




1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……



汉语拼音:sì jiǎo







  1. 谓有四只脚。借指马匹。


  2. 即幞头。因有四带而得名。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·故事一》:“庶人所戴头巾, 唐 人亦谓之‘四脚’,盖两脚繫脑后,两脚繫頷下。”《宋史·礼志二五》:“小祥,改服布四脚、直领布襴。”



  1. After sending a few ceiling tiles hurtling to the ground and landing on all fours, the cat decided to make a quick exit to the right.


  2. It turned out to be a dream getaway and all I had to do was look after two new four-legged friends.


  3. And he cast for it four rings of gold, and put the rings upon the four corners that were in the four feet thereof.


  4. Doubt . . . doubt, is the jealous man says when he has just seen through the keyhole hindquarters about to affront legs that he knows well.


  5. Four feet on the ground, a head full of foliage, looking at the world through the heart .


  6. for just now a very huge beast with four great feet came to the pool, and crushed him to death with his cloven heel.


  7. In order to solve this problem, he sawed the legs off of his piano so he could feel the vibrations as he played.


  8. Overhead an almost silent drone aircraft with a four-foot wingspan transmits images of the buildings below.


  9. And after many weeks, he was able to stand up again on his four legs.


  1. 四脚着地的

    on all fours.

  2. 四脚锥体堆墙

    tetrapod wall.

  3. 忙的四脚朝天。

    I am absent-minded

  4. 四脚重力擒纵机构

    four legged gravity escapement

  5. 四脚轮式助步器

    four casters walker

  6. 猫着地时四脚落地。

    The cat landedon all fours.

  7. 空有四脚,从来不走。

    It has feet but no hands.

  8. 他摔了个四脚朝天。

    He fell on his back.

  9. 狗滚了个四脚朝天。

    The dog rolled over onto its back.

  10. 四脚朝天摔在地板上

    land asprawl on the floor

  11. 我一直都是穿四脚裤。

    I always wear boxers.

  12. 猫总是四脚同时落地的吗

    Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet

  13. 四脚着地, 学动物的样子。

    Scott got down on all fours, imitating an animal.

  14. 我滑倒跌成四脚朝天。

    I slipped and went sprawling.

  15. 他四脚朝天向后倒去。

    His feet stuck up in the air as he fell over backwards.

  16. 椅子要保持四脚着地, 四平八稳。

    Chairs should remain squarely on the floor.

  17. 四脚朝天地摔倒在人行道上,

    He fell on his back on the sidewalk.

  18. 那匹马跳过小溪, 四脚落地。

    The horse jumped the stream and landed on all fours.

  19. 我绊了一下,摔了个四脚朝天。

    I tripped and went sprawling.

  20. 从高空坠落的猫总是四脚先落地。

    A falling cat will always land on its feet.

  21. 韩佳确切地说这叫四脚旱龟。

    Its full name is fourlegged land turtle.

  22. 碰撞后,两部车都翻个四脚天。

    After colliding, both cars turned turtle.

  23. 我得狗躺在地板上,四脚朝天。

    My dog was lying on the floor with its feet in the air.

  24. 我的狗躺在地板上,四脚朝天。

    My dog was lying on the floor with its feet in the air.

  25. 大家都知道猫是四脚朝下掉下来。

    It's a known fact that cats always fall on their four legs.

  26. 利用锌浮渣制备四脚状氧化锌晶须

    Preparation of Tetrapodshaped Zinc Oxide Whiskers from Zinc Dross.

  27. 他发现她四脚朝天地躺在沙发上。

    He found her sprawled on the sofa.

  28. 四脚朝天摔得巧, 没伤胳膊没伤脑。

    Luckily it didn't hurt his arms and brains but fell on his head.

  29. 人类是不会那样四脚朝地落下去的

    No human lands on all fours like that.

  30. 我养了一只四脚蛇, 变色的时候很有趣。

    I am raising a lizard, it is interesting when it changes color.


  1. 问:四脚蛇拼音怎么拼?四脚蛇的读音是什么?四脚蛇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四脚蛇的读音是sìjiǎoshé,四脚蛇翻译成英文是 The common name for a lizard.

  2. 问:四脚兽的拼音怎么拼?四脚兽的的读音是什么?四脚兽的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四脚兽的的读音是,四脚兽的翻译成英文是 quadrupedal

  3. 问:四脚亭车站拼音怎么拼?四脚亭车站的读音是什么?四脚亭车站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四脚亭车站的读音是,四脚亭车站翻译成英文是 Sihjiaoting Station

  4. 问:四脚篮虫属拼音怎么拼?四脚篮虫属的读音是什么?四脚篮虫属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四脚篮虫属的读音是sìjiǎolánchóng shǔ,四脚篮虫属翻译成英文是 Tessarospyris

  5. 问:四脚一齐捆绑拼音怎么拼?四脚一齐捆绑的读音是什么?四脚一齐捆绑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四脚一齐捆绑的读音是,四脚一齐捆绑翻译成英文是 hogtie

  6. 问:四脚锥体堆墙拼音怎么拼?四脚锥体堆墙的读音是什么?四脚锥体堆墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四脚锥体堆墙的读音是sì jiǎo zhuī tǐ duī qiáng,四脚锥体堆墙翻译成英文是 tetrapod wall

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