


1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……





汉语拼音:liù biàn






  1. 谓乐章改变六次。古代祭百神,乐章变六次祭典始成。

    晋 陆云 《移书太常府荐张赡》:“广乐九奏,必登昊天之庭;《韶》《夏》六变,必饗上帝之祀矣。” 宋 欧阳修 《明堂庆成》诗:“九筵严太室,六变导和声。” 明 唐顺之 《冬至南郊》诗:“声容六变合,海岳百灵纷。”



  1. 网络
  2. six changes;six transmutations

  1. 他们六个人都变了脸色,互相抓着,像受惊的孩子一样。

    The color went from their six faces, and they caught hold of each other like frightened children.

  2. 将其他的圆也做成这样,你就会有六个依次变小的圆锥体了。

    Do the same with all the circles, and you'll end up with six cones getting smaller in size.

  3. 我变得如六月柔和阳光下一样褐黄。

    I got tanned with gentle sunbeam of June.

  4. 六是因地因情施变, 提高生存能力。

    Sixth, change according to the actual situation and improve the survivability.

  5. 此病人我们持续追踪六年, 眼底病变并无改变。

    The patient was followed periodically over next 6 years, and the appearance of the juxtapapillary lesion did not change.

  6. 可变六角套筒扳手的研究

    Research on the Variable Hexagonal Box Spanner

  7. 平行六面体形变

    parallelepipedal deformation

  8. 六极变频管

    hexode mixer tube.

  9. 六十年便足使世界绿色变黄。

    And threescore year would make the world away.

  10. 我想把六元短信套餐变更为十元的套餐。

    I would like to cancel 6 yuan SMS package and get the 10 yuan one instead.

  11. 术后六星期到六个月,疤痕慢慢平坦,颜色变淡。

    From six weeks to six months the scars gradually flatten and pale.

  12. 六水氯化钙相变材料过冷性质的研究

    Preliminary Supercooling Research on Calcium Chloride Hexahydrate as Phase Change Material

  13. 文变是六朝时期的重要文学理论范畴。

    The theory of literature variation is the very important theory of Nanbei dynasty.

  14. 本文中,我们分析的重点是这六种类型的变式。

    We analyse the six variant forms emphatically.

  15. 那时,我相信生活在五六年后将变得完美。

    I was so sure then that my life would be perfect in five or six years.

  16. 哈尔滨制药六厂变电所扩建改造设计研究

    Reconstructive and expanded design study of transformer substation in Harbin sixth pharmaceutical factory

  17. 这人用魔法从他的帽子里变出六只兔子。

    The man used magic to produce six rabbits from his hat.

  18. 试论气机升降学说在六经传变中的运用

    Discussion on application of QI ascending and descending of theory in the progress of six channels diseases

  19. 你的子宫已变大变软,可以看出你怀孕约六周了。

    You uterus is enlarged and soft,which shows a pregnancy of about 6 weeks.

  20. 拿掉六胺化钴后,这个装置就又变回原来的构造。

    Removal of the cobalt hexammine reverts the device back to its original structure.

  21. 起初花了我六个月的时间,然后我绘图变得越来越快。

    They would take me about six months initially, but then I started getting faster at it.

  22. 聚合物流变特性标准物质主要由聚异丁烯和十六烷组成。

    The certified reference material mainly consists of polyisobutylene and hexadecane with good homogeneity and stability.

  23. 哪吒上阵后,变作三头六臂,手持六种兵器,朝大圣打来。

    Ne Zha changed into a fighter with three heads and six arms each holding a different weapon.

  24. 六位数字密码是令人惊愕地相同, 并且该例只会变坏。

    Six character numeric passwords are dismayingly common, and the examples only go downhill from there.

  25. 不单六道轮重播大光明, 在这个十法界, 也变光明藏。

    Then, not only will the six paths put forth light, but all of the ten dharma realms will become the great light bright treasury.

  26. 给出了二次曲面在转轴变换下的六个不变量的简易证明。

    A simple proof of six invariants under the transformation of spin axis is put forward.

  27. 介绍六阶素数方的四合一构造法,并分析其结构变式。

    The method from4 unified into1 of making magic squares in prime with6 stes was introduced and its structure was analyzed in this paper.

  28. 莎士比亚通过对历史的改写,使亨利五世和亨利六世时的战争变得戏剧化了。

    Shakespeare,taking liberties with history,dramatized the war in Henry V and Henry VI.

  29. 六合体应变异常

    anomalies of strain meter at Liuhe seismic station

  30. 高精度六分量应变天平研究


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