


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……





汉语拼音:shuō děi qù






  1. 谓说得过去,讲得通。

    金 王若虚 《论语辨惑二》:“诸子之言,亦俱説得去,然安知其果然哉?”《儿女英雄传》第五回:“若説你往 南河 、 淮安 一带还説得去,怎的説到是往 河南 去?”



  1. "It doesn't matter , madam , " said Mr Black , "You have to lose some weight. You'll be able to wear your coat if you do all that I say . "


  2. "A brandy! " The man suddenly sits up and exclaims , "Shut up, everybody, and do as the kind lady says! "


  3. I told her that I needed to sign the contract for next year but that I would come right back after signing it, but she didn't believe me.


  4. Shut up, everybody, and do as the kind lady says!


  5. Do as I say! You listen good.


  6. We will do what the coach tells us because he know what to do to make us play at our best.


  1. 照我说得去做。

    Do as I say.

  2. 照我说得去做, 别照我做得去做。

    Do as I say, not as I do.

  3. 都闭嘴,就照那位好心得太太说得去做!

    Shut up, everybody, and as the kind lady says!

  4. 这是您得特权要求我必须照您说得去做吗

    Is that your privilege to ask me to do so?

  5. 照那人说得去做。到那边去, 站着不要动。

    You heard the man. Get over there and stand still.

  6. 都闭嘴, 就照那位好心的太太说得去做!

    Shut up, everybody, and as the kind lady says!

  7. 他说他得去洗洗手。

    He said that he had to wash his hands.

  8. 爸爸说我得去学校。

    Father said I had to go to school.

  9. 你是说我们得去那儿?

    You mean we have to go there?

  10. 我们都得去吗,我是说你得去吗

    Do we both have to go? And by that, I mean you.

  11. 但医生说我得去新加坡做手术切除手臂。

    But doctor says I must go to Singapore, have operation to cut arm off.

  12. 苏珊,我不是说你得去你说得对,这是我的工作。

    Susan, I didn't mean you needed You're right. This is my job.

  13. 这意思并不是说你得去自杀来结束你的生命。

    This does not mean that you have to end your life with a suicide.

  14. 说得对。告诉我, 现在打算到哪里去?

    You are right. Now tell me where you wish to go ?

  15. 你看, 我真得去睡个午觉, 她轻声说。

    You know, I could really do with a siesta, she said.

  16. 我敢说,她们都会去拜访的,至少也得去一次。

    I'll bet they'll all call, at least once.

  17. 说得很对,亲爱的,你真说到我心上去了。

    Very true, my dear, that is exactly what I say.

  18. 二工头告诉吉姆说他为了一件事得去见工头。

    The straw boss told Jim he would have to see the foreman about a job.

  19. 他说得很快,总是不停地把头侧到一边去。

    He spoke rapidly, and turned his head continually aside.

  20. 你病得连床都起不来, 更不用说去买东西了。

    You are too ill to get out of bed, let alone go shopping.

  21. 我倒想去,但我想天要下雨。气象预报员是那么说得。

    I'd love to. But I think it's going to rain. The weatherman says it is.

  22. 第三幅说得是很多学生作为志愿者去希望工程帮忙。

    The second group went to the stationwash the cars. Some students helped the Hope Project.

  23. 大夫都怎么说的?你每天都得去门诊化验和输血吗?

    And do you have to go to the clinic every day to get tests or transfusions

  24. 是不是要我真得去砸烂那家伙得脑袋你才肯听我说得?

    Do I really need to smash that kid's head to make you listen to me?

  25. 或许说得更仔细一点,我有注意我的笔跑到那里去了。

    Or to be more precise, I knew where my pen went to.

  26. 那名警察不相信她所说得,把她送回一间拘留室去。

    The policeman doesn't believe her and takes her to a holding cell.

  27. 他说得很轻松, 然后挽着妹妹的手臂向婚礼现场走去。

    He said it like it was no big deal. He took my sisters arm and turned to head back for the reception hall.

  28. 说得是有个女孩骑车去购物时,被一辆汽车撞了。

    It'said a girl was riding to shop when a car hit her.

  29. 我认为你说得对。我喜欢穿戴整齐去看戏。这是一种习惯。

    I suppose it is. I like to get dressed up for the theater. It's a habit.

  30. 根据保罗所说得你也具备了接受这一能力去讲述得资格。

    And according to Paul you also qualify to receive the power to tell it.

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