







汉语拼音:sī xíng






  1. 谓非法地私自对人施用刑罚。亦指私自对人施用的刑罚。

    宋 陈亮 《上光宗皇帝鉴成箴》:“勿私赏以格公议,勿私刑以亏国律。” 明 刘基 《夏后氏之郊》:“夫 鮌 以治水绩用弗成,而 舜 殛之 羽山 ,天下咸服。则 鮌 天下之罪人也。故 舜 之刑,非私刑也,天刑也。” 巴金 《家》三一:“‘在我们家里总不会有人用私刑拷打我。’ 觉慧 昂然地说。”



  1. Often the only rule in young California during the days of the gold rush was exercised by the mob with a rope .


  2. There is some evidence, for instance, that lynching was more common in the American south when land prices and cotton prices were depressed.


  3. The lynching photographs were souvenirs of a collective action whose participants felt perfectly justified in what they had done.


  4. In February an Islamist mob lynched some members of the small Ahmadiyah sect, regarded by some orthodox Muslims as apostates, killing four.


  5. All the "lynching" and illegal detention of which are generated, and often able to obtain the support of many people.


  6. Human-rights groups want Baby Doc tried for abusing people as well as money, and some of the victims have begun filing complaints.


  7. Palin is herself a transformational figure: She is transforming an increasingly narrow band of Americans into a political lynch mob.


  8. Tanzania's government reckons that every year several hundred of its people are lynched on suspicion of witchcraft.


  9. The heads of the French Gestapo were not lynched, however. They were tracked down and put on trial.


  1. 我们滥用私刑。

    We embraced torture.

  2. 他是私刑的受害者。

    He was a victim of lynching.

  3. 我们被处以私刑了,我们被谋杀了。

    We were lynched, we were murdered.

  4. 这儿是报社还是私刑法庭?

    Is this a newspaper office or a kangaroo court?

  5. 私刑,不是总是偶发的暴力。

    Lynching was not always just random violence.

  6. 私刑杀害的受害人和加害人

    The victims and perpetrators of vigilante killings

  7. 这种私刑加上误会就更复杂了。

    This Lynch law was complicated with mistakes.

  8. 白种的乱民以私刑处死黑人。

    The black man was lynched by the white mob.

  9. 我觉得自己整一个私刑受害者。

    I feel I have been the victim of a lynching.

  10. 滥用私刑和聚众暴力现象仍在继续。

    Lynchings and mob violence continued.

  11. 能确定的是这些私刑都已不足为奇。

    What is certain is that they are commonplace.

  12. 私刑也仍是一个普遍存在的问题。

    Lynching also remains a widespread problem.

  13. 被狂怒得暴民以私刑杀害得无辜男子。

    innocent men lynched by the angry mob

  14. 被狂怒的暴民以私刑杀害的无辜男子。

    innocent men lynched by the angry mob

  15. 病狂得暴民私刑冶死一名无辜。

    The angry mob lynched an innocent man.

  16. 病狂的暴民私刑冶死一名无辜。

    The angry mob lynched an innocent man.

  17. 一度他真的处于被处以私刑的危险之中。

    At one point he was in danger of being lynched.

  18. 在这些州,到处埋着 被私刑处死的人

    in the very states where there are buried in the ground the bodies of people who were lynched.

  19. 残忍的暴民对被指控的儿童杀手处以私刑。

    The blood-thirsty mob lynched the alleged killer of the child.

  20. 这些绳套不是恶作剧。我们被处以了私刑,我们被谋杀了。

    The nooses are no prank. We were lynched, we were murdered.

  21. 如果她邀请你参加宗教私刑礼你也会去吗?

    If she invited you to a ceremonial lynching, would you go?

  22. 国家通常也拒绝对私刑杀人有任何正式参与。

    States also commonly deny any official involvement in vigilante killings.

  23. 国家在鼓励或支持私刑谋杀方面起了什么作用?

    What role have States played in encouraging or supporting vigilante murders?

  24. 私刑杀害的核心是个人或一群人自行执法。

    At their core, vigilante killings are those undertaken by individuals or groups who take the law into their own hands.

  25. 他们第一次停止在当地酒吧喝威士忌,以便准备私刑。

    They stop first at a local bar to drink some whisky in order to be prepared for the lynching.

  26. 居然想到你们还胆敢给一个男子汉大丈夫处以私刑!

    The idea of you thinking you had pluck enough to lynch a MAN!

  27. 为减少私刑杀人,迅速调查,起诉和惩罚杀人者是关键。

    To reduce vigilante killings, the prompt investigation, prosecution and punishment of perpetrators are crucial.

  28. 以私刑处死不经过正当法律程序处死,尤指被暴民绞死。

    To execute without due process of law, especiallyto hang, as by a mob.

  29. 在尼泊尔国内武装冲突期间,据报常常发生私刑杀害事件。

    During the internal armed conflict in Nepal, vigilante killings were often reported.

  30. 暴民私刑的现象更趋蔓延,包括处决被控施行巫术的人。

    The phenomenon of mob justice has become more widespread, including the execution of people accused of witchcraft.


  1. 问:私刑拼音怎么拼?私刑的读音是什么?私刑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私刑的读音是sīxíng,私刑翻译成英文是 illegal punishment; lynching

  2. 问:私刑处死拼音怎么拼?私刑处死的读音是什么?私刑处死翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私刑处死的读音是sī xíng chù sǐ,私刑处死翻译成英文是 lynching

  3. 问:私刑法庭拼音怎么拼?私刑法庭的读音是什么?私刑法庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私刑法庭的读音是sīxíngfǎtíng,私刑法庭翻译成英文是 lynch law court

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