


1. 淋 [lín]2. 淋 [lìn]淋 [lín]〔~漓〕a.沾湿或流滴,如“大汗~~”;b.畅快,如“~~尽致。”浇:~浴。~湿。日晒雨~。淋 [lìn]过滤:过~。一种性病,病原体是淋病球菌。病人尿道红肿溃烂,尿有浓血。通称“淋病”……


1. 淋 [lín]2. 淋 [lìn]淋 [lín]〔~漓〕a.沾湿或流滴,如“大汗~~”;b.畅快,如“~~尽致。”浇:~浴。~湿。日晒雨~。淋 [lìn]过滤:过~。一种性病,病原体是淋病球菌。病人尿道红肿溃烂,尿有浓血。通称“淋病”……



汉语拼音:lín lín








  1. 水倾泻貌。

    汉 枚乘 《七发》:“其始起也,洪淋淋焉,若白鷺之下翔。” 宋 司马光 《潮水》诗之二:“淋淋出海门,百里雪花喷。”

  2. 指雨声。

    三国 魏 曹植 《愁霖赋》:“瞻玄云之晻晻兮,听长空之淋淋。”《初学记》卷二引 晋 潘尼 《苦雨赋》:“朝漎漎以连暮,夜淋淋以达明。” 清 周亮工 《珠梅闸夜雨与郑羽人陈伯宗》诗:“明发不知何处泊,危檣独听雨淋淋。”

  3. 形容液体连续下滴之貌。

    唐 柳宗元 《晋问》:“浩浩弈弈,淋淋涤涤,荧荧的的,若雪山冰谷之积。”《水浒传》第三二回:“﹝ 武松 ﹞爬起来,淋淋的一身水。” 清 黄景仁 《灵璧磬石歌》:“ 宣和 天翰尤淋淋, 澄心堂 砚祕製出。” 刘半农 《扬鞭集·铁匠》诗:“砧上的铁,闪着血也似的光,照见他额上淋淋的汗,和他裸着的,宽阔的胸膛。” 巴金 《探索集·访问广岛》:“我只是匆匆地看了几个部分,那些鲜血淋淋的‘资料’我早已熟悉,而且从未遗忘。”



  1. Maura was grinning at him, pulling sections of his hair through her fingers, her face damp with sweat but not at all sleepy.


  2. Both the style of this poem and the writing ways of the poem express the British positive romanticism characteristics vividly.


  3. The bathroom was another chamber of wonders, full of jars , lotions , and perfumes : the shrine of her body, my visit a watery pilgrimage.


  4. The sun was fierce , the land seemed to glisten and drip with steam .


  5. How can you know how many difficulties I have to endure before I can lift a passable print, soaking wet, out of the developer?


  6. Elimination of cucumber skin, exposing a layer of white Litou green cucumber meat, water, Lin Lin, and looked as delicate as jade.


  7. The young man goes inside, takes off his wet jacket, marvels at how the world ends in rain.


  8. As he smokes he looks at the black wet floor littered with butts .


  9. On an ordinary day in February or March of 1975, the misty drizzle with sporadic snow flakes was drifting incessantly.


  1. 他大汗淋淋。

    He was perspiring freely.

  2. 跑步者汗水淋淋。

    The runner was bathed in sweat.

  3. 她满脸汗水淋淋。

    Her face dripped with sweat.

  4. 她脸上汗水淋淋。

    Her face was dripping with sweat.

  5. 那工人浑身汗水淋淋。

    The worker was soaking wet with perspiration

  6. 朝雾不收, 细雨淋淋。

    The morning mist does not collect, drizzle.

  7. 朝雾不收,细雨淋淋。

    The morning mist does not collect, drizzle.

  8. 他跑得全身汗水淋淋。

    He sweated all over for running.

  9. 抚摸过一只汗水淋淋的小狗吗

    Ever pet a sweaty dog

  10. 突然,背后隐藏每布什血淋淋的死亡。

    Sudden, gory death hides behind every bush.

  11. 抚摸过一只汗水淋淋得小狗吗

    Ever pet a sweaty dog.

  12. 叹息着他撕下自己古老的鲜血淋淋的翅膀。

    Tore his old wings off with a sigh.

  13. 天上烈日炎炎,大地被蒸晒得闪闪发光,热露淋淋。

    The sun was fierce, the land seemed to glisten and drip with steam.

  14. 早晨七点钟,玛丽发现自己的前额汗水淋淋,四肢粘搭搭的。

    At seven in the morning Mary found her forehead damp and her limbs sticky.

  15. 作品雕工精细, 甚至把骆驼身上的毛发都表现的淋淋尽致!

    The work engraver is fine, even displays the camel body's on hair drippings sends!

  16. 斯帕斯大林毫发无伤,巴克却鲜血淋淋,弄得气喘吁吁。

    Spitz was untouched, while Buck was streaming with blood and panting hard.

  17. 他艰难地在尘土飞扬的坡道上爬着,热得汗水淋淋。

    Hot and perspiring, he toiled up the dusty ascent.

  18. 但是为什么不用更凶的法子去抵抗这血淋淋的魔王时光?

    But wherefore do not you a mightier wayMake war upon this bloody tyrant, Time.

  19. 杰德到了山顶,就坐下来休息。月底太阳使他热汗淋淋。

    Black Horse Jed got to the top of the mountain and sat down to rest. The July sun had made him hot.

  20. 他把撕剩的那条毯子扯成一条条的,裹好那双鲜血淋淋的脚。

    He ripped the remnant of one of his blankets into strips and bound his bleeding feet.


  1. 问:淋淋拼音怎么拼?淋淋的读音是什么?淋淋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淋淋的读音是línlín,淋淋翻译成英文是 dripping; drizzling

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