


1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……


1. 冲 [chōng]2. 冲 [chòng]冲 [chōng]用水或酒浇注,水撞击:~茶。~剂。~洗。~荡。向上钻,直上:~腾。~入云霄。破解不祥:~喜。空虚,谦虚:“大盈若~,其用不穷”。~挹(yì)。谦~。幼小:~昧。~弱。~龄。方……



汉语拼音:liù chōng







  1. 亦作“六冲”。阴阳家谓十二支中子与午相冲,卯与酉相冲,辰与戌相冲,丑与未相冲,寅与申相冲,巳与亥相冲。旧时选日家、星命家皆据以断凶吉。

  2. 见“ 六衝 ”。



  1. Reports from Jalal-Abad say protesters scuffled with the interim interior minister and broke into a regional government office Saturday.


  1. 洗澡时冲四到六分钟的澡不再用盆浴。

    Take short showers about four or six minutes instead of a bath.

  2. 洗澡时冲四到六分钟得澡不再用盆浴。

    Take short showers about four or six minutes instead of a bath.

  3. 多年后,她在那里带着六个孙儿玩耍并冲他们大吼。

    Where, years later, she'd take her six grandchildren and yell at them.

  4. 水力梯度对喀斯特峡谷形成的影响 以猫跳河,六冲河为例

    The influence of hydraulic gradient on form of karst Canyon

  5. 转塔式六角冲床

    turret punch press

  6. 六天前他的号角被冲到河岸。

    His horn washed up upon the riverbank, about six days past.

  7. 我通常六点下班,然后和山姆一起冲向公交车站。

    I usually check off at six and rush to the bus station with Sam.

  8. 我通常六点下班,然后和山姆一起冲向公交车站。

    I usually check off at six and rush to the bus station with Sam.

  9. 淮南六方堤多层冲填土坝体滑动稳定性计算

    Stability calculation of multi layer filling dam of liufang embankment of the Huainan

  10. 巨涌就是指海水不断地冲上海滩六米或更远。

    A surge is a continuous movement of water that may reach six meters or more.

  11. 光亮软钢六角冲压螺丝帽精确的六角形是最密实的钢丝束。

    Bright mild steel hexagonal pressed nut Perfect hexagon is the most compact grouping of wires.

  12. 连着几天,我们忙于把东西搬到楼上,有一天一直忙到下午五六点钟,河水徐徐地漫过门槛,冲进屋里。

    We worked for days carrying things upstairs, until, late one afternoon, the water edged over the threshold and rushed into the house.

  13. 一伙六个人走进酒吧,冲向吧台。

    A group of half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar.

  14. 一种实用的三相六脉冲晶闸管触发板的研制

    The Design of Three Phased and Six Pulsed Thyristor Trigger Board

  15. 第六,该把茶壶拿到烧水壶处冲泡而非相反。

    Sixthly, one should take the teapot to the kettle and not the other way about.

  16. 上有六龙回日之高标,下有冲波逆折之回川。

    High, as on a tall flag, six dragons drive the sun, While the river, far below, lashes its twisted course.

  17. 高速冲槽机主传动六杆机构动力分析及优化设计

    Dynamic analysis and optimization design of six rod mechanism in high speed punching press


  1. 问:六冲河拼音怎么拼?六冲河的读音是什么?六冲河翻译成英文是什么?

    答:六冲河的读音是,六冲河翻译成英文是 Liuchong River

  2. 问:六冲河大桥拼音怎么拼?六冲河大桥的读音是什么?六冲河大桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:六冲河大桥的读音是,六冲河大桥翻译成英文是 Liuchonghe Bridge

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