




1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:liǎng jiān






  1. 谓天地之间。指人间。

    唐 韩愈 《原人》:“形於上者谓之天,形於下者谓之地,命於其两间者谓之人。”《宋史·儒林传五·胡安国》:“愿彊於为善,益新厥德,使信於诸夏,闻於夷狄者,无曲可议,则至刚可以塞两间,一怒可以安天下矣。” 金 陈赓 《宣宗挽词》:“俭德高千古,鸿勋际两间。” 明 邵璨 《香囊记·潜回》:“那时节立朝纲当辩姦,我这里正气漫漫塞两间。” 鲁迅 《集外集·题<徬徨>诗》:“两间余一卒,荷戟独徬徨。”



  1. Something of this size, he reckons, would destroy two rooms in a suburban dwelling. Or a synagogue.


  2. She was living in a rural village in a two-room mud hut with her parents, two sisters and a brother.


  3. The small, dark dressing rooms we used to have have been converted into two large airy rooms, so they're much more comfortable now.


  4. The dining-room was an antechamber as well, and separated the two bedrooms.


  5. After visiting the halls, we came to a small private garden, but now it was winter, so the garden looked very empty.


  6. We found the air as carefully excluded from the two bedrooms as if air were fatal to life.


  7. He dropped onto the narrow wooden platform that served as the front porch of our two-room frame house .


  8. Yes, it has two bedrooms. That''''''''s convenient. And the living room is larger than I expected.


  9. The door of our house was toward south, we only had two rooms. Four or five families each ridge-beam, of course, two rooms each family.


  1. 主楼两间套

    Main Building Suite Two Bedrooms.

  2. 卧室有两间。

    Well,there are.there are two bedrooms.

  3. 有两间卧室吗?

    With two bedrooms?

  4. 这是两间卧室。

    And there are two bedrooms.

  5. 这两间卧室毗连。

    The two bedrooms adjoin.

  6. 这间房子有两间卧房。

    This house has two bedrooms.

  7. 两间带浴缸的单人间。

    Two single rooms with a bath.

  8. 这两间房一样大。

    These two rooms are of the same size.

  9. 我们家有两间卧室。

    We have two bedrooms.

  10. 这房子有两间卧室。

    The house has two bedrooms.

  11. 拨两间房子给经理

    set aside two rooms for the manager

  12. 把一间屋隔成两间

    partition a room into two

  13. 两间公司终达成交易。

    The two companies managed to patch up a deal.

  14. 两间卧室,每间有3张床

    two bedrooms, each with three beds

  15. 两间卧室,每间有3张床

    two bedrooms, each with three beds

  16. 堆满了整整两间屋子。

    Pile up high in two full rooms.

  17. 这是两间相通的屋子。

    These are two communicating rooms.

  18. 这两间屋子有门相通。

    The two rooms have connecting doors.

  19. 拨两间房子给词典组

    set aside two rooms for the dictionary group

  20. 这两间教室都不干净。

    This classroom is no cleaner than that one.

  21. 这两间房子的面积相等。

    The two rooms have the same area.

  22. 有两间卧室和两个洗手间。

    There are two bedrooms and two bathrooms.

  23. 海关查两间珠宝钟表店

    Customs conducts trade description checks

  24. 这所房子只有两间屋子。

    There were but two rooms in the house.

  25. 他们家里有两间幼儿室。

    They have two nurseries in their house.

  26. 屋里有两间房,一层一间。

    Inside there were two rooms, one on each floor.

  27. 屋里有两间房,一层一间。

    Inside there were two rooms, one on each floor.

  28. 美中不足得是只有两间卧室。

    The only fly in the ointment is that there are only two bedrooms.

  29. 美中不足的是只有两间卧室。

    The only fly in the ointment is that there are only two bedrooms.

  30. 两间卧室被装饰成黑白两色。

    Two bedrooms were dressed out in black and white.


  1. 问:两间客厅拼音怎么拼?两间客厅的读音是什么?两间客厅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两间客厅的读音是liǎngjiān kètīng,两间客厅翻译成英文是 two living rooms

  2. 问:两间式建筑物拼音怎么拼?两间式建筑物的读音是什么?两间式建筑物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两间式建筑物的读音是liǎng jiān shì jiàn zhù wù,两间式建筑物翻译成英文是 double dwelling

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