




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:liǎng shuō






  1. 战国 时 鲁仲连 说 新垣衍 而使 秦 退军五十里,又致书守 聊城 的 燕 将而克 聊城 。后以“两説”指 鲁仲连 。说,劝说别人听从自己的意见。《文选·鲍照<拟古>》:“两説穷舌端,五车摧笔锋。” 李善 注:“两説,谓 鲁连 説 新垣衍 及下 聊城 。”参阅《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》。



  1. Flirting tests our guile, allows us to practice clever turns of phrase and cool, calculated indifference.


  2. There are foreign and domestic accounts as to the Chinese pedagogy headstream .


  3. however , those parlances have different significance


  1. 以上两说都有弊端。

    Both sayings are deficient in persuasion.

  2. 因从来无人进行考证和评断, 以至两说长期并存。

    Since being always no one to carry out textual criticism with judge, two say coexist for a long period.

  3. 我就说两句

    But let me just say a couple words.

  4. 他说两种外语。

    He speaks two foreign languages.

  5. 我只再说两点。

    I will just leave you with two things.

  6. 让我说两句吧!

    Just let me say something!

  7. 我只想说两句

    I just wanted to say something.

  8. 这里我说两件事

    I say there are two things.

  9. 我想跟你说两句?

    Um,can I say something?

  10. 大家都听我说两句

    Everyone, listen up!Hello?

  11. 您说两星期前打过。

    You said you played two weeks ago.

  12. 事实上,我想说两句。

    Actually,I'd like to say a few words.

  13. 事实上,我想说两句。

    Actually, I'd like to say a few words.

  14. 容我先跟你说两句。

    I need to talk to you for a second.

  15. 我能和你说两句吗?

    Uh, can I talk to you for a minute?

  16. 我给你随便说两个吧!

    I will tell you two randomly.

  17. 我说两句你不介意吧

    Do you mind if I make an observation

  18. 他们干吗不少说两句呢

    Why didn't they quit.

  19. 这一点我只说两件事。

    And I'll just say two things about this.

  20. 报上说两点半准时开赛。

    At one thirty exactly according to the newspaper.

  21. 抱歉,我们能单独说两句吗?

    Excuse me. Could you give us just a second?

  22. 你能帮我说两句好话吗?

    Could you put in a good word for me?

  23. 很多申请者会说两种语言

    A lot of our applicants are bilingual.

  24. 怎么了,被人说两句就怕了?

    What's the matter, scared of a little education?

  25. 达芙妮,我能和你说两句吗

    Hey, Daphne, can I talk to you?

  26. 关于这个问题, 我就说两句吧。

    For this question, I will just have a few words.

  27. 安德鲁,现在你想说两句吗?

    Andre now you want to, all right.

  28. 如今, 我要为色狼说两句公道话。

    Now, I want to say a few words satyr fair.

  29. 我想现在到了我说两句的时候了。

    I suppose the moment's come to say never would I have imagined.

  30. 布里,我能单独跟你说两句吗?

    Oh, Bree, can I talk to you for a second?

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