




1. 栖 [qī]2. 栖 [xī]栖 [qī]鸟禽歇宿:“夫以鸟养养鸟者,宜~之深林”。居留,停留:~身。~息。~止。~遁(隐居,遁世)。~迟(游息,居住)。栖 [xī]〔~~〕形容不安定。〔~遑〕a.忙碌不安,到处奔波;b.被迫。均亦作……





汉语拼音:liǎng qī lèi






  1. 即两栖纲。动物学用语。参见“ 两栖动物 ”。



  1. Hiding a big fish, eat fish, the evolution of a marine in Bazhe, the final climb up the land for the evolution of amphibious animals.


  2. they are a mysterious group of animals called amphibians , or more commonly known as frogs and salamanders.


  3. Amphibians seem to be facing the greatest threat, with 1, 895 of 6, 285 assessed species in danger of extinction.


  4. Most fish, reptiles and amphibians undergo a limited physiological colour change in response to a change in environment.


  5. After Australia brought the cane toad from Hawaii to control a beetle that eats sugar cane, the amphibian spread like a plague.


  6. This technique is simple and convenient to prepare the chromosome of other fishes or other animals for FISH.


  7. To test the beetle's amphibian eating ability, the researchers set up an experiment straight out of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.


  8. Dr Haussler wants to sequence 10, 000 vertebrates, a sixth of the total number of species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.


  9. Reptiles body structure and physiological functions more than amphibians can adapt to the terrestrial life environment.


  1. 两栖类脊椎动物

    A vertebrate amphibian.

  2. 青蛙属于两栖类动物。

    Frogs are classified as amphibian.

  3. 大多数两栖类动物都有早落腮。

    Most amphibians have caducous gills.

  4. 大多数两栖类动物都有早落腮。

    Most amphibians have caducous gills.

  5. 两栖类种群数量下降原因及保护对策

    Causes and conservation strategies of amphibian population declination.

  6. 澳大利亚和新几内亚的两栖类老鼠。

    amphibious rat of Australia and New Guinea.

  7. 那还有只恶心的,一丝不挂的两栖类动物。

    There was this gross, naked, amphibian thing.

  8. 两栖类动物在环境毒理学研究中的应用

    Application of Amphibian in Environmental Toxicology

  9. 两栖类动物在水中和陆地上都可以生活。

    Amphibious animals can live both in water and on land.

  10. 明代李时珍本草纲目一书记载药用两栖类9种。

    Compendium of Materia Medica recorded9 kinds of medical amphibians can be used as medicine.

  11. 两栖类动物是捕食蠕虫、昆虫及其他无脊椎动物的猎手。

    The amphibiants were hunters, preying on worms, insects and other invertebrates.

  12. 这种方法适用于保存鱼类,两栖类和爬虫类。

    This way is suitable for preserving fish, amphibians and reptiles.

  13. 抗坏血酸钛对鱼类,类及无尾两栖类皆为低毒物质。

    The titanium ascorbate was the substance of low toxicity to fish, shellfishand anura.

  14. 水蛭捕食两栖类卵

    Leech predation on amphibian eggs

  15. 两栖类早期发育的基因调控

    The Gene Regulation during Amphibian Early Development.

  16. 四川无尾两栖类的繁殖模式

    Reproductive modes in Sichuan anurans

  17. 浙江莫干山两栖类初步调查

    A Preliminary Survey of Amphibia Fauna in Mt.Moganshan.

  18. 现在,两栖类生物物种总数为5400种

    to bring the current total to 5, 398.

  19. 两栖类皮肤抗菌多肽及其应用

    Antimicrobial Peptides in Amphibian Skins and Their Application.

  20. 无肺螈科的一种两栖类物种。

    an amphibian genus of Plethodontidae.

  21. 两栖类结冰耐受机制及其研究策略

    Freeze Tolerant Mechanism of Amphibian and Its Research Strategies.

  22. 广西两栖类一新记录镇海林蛙

    A new record of amphibian species in Guangxi Rana zhenhaiensis

  23. 辽宁北票发现一新的无尾两栖类

    A new taxon of Anura from Beipiao of Liaoning in China

  24. 阿特拉津对两栖类的作用效应研究进展

    Research of Atrazine Effect on Amphibian

  25. 鱼卵是指鱼仔,两栖类水产生物卵粒等。

    Roe is young pointing to a fish, amphibious kind bead of egg of aquatic product biology.

  26. 两栖类四足食草恐龙,颈长而细,鞭形尾。

    Amphibious quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur with a long thin neck and whiplike tail.

  27. 三种无尾两栖类动物消化道嗜银细胞的观察

    Observation of digestive tube argentaffine cell of three Anura Amphibians

  28. 举个例,许多两栖类生物研究专家正积极的从事这项工作。

    It is being actively pursued by amphibian specialists, for example.

  29. 这个世界对于青步甲来说简直就是一个两栖类美食餐厅。

    The world is an amphibian smorgasbord to the Epomis beetles.

  30. 而在爬虫类, 鸟, 两栖动物与昆虫, 卵是指受精之后的合子。

    In reptiles, birds, amphibians and insects the term egg refers to a fertilized ovum with protective and nutritive tissues.


  1. 问:两栖类拼音怎么拼?两栖类的读音是什么?两栖类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两栖类的读音是liǎng qī lèi,两栖类翻译成英文是 amphibians

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