






1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……


相距,隔开:距~。太阳是~地球最近的恒星。离开,分开:分~。~别。~家。~散(sàn)。~职。~异。~间(jiàn )。支~破碎。缺少:办好教育~不开教师。八卦之一,符号是“☲”,代表火。古同“罹”,遭受。古同“缡”,妇女的佩巾。〔~~〕形……



汉语拼音:liǎng quán fēn lí






  1. South Lou Group is one of "one for all, separation of ownership, three-level accounting, chartered cash" market management mechanism.


  2. Furthermore, the concentration of ownership results in agency problem between controlling shareholder and outside investor.


  3. But the separation of ownership from management also brings forth some issues, which have increasingly aroused the public attention.


  4. While this makes management easier, some managers are tempted to act more in their own interests than those of the stockholders.


  5. As long as the two sorts of rights are separated, the principal-agency relationships exist.


  6. The relation between trust and agent exists after the ownership and management separated in modern enterprises.


  7. audit pricing; low-balling; property ownership; separation of two rights; corporate governance;


  8. The Obstruction and Countermeasure for Separating the Ownership Right and Control Right in the Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises


  9. Towards "separation of two powers" --A report from Health Bureau of Wuxi City


  1. 我国公立医院两权分离的探讨

    Discussion of Public Hospital Two Authority Separations in China

  2. 两权分离方法解决海域勘界中的历史遗留问题

    Use the Method of Separating Jurisdiction from Access to Solve Historical Issues in Sea Demarcation

  3. 其目的是为了减少两权分离所带来的代理成本。

    The objective of corporate governance is to lower agency cost caused by separating of two powers.

  4. 这是行政立法两权分立相互制衡的宪政架构。

    This separation of powers between the Executive and the Legislature is part of the constitutions checks and balances.

  5. 关于建立项目法人制与建设监理制两权分立的构思

    The concept of separation of project legal persons system from construction supervision system

  6. 另一个不利因素是由公司的所有权与管理权分离引起的。

    Another cost results from the fact that ownership becomes separated from management.

  7. 两仅分离国企改革的灵丹妙药

    Separation of two rights, cure for SOE reform.

  8. 商标权包括专有使用权和禁用权两方面的内容。

    There are two sides in exclusive right of exploitation and forbidden right for trademark right.

  9. 那么我们从两种分离的液体开始。

    So we're going to start with two separated liquids.

  10. 还可以利用瓶座螺纹底座分离两只粘连在一起的蚊香。

    a screw thread base at the bottom of a bottle can be used for separating two kinds of adhered mosquito repelling incense.

  11. 本文主要研究了对偶自适应控制和盲源信号分离两大问题。

    This thesis is concerned with problems of dual adaptive control and Blind Source Separation.

  12. 现代公司的两权分离产生了公司治理问题。

    The separation of ownership and control gives rise to the problems in corporate governance.

  13. 两相分离的海岸在深不可测的泪浪歌声中一唱一和。

    The two separated shores mingle their voices in a song of unfathomed tears.

  14. 酶解水相萃取大豆油的两相分离及溶剂回收

    Biphase Separation and Solvent Recovery in Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction of Oil From Soybean

  15. 两人分离时,说些温馨委婉词的是不再爱恋的那一方。

    When two people part it is the one who is not in love who makes the tender speeches.

  16. 每块热量转换板都有一块衬垫,提供两个分离通道系统。

    Each heat transfer plate has a gasket arrangement that provides two separate channel systems.

  17. 一种材料的表面能乃是将两表面分离至无穷远所做的功。

    The surface energy of a material is the work done separate two surfaces to infinity.

  18. 发射后不久两个航天器分离。

    The two spacecraft separated shortly after launch.

  19. 美澳两国平等权宪法保护比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Constitutional Protection of the Equality Right in the United States and Australia

  20. 试试看只把两本书交叠半本,两本书会分离吗

    Try only interweaving half of the books. Do the books come apart

  21. 印度的划分造成了两个相互分离的、自治的黄麻经济。

    The partitioning of India created two separate and autonomous jute economies.

  22. 刑事管辖豁免和个人刑事责任是两个完全分离的概念。

    Immunity from criminal jurisdiction and individual criminal responsibility are quite separate concepts.

  23. 制卡和会员卡制作彩印还分水和酒精两种墨水分离。

    Business card printing and membership card making colour printing also fen shui and alcohol separation of two ink.

  24. 可拓凸集分离定理两种刻划的等价性

    Equivalence of Two Descriptions in Extension Convex Set Separate Theorem

  25. 结果表明声子带隙将出现在两个完全分离的共振态之间。

    The results indicate that photonic band gap appear in regions between two well separated resonance states.

  26. 结果表明声子带隙将出现在两个完全分离得共振态之间。

    The results indicate that photonic band gap appear in regions between two well separated resonance states.

  27. 在新疆甜菜的根部和叶片分离到两个球状病毒分离物。

    Two virus isolates were found in beet in Xinjiang.

  28. 膜分离对两相生物系统酸化特性影响的模型研究

    Study on Influence of Membrane Separation on Acidification Characteristics in Twophase Biosystem by Mathematical Model

  29. 种植植物的茧型囊被分离了两半,然后把这两半合并在一起。

    The trays for the herbs were sculpted separately and then the two halves were joined together.

  30. 两权关系嬗变视域中的管理层收购研究

    Research of manager buyout in the transition of two rights.


  1. 问:两权分离拼音怎么拼?两权分离的读音是什么?两权分离翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两权分离的读音是liǎngquánfēnlí,两权分离翻译成英文是 separation of ownership and managerial power...

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