


1. 率 [shuài]2. 率 [lǜ]率 [shuài]带领:~领。统~。~队。~先(带头)。~兽食人(喻暴君残害人民)。轻易地,不细想,不慎重:轻~。草~。~尔。~尔操觚(“觚”,供写书用的木简;意思是轻易地下笔作文)。爽直坦白:直~……





汉语拼音:shuài chéng






  1. 草率写成。

    清 金农 《旧有写经研》诗序:“今偶登 嵩山 ,过 片石菴 ,閲 释氏 之书,休憩树下,忽念故物,率成二诗。”



  1. that of river mouth sand bars shows reverse rhythmic distribution, and the peak permeability section is in the top.


  2. As a result of this, American industries will suffer in direct proportion to the percentage of their sales previously made abroad.


  3. If they can reduce the rate of reoffending by at least 10%, the investors will be paid, the amount rising as the recidivism rate falls.


  4. The destruct height of overlying strata is linearly correlation with the compression rate of gangue backfilling.


  5. Therefore, the high employment rate of 87% has been aired as one of the currently favorite topics.


  6. Generally speaking, the highway design criteria rating is inversely proportional to traffic accidents.


  7. Surface treatments. Anodized aluminium and aluminium alloys. Specular reflectance at 45 degrees. Total reflectance. Image clarity.


  8. Skin moisture content, formation time, drying rate, PVA solution portfolio mask than the combination of PVP solution obtained good results.


  9. Expressed in growth rates unit labour costs are roughly equal to growth in wages minus the growth in labour productivity, per widget.


  1. 分解率与最初的氮和磷的含有率成正相关。

    Decomposition rates were positively correlated with initial nitrogen and phosphorus content.

  2. 在自然条件下,柱头外露率与异交结实率成正相关。

    At natural condition rate of stigma exsertion has the positive proportion with seed rate.

  3. 中鼻甲成形对鼻窦炎治愈率影响的研究

    The effect of middle turbinectomy on the cure rate of sinusitis

  4. 因此, 发电直接与水流率成比例。

    Hence, energy generation is directly proportional to the discharge rate.

  5. 体重指数的大小与患病率成正比。

    That body mass index was positively associated with the prevalence rate of ISH.

  6. 与投资回报率成比例的最常用的税是最没有效率的。

    The commonly used tax proportional to the return on investment is least efficient.

  7. 这种趋势反映了教育负担与患病率成正比的关系。

    This tendency reflects the direct ratio of educational burden and the illness ratio.

  8. 电阻率成象测井是石油测井中最新一代的测井方法。

    Resistivity imaging is the latest method of well logging.

  9. 电阻率成象测井是石油测井中最新一代得测井方法。

    Resistivity imaging is the latest method of well logging.

  10. 浓度对时间的变化率成正与浓度对距离的二阶导数。

    The time rate of change of concentration is proportional to the second derivative of concentration.

  11. 浓度对时间得变化率成正与浓度对距离得二阶导数。

    The time rate of change of concentration is proportional to the second derivative of concentration.

  12. 显然折价率成了投资者抄底封基的重要参考。

    Obviously the rate of discount became the investor to copy under seal work base's important reference.

  13. 显然折价率成了投资者抄底封基得重要参考。

    Obviously the rate of discount became the investor to copy under seal work base's important reference.

  14. 覆岩破坏高度和矸石充填体压缩率成正线性相关。

    The destruct height of overlying strata is linearly correlation with the compression rate of gangue backfilling.

  15. 作者在本文中利用有限元方法模拟电阻率成象测井。

    In this paper a finite element method is applied to simulate resistivity imaging logging.

  16. 标价减成率

    markdown percentage.

  17. 浅议成本加成率

    The Discussion About Cost Plus

  18. 船板轧成率的影响因素及对策

    Factors Affecting Rolled Successful Ratio of Ship Plate and Countermeasures

  19. 药品加成率与医院药品管理水平的关系

    Relationship Between Drug Add Rate and Hospital Drug Management Level

  20. 可形成乳突的侵染点下吸器形成率降低。

    Under the invasion site where papilla can be form, the haustoria formation rate was lower.

  21. 本文阐述了引起药品加成率负效应的因素和克服措施。

    This article describes the negative factors affecting drug add rate and the measure to alleviate the effects.

  22. 本文阐述了引起药品加成率负效应得因素和克服措施。

    This article describes the negative factors affecting drug add rate and the measure to alleviate the effects.

  23. 高速率成形

    high velocity forming

  24. 定罪率9成。

    We had a 88 percent conviction rate.

  25. 自然成竹率

    natural formation.

  26. 项目建成投产率

    Rate of Projects Completed and Put Into Use

  27. 钢管锭到材成材率

    yield of Ingot to steel tube

  28. 失业率与学历水平成反比。

    Unemployment was inversely proportionate to education levels.

  29. 提高大盘卷成材率的实践


  30. 计算菜单中食品得成本率。

    Compares menus vs food cost vs sales price.

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