




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:sī shuō






  1. 私人的见解。

    《管子·任法》:“是以私説日益,而公法日损,国之不治,从此产矣。” 宋 苏辙 《龙川别志》卷上:“上以谦虚为贤,下以傲诞为高,於是私説遂胜而朝廷轻矣。”



  1. 网络
  2. doctrine of impartiality

  1. 这是咱私底下说说。

    This is between you and me.

  2. 这些话是私底下说得。

    These remarks are off the record.

  3. 这些话是私底下说的。

    These remarks are off the record.

  4. 私底下说,我不敢肯定他们明白了。

    Confidentially, I am not sure that it wasn't above their heads.

  5. 他声称告诉我的一些事是私底下说的。

    He claims he told me certain things off the record.

  6. 如果你对你的经理心存不满, 或者有疑问, 私底下说就行了。

    If you disagree with your manager, or have a concern, bring it up privately with your manager.

  7. 这是私底下说, 不过一位经理就要离职, 而你可能会是接任者。

    This is off the record, but one of the managers is leaving soon and you could be in line for his job.

  8. 厂里的人议论纷纷, 说他私下去抄肥。

    People in the factory are discussing his earning illegal income.

  9. 厂里的人议论纷纷,说他私下去抄肥。

    People in the factory are discussing his earning illegal income.

  10. 但是私底下和你说

    But, uh, between you and me.

  11. 私底下跟你说,我恨死我们老板了。

    Off the record, I hate our boss' s guts.

  12. 不该赢的球我不想赢, 我也用私聊对他说。

    I do not want to win the ball should win, I also told him that the use of Private Chat.

  13. 那小子说他喝的是私酿酒,对吧?

    That kid said he was drinking that moonshine, right?

  14. 和私闯住宅差不多,说真的

    It's the same as breaking and entering, really?

  15. 告诉我说不要玩弄私处,但是。

    And told me not to play with the parts, but.

  16. 你把这么私密的事随便跟别人说

    You just don't tell a casual acquaintance something that personal.

  17. 你的私衷不说出来我们怎能知晓?

    How can we know your thoughts if you don't speak them out?

  18. 你的私衷不说出来我们怎能知晓?

    How can we know your thoughts if you don't speak them out?

  19. 你说他把帽子摘了用嘴在她私处游弋?

    You're saying he took off his hat, and explores there with his mouth ?

  20. 她说, 你一个私生女, 还厚颜无耻地来找人家养你。

    She said, you are an illegitimate daughter, also have no shame to find people to support you.

  21. 偶尔的交心, 说些无关紧要的私己话, 能让老板觉着你贴心。

    Occasionally the heart, say be of no great importance of private words, can let boss feel close to your heart.

  22. 你对我说的话太无私了。

    You are speaking to me so selflessly.

  23. 说到底,很少有人能这样无私。

    Few people, when it comes down to it, are so selfless.

  24. 他说,他不会假公济私为他儿子安排那个职位。

    He said he wouldn't job his son into the position.

  25. 有人说,爱是无私的,我们应该给予更多的爱给他人。

    Some people said, love is selfless, we should give more love to others.

  26. 如果得出结论说无私的关怀已经不复存在,那就错了。

    It would be a mistake to conclude that unselfish concern has disappeared.

  27. 奥巴马说他为这些军人们无私和热忱的奉献精神感到敬畏。

    Mr. Obama said he is awed by what he called their selfless spirit and eagerness to serve.

  28. 大家都在谣传说这个歌手和那个足球运动员有一个私生女。

    They all say that the singer had a daughter out of wedlock with a football player.

  29. 我看着崛起小嘴的儿子说中秋把美丽无私地让给了别人。

    I looked at the rise of Carrions son, said MidAutumn Festival to the beautiful selflessly give someone else.

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