




用耳朵接受声音:~力。~写。~觉。聆~。洗耳恭~。顺从,接受别人的意见:言~计从。任凭,随:~任(rèn )。~凭。~之任之。治理;判断:~讼(审理案件)。~政。量词,指马口铁密封成筒状以贮藏食物、饮料等:一~可口可乐。……



汉语拼音:liǎng tīng






  1. 同时听取两件事。




  1. Sitting down on a dilapidated wooden fence near the field, we opened a couple of tins of sardines and HAD a picnic lunch.


  2. The researchers found healthy adults who drank two cans of a popular energy drink a day had above normal blood pressure and heart rate.


  3. This guy goes to a grocery store and asks the clerk behind the counter for two cans of dog food.


  4. Could you send two cans of Coca to my room, and my room number is. . .


  5. The two tins of milk is for the cat.


  6. Thank you sir, here is your two cans of dog food.


  7. Thank you sir here is your two cans of cat food.


  1. 我要两听。

    I need two tins of it.

  2. 孩子们吃了两听青豆。

    The children ate two tins of beans.

  3. 就剩下两听奶粉了。

    There are only two tins of powdered milk left.

  4. 每箱两听,每听一磅25袋或每听25磅装一袋,任你方选择。

    Packing in cases of 2 tins x25 bags of 11b. or of 2 tins x25 lb. bag, your option.

  5. 把两听桔子汁加进去,吃起来味道会更好。

    Add two cans of orange juice to the mixture and it will taste better.

  6. 把两听橘子汁加在拌和物里,吃起来味道会好些。

    Add two cans of orange juice to the mixture and it will taste better.

  7. 先听两次。再说一次

    Hear twice before you speak once

  8. 学生听两遍后,然后跟着读。

    Now let's listen again and follow it.

  9. 我可以把一首乐曲听两遍,三遍,甚至五遍。

    I can hear it two, three, five times.

  10. 你有两只耳朵和一张嘴, 所以要听两句说一句。

    You have two ears and one mouth. Use proportionally.

  11. 两人听了,很过意不去。

    They were both quite dismayed by what they heard.

  12. 两个人听了都松了一口气。

    Both men seemed to sigh with relief.

  13. 根据所听到得句子或问题,选出正确得答语,听两遍。

    I. Listen the sentences or questions you hear and choose the right answer or reply.

  14. 这个故事我讲给了两个人听。

    The story I tell two people listen.

  15. 然后, 他将录音放给两拨人听。

    Then he played the recordings to two sets of people.

  16. 去那里的10个学生中,只有两个听完了演讲。

    Of ten students who went there, only two heard the speech out.

  17. 我们两人听了都不禁目瞪口呆地望着他。

    We both looked at him flabbergasted.

  18. 两耳分听歌曲时大脑两半球功能的非对称性

    The hemispheric function in dichotic listening of songs

  19. 这时, 树仙们热烈鼓掌。当然, 他们两个听不到。

    At this, the tree fairies applauded. But of course, the deer could not hear them.

  20. 证明左半球的语言侧化的证据来自于两耳分听研究。

    Evidence in supporting of lateralization for language in the left hemisphere comes from researches in dichotic listening tasks.

  21. 两耳分听汉字测验中大脑机能优势加工的超日节律效应

    Effect of ultradian rhythms in cerebral functional dominance from dichotic listening test of chinese characters

  22. 两人都听。

    They both listened.

  23. 来,你们两个,听我说。

    Come you, do you listen here.

  24. 他们两人一定听他的。

    He must win the ear of both men.

  25. 那两个男人听得目瞪口呆。

    The first two men dumbfounded.

  26. 两个称呼语听上去怪怪的。

    Sounds weird with two apostrophes.

  27. 我需要你们两个仔细听我说。

    I need you both to listen to me very carefully.

  28. 与两个耳朵相关或者用两个耳朵听。

    Relating to or having or hearing with two ears.

  29. 两个保镖听了,印象极为深刻。

    The shepherd bodyguards were impressed.

  30. 两个门徒听了, 便跟着耶稣走。

    The two disciples heard him say this, and followed Jesus.

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