




1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……



汉语拼音:sī tōng






  1. 通奸。

    《韩非子·内储说下》:“ 燕 人其妻有私通於士。”《史记·吕不韦列传》:“ 秦王 年少,太后时时窃私通 吕不韦 。” 巴金 《家》三一:“我知道 陈克家 的儿子跟他父亲共同私通了一个丫头,后来丫头有了孕才肯把她收房。”

  2. 私下勾结;私自交接。

    《南史·杜崱传》:“ 龕 好饮酒,终日恒醉,勇而无略,部将 杜泰 私通於 文帝 ,説 龕 降 文帝 , 龕 然之。”《资治通鉴·汉明帝永和四年》:“太子储君,外交之义, 汉 有旧防,蕃王不宜私通宾客。” 清 林则徐 《谕缴烟土未覆先行照案封舱稿》:“如敢私交易往来,及擅行雇赁者,地方官立即查拏,照私通外国例治罪。” 洪深 《申屠氏》第六本:“几个公差,驱散庄客,庄客们听说私通 梁山 案情,都怕连累,收拾得衣包行李,各自远走高飞。”



  1. had to resign after being caught having an affair with his secretary. Like some of his predecessors, he was found to have feet of clay.


  2. The young man had been engaged in an intrigue with a girl who played in touring companies.


  3. After Arthur discovered the love affair between Lancelot and his wife, the lovers fled to Lancelot 's castle.


  4. He divorced his wife because she had an affair.


  5. And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse . Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.


  6. They began living together in 1936, but the liaison was kept secret, and she was never seen in public with him.


  7. All the advertisements were blacked out supposedly to prevent communication with the enemy .


  8. He wanted to get rid of her because she could not give him a son, so he accused her of adultery.


  9. Female crickets are promiscuous, mating up to 40 times with a single partner but also hopping out for the occasional dangerous liaison.


  1. 私通,通奸

    criminal conversation.

  2. 与女人私通

    to intrigue with a woman.

  3. 同某女人私通

    intrigue with a woman.

  4. 私通, 不守贞节

    conjugal infidelity

  5. 私通除外,是的。

    Aside from the adultery,yes.

  6. 私通除外,是的。

    Aside from the adultery, yes.

  7. 私通另一个党

    Intrigue with another party.

  8. 他和某个姑娘私通。

    He had already contracted a liaison with some girl.

  9. 他控告她与人私通。

    He accused her of adultery.

  10. 私通, 奸情私下的恋爱事件

    A clandestine love affair.

  11. 我想知道他私通的内情。

    I want the dope on his criminal connections.

  12. 大胆奴才!你竟敢私通主母。

    How dare you seduce your master.

  13. 于是他就控告安妮与人私通。

    So he accused her of adultery.

  14. 这个将军私通自己国家的敌人。

    The general connived with the enemies of his country.

  15. 他们私通纯粹是受淫欲的驱使。

    Their affair was driven by pure lust.

  16. 他们对私通一事并不避人耳目。

    They have been rather indiscreet about their affair.

  17. 据说那个法官与一个电影明星私通。

    The judge is said to have an illicit love affair with a film star.

  18. 她与朋友的丈夫私通,这真是伤风败俗。

    She's shamelessly having anaffair with her friend's husband.

  19. 他俩早就偷香窃玉, 暗自私通了。

    They have long indulged in illicit sexual relations.

  20. 他俩早就偷香窃玉,暗自私通了。

    They have long indulged in illicit sexual relations.

  21. 私通, 通奸并非夫妻的两人进行的性交

    Sexual intercourse between partners who are not married to each other.

  22. 你觉得和女人私通是件很有趣的事情吗?

    So you think it's funny to fornicate with loose women?

  23. 她和朋友的丈夫私通,故意引发了一连串危机。

    When she had an affair with her friend's husband, she wittingly set off a chain of crises.

  24. 他与别人私通的事情被揭露后, 他的妻子与他离了婚。

    His wife divorced him after the revelation that he was having an affair.

  25. 他举行记者招待会坦言他与秘书私通时,引起了轰动。

    He caused a sensation when he held a press conference and confessed to having an affair with his secretary.

  26. 你只要招架,斯托潘诺的私通曾被报纸大肆张扬。

    You just cover up, and stall, and clinch

  27. 到了晚年,卡托沉溺于女色,跟一个女奴私通。

    In his old age Cato became lascivious and misconducted himself with a woman slave.

  28. 这位年轻人过去曾和一个巡回剧团的女演员私通。

    The young man had been engaged in an intrigue with a girl who played in touring companies.

  29. 她和一个比她年轻得多的男人私通。沙特阿拉伯

    she was committing adultery with a much younger man.

  30. 当报纸披露了内阁大臣与人私通的行为时,他失宠了。

    The cabinet minister fell from grace when the newspapers published a report about his extramarital activities.


  1. 问:私通拼音怎么拼?私通的读音是什么?私通翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私通的读音是sītōng,私通翻译成英文是 have secret communication; commit adultery...

  2. 问:私通的拼音怎么拼?私通的的读音是什么?私通的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私通的的读音是,私通的翻译成英文是 extramarital

  3. 问:私通者拼音怎么拼?私通者的读音是什么?私通者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私通者的读音是,私通者翻译成英文是 fornicator

  4. 问:私通同居拼音怎么拼?私通同居的读音是什么?私通同居翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私通同居的读音是sī tōng tóng jū,私通同居翻译成英文是 living in fornication

  5. 问:私通案件拼音怎么拼?私通案件的读音是什么?私通案件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私通案件的读音是sītōngànjiàn,私通案件翻译成英文是 case of fornication

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