  8. 密林深处有群猴子。

    There is a group of monkeys in the innermost depths of the forest.

  9. 猎人们在密林深处宿营。

    The hunters camped in the midst of the thick forest.

  10. 熊猫在密林中做窝。

    Pandas bed down in the dense forest.

  11. 密林掩护了游击队的行动。

    The dense forest screened the guerrilla rs movements.

  12. 飞机在密林中撞毁。

    The plane had cracked up in the heavy trees.

  13. 探险人员消失在密林里了。

    The jungle swallowedup the explorers.

  14. 我们村四周被密林所环绕。

    Our village is beset on all sides by dense forest.

  15. 从密林中砍出一条通道

    to slash a path through the woods

  16. 密林之中,熊会暗地放矢?

    Do bears shoot in the woods ?

  17. 那座避暑别墅位于密林深处。

    The summer house was buried deep in the forest.

  18. 那所古代宫殿位于密林深处。

    The ancient place was buried deep in the forest.

  19. 我指的不是密林和树荫。

    Not of woods only and the shade of trees.

  20. 密林掩护了游击队员的行动。

    The dense forest screened the guerrillas' movements.

  21. 又如峭壁密林中狂风呼啸。

    Or roar of winds a wooded steep.

  22. 他们将在幽谷或密林里扎营。

    They would make their camps in hidden valleys or dense woods.

  23. 这个旅的士兵现在密林中露宿。

    Soldiers are now sleeping rough in dense jungle.

  24. 夜探密林, 夜间的密林是野兽的乐园。

    The jungle at night, it is a paradise for wild animals.

  25. 猎人在密林中追踪一只牛羚。

    The hunter slotted a gnu in the woods.

  26. 丛林, 密林茂密的灌木丛或生长物

    A dense thicket or growth.

  27. 小径斜穿草地通到了密林深处。

    The path slants the lawn to the depths of the woods.

  28. 我们在密林边缘看见几间小木屋。

    We see a few cabins by the edge of the thick forest.

  29. 透过密林枝叶得间隙, 我追逐着风。

    I hunt with wind through the forest.

  30. 你得把树枝拨开才能穿过密林。

    You'll have to break the branches away to get through the thick forest.


  1. 问:密林拼音怎么拼?密林的读音是什么?密林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:密林的读音是mìlín,密林翻译成英文是 jungle; thick forest; dense wood

  2. 问:密林湖拼音怎么拼?密林湖的读音是什么?密林湖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:密林湖的读音是,密林湖翻译成英文是 Lagoa Mirim

  3. 问:密林龙属拼音怎么拼?密林龙属的读音是什么?密林龙属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:密林龙属的读音是,密林龙属翻译成英文是 Pycnonemosaurus

  4. 问:密林穿透雷达拼音怎么拼?密林穿透雷达的读音是什么?密林穿透雷达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:密林穿透雷达的读音是mì lín chuān tòu léi dá,密林穿透雷达翻译成英文是 Foliage Penetration Radar




拼音: mìlín (1) [thick (dense) forest] 树木长得很密的树林,密林中的枪声 (2) 也可指原始森林,在西双版纳的密林中

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