









汉语拼音:méi qì zào






  1. 用煤气作为燃料烧煮食物的炉灶。一般用铸铁或薄钢板制成。烧嘴有各种型式,带有能调节煤气量的开关,可以随用随燃,使用方便,易于调节,效率高,清洁卫生。亦可附装烘烤食物的烘箱。



  1. He remembered his mother's statuesque body bending over the gas ring to stir at something in a saucepan.


  2. Do not place it on an electric store, or a hot gas stove, and keep it at a safe distance from them. Do not put it into an oven either.


  3. Julia: Not really. It has a nice gas range and a good refrigerator. There are lots of shelves and cupboards, too.


  4. The pot can be applied to electromagnetic ovens, electric stoves, coal stoves or gas ranges.


  5. In a corner of the room behind a screen was a small gas stove and a refrigerator. Mrs.


  6. You know, you buy that Viking range, this is what your kitchen will look like.


  7. There's a gas cooker, and a fridge in the kitchen, but the flat hasn't got central heating, so it ma be cold in the winter.


  8. Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances. Barbecues for outdoor use.


  9. Once she turned on her gas oven and forgot to light.


  1. 关上煤气灶

    to turn off the gas ring.

  2. 这叫煤气灶。

    It calls a gas range.

  3. 厨房里没有煤气灶。

    There's no gas range in the kitchen.

  4. 壁柜式四眼煤气灶

    cooking top

  5. 二眼一汤煤气灶

    Two eyes one soup coal gas range

  6. 我们管这叫煤气灶。

    We call this a gas cooker.

  7. 她在煤气灶上做饭。

    She cooked her meals on a gas range.

  8. 煤气灶这些年用开了。

    In the past few years the gas oven has become widely used.

  9. 把煤气灶的气嘴擦干净

    to clean the gas jets on the cooker

  10. 这套公寓备有一个煤气灶。

    The flat is equipped with a gas cook.

  11. 把煤气灶开大一些,火太小了。

    Turn up the gas; it is much too low.

  12. 自动点火煤气灶, 使用起来太方便了。

    The automaticignition gas range is quite easy to operate.

  13. 有回她扭开煤气灶。却忘了点火。

    Once she turned on her gas oven and forgot to light it.

  14. 有一次她开了煤气灶, 却忘了点火。

    Once she turned on her gas oven and forgot to light.

  15. 厨房里没有煤气灶,但你可以用电炉。

    There's no gas range in the kitchen, but you can use the electric stove.

  16. 这个村子几乎每户人家都安装了煤气灶。

    Every family in the village has installed gas stoves.

  17. 这个村子几乎每户人家都安装了煤气灶。

    Every family in the village has installed gas stoves.

  18. 煤气灶和电灶已取代了燃煤和木柴的炉灶。

    Gas and electric ranges have replaced the coal and wood range.

  19. 我家煤气灶的炉嘴儿该换一个了。

    The furnace mouth of my gas cooker should be replaced.

  20. 我家煤气灶的炉嘴儿该换一个了。

    The furnace mouth of my gas cooker should be replaced.

  21. 我家煤气灶得炉嘴儿该换一个了。

    The furnace mouth of my gas cooker should be replaced.

  22. 我打开煤气灶,红色的火苗呼地窜了起来。

    I turn on the coal gas stove, the red flame shouted fled.

  23. 能够从管道中传送照明气到煤气灶的装置。

    A device to convey illuminating gas from the pipe to the gas burner.

  24. 完成对英国所有煤气灶的改造花了10年时间。

    The programme to convert every gas burner in Britain took 10 years.

  25. 我不得不再三要求煤气公司派人来修理煤气灶。

    I've had to chase the Gas Board up again about the cooker.

  26. 这是一个很好的煤气灶,一下子就烧开一壶水。

    It's a fine gas ring; it boils a kettle in a flash.

  27. 用户在使用煤气灶时, 不得不重新确定它们之间得关系。

    Users must figure out the mapping anew each time they use the stovetop.

  28. 用户在使用煤气灶时,不得不重新确定它们之间的关系。

    Users must figure out the mapping anew each time they use the stovetop.

  29. 找信誉好的买家买二手煤气灶,还要附带安全检查证书。

    Only buy second-hand gas appliances from a reputable dealer with a certificate of safety check.

  30. 他们还没有叫煤气修理工来修理煤气灶,我怎么能不生气。

    The gas people haven't called to repair the cooker so I shall have to get stroppy with them.


  1. 问:煤气灶拼音怎么拼?煤气灶的读音是什么?煤气灶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤气灶的读音是méiqìzào,煤气灶翻译成英文是 gas stove, gas burner

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