


1. 片 [piàn]2. 片 [piān]片 [piàn]平而薄的物体:卡~。名~。切削成薄的形状:~肉片。少,零星:~段(整体当中的一段)。~刻。~面。~甲不存。指较大地区内划分的较小地区:分~儿开会。〔~假名〕日本文所用的楷书字母。量……





汉语拼音:piàn bāng






  1. 采矿时矿壁或巷道两侧的岩石突然大片崩落。

    邓十喆 《活矿工和死把头》:“忽然,前面轰隆一声,这才震醒了他,经验告诉他,事情有点不妙,因为洞子里只有冒顶和片帮的声音才这样。” 郭小川 《矿工不怕鬼》诗:“瓦斯爆炸、片帮、冒顶。”



  1. The upward filling method with tailings or waste rock were used in a certain gold mine, roof caving and wall caving occurred many times.


  2. The coal wall or roof of working face is perforated, and a hydraulic expansible anchor stock is inserted into the hole.


  3. Prevention rib spalling mechanics of stepped cutting technology was analyzed by numerical simulation.


  4. The surrounding rock of the upper face end is the key part strengthened the control of the rib spalling.


  5. The II3123 face is a light type caving face of three-soft coal seam. the roof is cracked, sloughing and roof fall often occur.


  6. The working section is easily to rib spalling and floor heaving affected by mining and floor soft rock.


  7. Based on the occurring mechanism of slough rock burst, the mechanism to weaken shock with bolt support in coal roadway is analyzed.


  8. The rock burst in mines is local instability during excavation, which is related to layer crack plate construction.


  9. Research and application of whisht press affusion technology for preventing coal wall collapse in picking laneway


  1. 煤矿片帮冒顶危险性分析

    Risk Analysis on Coal Mine Rib Spalling

  2. 煤巷片帮类型及锚固机理研究

    Study on the Failure Style and Its Control Method of Soft Ribs

  3. 煤壁浅孔注水控制三软煤层煤壁片帮

    Controlling of rib spalling of three soft seam using injecting water to wall with shallow hole

  4. 由于地质环境复杂,常出现冒顶、片帮和坍塌现象。

    Because of the complexity of the geologic environment, rooffalling slicing and collapse occur frequently.

  5. 从微观角度分析了圆形硐室片帮型岩爆发生机制。

    The mechanism of splitting type rock burst of round chamber is analyzed from microcosmic viewpoint.

  6. 老兄,帮我贴戒烟贴片好吗?

    Will you help me patch up, buddy?

  7. 采煤工作面煤壁片帮影响因素研究

    Study on Influence Factors of Rib Fall of Coal Wall in Mining Workface.

  8. 煤层综放工作面片帮冒顶维护技术

    Maintenance technology of coal slide and roof fall in full mechanized caving face in soft roof, soft coal and soft floor seam

  9. 特软易片帮突出煤层锚注技术研究

    Technique of bolting and grouting in extremely soft coal, easily sloughing and outburst seam

  10. 某矿山冒顶片帮事故的事故树分析

    Fault Tree Analysis of Rall Falling Accident in the Mine

  11. 极软厚煤层煤壁片帮与防治机理

    Mechanism of the rib spalling and the controlling in the very soft coal seam

  12. 铀矿山冒顶片帮事故发生的原因和预防

    On factors of roof caving and wallrock falling and their prevention in uranium mines

  13. 综采工作面顶板破碎及煤壁片帮原因分析

    Analysis on Reason for Roof Breakage and Fall at Fully Mechanized Coal Face

  14. 松软煤层煤壁浅孔注水防片帮技术研究

    Study on Technology of Soft Coal Seam Rib Spalling Preventing by Water Infusion with Shallow Holes

  15. 陈四楼矿2102工作面片帮冒顶得治理及预防

    Management and Prevention of Sloughing Roof Fall in 2102 Workface of Chensilou Coal Mine

  16. 陈四楼矿2102工作面片帮冒顶的治理及预防

    Management and Prevention of Sloughing Roof Fall in 2102 Workface of Chensilou Coal Mine

  17. 浅孔采场冒顶片帮事故原因分析及预防

    Analyzing the Reason of Roof and Side Fall Accident in Shallow Bore Hole Stope and Its Protective Measures.

  18. 采煤工作面顶板破碎、煤壁片帮原因分析与处理

    Reason Analysis and Processing of Roof Brokenness and Coal Wall Caving in the Fully Mechanized Face.

  19. 综放工作面煤墙片帮冒顶原因分析及防治对策

    Reason Analyzed and Prevention Countermeasure about Rib Sapling and Roof Fall in Combined Caving Working Face.

  20. 缓倾斜煤层炮采工作面片帮机理分析及预防措施

    Mechanism Analysis and Preventive Measures of Blasting Face Rib Fall in Gently Inclined Coal

  21. 上端头的围岩片帮控制是应重点加强的关键部位。

    The surrounding rock of the upper face end is the key part strengthened the control of the rib spalling.

  22. 三软煤层高压注水降尘防片帮冒顶的有效途径

    Availability Method of Rib Spalling and Roof Fall Prevention Under Dust Suppression by Three Soft Coal Seam Water Infusion

  23. 用数值模拟分析了台阶式割煤的防片帮机理。

    Prevention rib spalling mechanics of stepped cutting technology was analyzed by numerical simulation.

  24. 寺河矿大采高工作面煤壁片帮机理及防治措施

    Mechanism and Prevention Measure of Rib Spalling in High Caving Face in Sihe Coal Mine

  25. 在煤矿安全事故中,巷道的冒顶片帮是最常见的事故之一。

    The roof and side fall accident is one of the most common accidents in the coal mine accident.

  26. 回采巷道受采动和底板软岩的影响,易发生片帮和底鼓。

    The working section is easily to rib spalling and floor heaving affected by mining and floor soft rock.

  27. 给我20块,我就帮你搞到免费得三级片。

    Throw me 20 and I ll hook you up with free porn.

  28. 给我20块,我就帮你搞到免费的三级片。

    Throw me 20 and I ll hook you up with free porn.

  29. 本拿出一把微型电筒,帮我找到了掉在我袖子上的眼镜片。

    Then Ben produced one of those mini torches and found it on my sleeve.

  30. 帮我把马铃薯切成小片。

    Help me to cut potatoes into dice.

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