


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……



汉语拼音:yǒu qǐng






  1. 旧时主人请客人相见的客套话。

    《水浒传》第四二回:“外面童子又道:‘娘娘有请,星主可行。’”《西游记》第六三回:“ 孙悟空 哥哥,大哥有请。”



  1. I thought it a pity not to have invited him.


  2. They would not assign them to her just because it was in their hospital and she was a specialist. She volunteered.


  3. I do not, for the moment at least, ask you to understand me.


  4. Much as he had ingratiated himself with his aunt, she had never yet invited him to stay under her roof.


  5. They thought it a pity not to have invited her.


  6. Have you been a judge of a teaching competition? If so, please describe the criteria you used for choosing the winners.


  7. Because also be the lower end inside the industry, we have the leader of the Tai Junan that ask a state to give us the introduction first.


  8. Tom Hanks took a shortcut to becoming a movie star. He made only hits. Here's Mr. Easy Pants, Tom Hanks.


  9. M. I'm afraid it is not on our menu. But I'll ask about my chef if it is available. Please wait a moment.


  1. 有请唱白脸儿的。

    Meet the bad cop.

  2. 现在,我荣幸地有请

    It is with great pleasure and pride.

  3. 有请,我叫史蒂文。

    You,sir.My name's Steven.

  4. 有请,我叫史蒂文。

    You, sir. My name's Steven.

  5. 有谁支持正方的,有请。

    Anyone else for? Go.

  6. 有请,大家好,我叫珍妮。

    Go ahead. Hi. My name is Jenny.

  7. 有请林小姐到前面来。

    Would Ms. Lin please come forward ?

  8. 鸿明你有请他签名吗?

    Hongming Did you get his autograph

  9. 你只有请我喝谈啤酒?

    And all you got for me is light beer?

  10. 这可是你说的啊!有请。

    This is really what you want! Please.

  11. 我的朋友们,有请贝克博士。

    My friends, Dr.Baker.

  12. 我得朋友们,有请贝克博士。

    My friends, Dr. Baker.

  13. 有请用播音的字正腔圆的播音方式!

    Welcome use standard broadcast way!

  14. 有请用播音得字正腔圆得播音方式!

    Welcome use standard broadcast way!

  15. 不过在这之前让我们有请

    But first, I hear we have a former.

  16. 现在我们有请詹尼尔?弗洛伊德。

    Now we have Janel Freud on with this.

  17. 有请师父为基辅大学生上课

    Lecture to Kyiv Kiev University Undergraduates

  18. 她有没有请人去叫计程车?

    Has she sent for a taxi?

  19. 你有请过泰到你家吃饭吗

    Have you ever had Ty over for dinner?

  20. 但我真不记得有请你过来

    but I don't remember inviting you to visit.

  21. 你结婚的时候有请外烩吗?

    Did you hire a caterer for you wedding?

  22. 我别无选择, 只有请他离开。

    I had no option but toask him to leave.

  23. 有请我们的下一位参赛选手。

    Please welcome our next contestant.

  24. 各位,有请总统大卫。帕尔默。

    Ladies and gentlemen, President David palmer.

  25. 现在有请丹尼尔律师为我们演讲。

    And now, let's hear from Daniel rafferty.

  26. 有请来自行星资源的海莉小姐。

    Ms. Haylie grimes of one planet resources.

  27. 有请来自行星资源的海莉小姐。

    Ms. haylie grimes of one planet resources.

  28. 有请来自行星资源的海莉小姐。

    Ms. haylie grimes of one planet resources.

  29. 现在,有请孙麒麟代表全体裁判宣誓。

    And now, Sun Qi Lin Olympic oath on behalf of all judges.

  30. 现在,有请杨培刚代表全体裁判宣誓。

    And now, Yang peigang Olympic oath on behalf of all judges.


  1. 问:有请拼音怎么拼?有请的读音是什么?有请翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有请的读音是yǒuqǐng,有请翻译成英文是 to ask somebody to do something




拼音:yǒuqǐng 基本解释 [send for sb's presence] 主人让客时惯用的客套话 详细解释 旧时主人请客人相见的客套话。 《水浒传》第四二回:“外面童子又道:‘娘娘有请,星主可行。’”《西游记》第六三回:“ 孙悟空 哥哥,大哥有请。”

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