







汉语拼音:liǎng liǎn






  1. 脸上两颧附近的部位。

    唐 杜牧 《冬至日寄小侄阿宜诗》:“小姪名 阿宜 ,未得三尺长,头圆筋骨紧,两脸明且光。” 唐 李洞 《赠庞炼师》诗:“两脸酒醺红杏妬,半胸酥嫩白云饶。” 宋 程垓 《浣溪沙》词:“笑挽清风归玉枕,懒随缺月傍窗纱,羞红两脸上娇霞。”



  1. After he ATe the peach, telltale marks were left on his cheeks and his hands. She looked AT him and laughed


  1. 她一双眼睛带着怒意正视着,把两张脸都扫了一下。

    Her eyes, so angry and direct, swept both their faces.

  2. 她通常花两小时做脸。

    She usually spends two hours doing her face.

  3. 这种镜像正切碎着两个人的脸

    Reflections cutting every face in two

  4. 刘老师有一头黑发,一张小脸,两只黑眼睛。

    Liu has a black, a face, two black eyes.

  5. 他涨红了脸,两只眼睛睁得铜铃那么大。

    His face was flushed and his eyes were wide and staring.

  6. 怪脸吉他,明天两点,怪脸吉他

    Guitar Face, tomorrow at two!Guitar Face!

  7. 一只手洗另一只,两只手儿把脸洗。

    One hand washes the other, but together they wash the face.

  8. 两个人急赤白脸地吵个没完。

    The two never stopped quarrelling, fuming and red in the face.

  9. 你走以前好好看一眼这两位同志的脸。

    Take a good look at these comrades' faces before you go.

  10. 两个人脸对脸躺着,望着对方,都在全神贯注地倾听。

    Both lay face to face, staring at each other, every force in their beings concentrated upon the act of listening.

  11. 甘油稀释后加点两滴醋酸擦脸,可以使皮肤润滑湿润。

    glycerol Two drops of diluted acetic acid plus facial, you can lubricate the skin moist.

  12. 那两个小孩互做鬼脸。

    The two kids make faces at each other.

  13. 老人用烟雾般发白的, 两只手遮着脸。

    Both hands, smoke white, covered his face.

  14. 那两个人都板着脸一声不吭像是十分阴险。

    The two of them were silent, faces set in a sinister cast.

  15. 一张棕色的小脸, 腮边有两撇胡须。

    A brown little face, with whiskers.

  16. 他有一个方脸,大鼻子,两个大而明亮的眼睛。

    He has a square face a big nose, two big and bright eyes.

  17. 医生一脸不屑的神气, 两眼望着帐篷的横杆。

    The doctor looked at the ridgepole with an expression of disgust.

  18. 两个孩子害羞的转过脸去。

    The boys turned away shyly.

  19. 他们的脸被足足抻到了平常的两倍!

    Their faces smeared to almost double their usual width.

  20. 她两只眼睛骨溜溜地看着我的脸。

    Her eyes looked at me searchingly in the face.

  21. 他救了我两次,我却没见到他的脸。

    He's saved my life twice, and I've never even seen his face.

  22. 最近的两辆车最能说明汽车前脸设计的现状。

    Two recent cars typify the current state of the art with car faces.

  23. 最近得两辆车最能说明汽车前脸设计得现状。

    Two recent cars typify the current state of the art with car faces.

  24. 两相对照,那些撅嘴板脸的男队员更是相形见绌。

    But this only makes matters worse for the country's pouting men.

  25. 媚兰好像吓傻了,两眼直直地看着他的脸。

    Melanie seemed in a paralysis of terror and only stared into his face.

  26. 卫安妮长着一个瓜子脸, 长长的头发, 扎着两个小辫。

    Anne Wei seeds with a long face, long hair, created two braids.

  27. 在疗养院养了两个月以后, 她的脸渐渐变圆了。

    Her cheeks began to fill out after she'd been in the convalescent hospital for a couple of months.

  28. 毛茸茸的尾巴和两只小耳朵, 一张有趣的脸和黑鼻子。

    A bushy tail and two small ears, a funny face and a black nose.

  29. 毛茸茸得尾巴和两只小耳朵,一张有趣得脸和黑鼻子。

    A bushy tail and two small ears, a funny face and a black nose.

  30. 两姐妹生下来头骨就相连, 而脸则朝向相反的方向。

    The girls were born attached at the top of the skull and faced opposite directions.

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